November 9 - November 13

Center Time Activities for this week!

Follow daily guide below or choose two activities each day.

Read Alouds

Seven Chinese Sisters


Sometimes I'm Bombaloo

Oonga Boonga



inclines and ramps

Building Ramps & Inclines

Building Ramps and Inclines

In The Seven Chinese Sisters, the six sisters travel up a mountain to rescue their baby sister from the dragon. Most mountains have an incline, or a surface that is slanted. Ramps are also a slanted surface.

Click here for examples.

This week, you can build inclines and ramps using boxes, paper towel tubes, or other materials. Use a ball or other object that rolls and experiment with how it moves on the incline or ramp.

SeeSaw Activity

Drama and Storytelling

Acting out Scenes

Acting out Scenes from Corduroy or The Seven Chinese Sisters

Act out a scene from Corduroy or The Seven Chinese Sisters, for example:

  • when Corduroy explores the department store,

  • when Lisa brings Corduroy home,

  • when the sisters rescue their baby sister from the dragon.

Choose one or two scenes and act them out.


Drawing & Writing

Drawing to Music

Drawing to Music

Create drawings while listening to music. In Oonga Boonga, baby Louise’s grandpa played music with his harmonica to soothe her. Music can make people feel many different ways. This week, you can create drawings while listening to music for inspiration. You can choose from this music [linked below] or listen to other music that you enjoy.

Charlie Parker

Tito Puente


SeeSaw Activity

Science & Sensory

Water Play with Bottles

Water Play with Bottles

This week you can experiment with pouring water in and out of empty plastic bottles. You can move the water fast or slow. You can fill up bottles part of the way or to the top.

Think about...

What do you notice when you pour the water from one bottle into another?

What happens when you change the height of where you are pouring from?

Wednesday: No School Veteran's Day



Beautiful Stuff Collage examples

Collaborative Collage

Collaborative Collage

Find some materials from your Beautiful Stuff collection or around your home, for example, bottle caps, ribbon, or cardboard from boxes. Arrange the materials how you like and glue or tape them to a piece of cardboard or paper to make a collage.

See examples here.

SeeSaw Activity




Rock Pose

Practice the Rock pose.



Shape Sorting

Shape Sorting.

Collect objects of different shapes from around your home. Looking at the face of each object, sort them into piles by shape. For example, you can put objects that have a face with 3 straight, connected sides in a triangle pile. Objects with a face of four straight sides and four right angles will go in a rectangle pile.

SeeSaw Activity

Outside Time

inclines and ramps

Ramps and Inclines

Ramps and Inclines

When you are outside this week, you can search for ramps and other inclines. Notice where you find them. Count how many you find.

Quiet Time Resources

Supplemental Activities (for when you have extra time!)