November 30- December 4

November 30-December 4 K1 Mozart Schedule


Center Time Activities for this week!

Follow daily guide below or choose two activities each day.

K1 Mozart Nov 30-Dec 4 Center Menu

Read Alouds

Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza

Matthew and Tilly

Matthew and Tilly en español

A Letter to Amy

Who Works at the Grocery Store

Where's 1

Road Builders

With Music and Sound Effects!

Markets Around the World


Drama & Storytelling

Grocery Store Play

Watch and listen to the video above for directions

In The Little Red Hen Makes A Pizza, the hen went to the grocery store to buy ingredients for her pizza.

Using empty boxes, containers, and bags, you can create a grocery store. You can use paper to make pretend money. You can shop as a customer or work at the grocery store. You could be a cashier--the person who works at the cash register--, a bagger--the person who puts the groceries in bags, or a manager--the person in charge.

Save your grocery store to add signs tomorrow!

To see just the images click here


The Cupid Shuffle

Take time for some movement and learn the Cupid Shuffle!


Writing & Drawing

Grocery Story Signs

Watch the video for directions!

In grocery stores and supermarkets, foods that are similar are placed together and labeled with a sign. This week, you can make grocery store signs that you can use to play Grocery Store. Draw pictures of different foods and other items. Look at the pictures for ideas!

Add the pictures to the Grocery Store you built yesterday!

Put a photo of the signs on SeeSaw

Grocery Store Signs



Mountain Pose

Try Mountain Pose. See if you can make yourself tall, so you are high in the sky, while you plant your feet firmly so you are strong and grounded.

Sorting Groceries resource



Matthew and Tilly Neighborhood Images

Building a Neighborhood

Video directions coming soon

Just like A Letter to Amy and The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza, Matthew and Tilly takes place in a neighborhood, or the area around their homes.

What do you notice about Matthew and Tilly’s neighborhood? Like last week, you can construct a neighborhood using empty boxes and containers, or building toys. Maybe you’d like to add a sidewalk like the one in Matthew and Tilly?

Outside Time!

Play Outside!

Spend some fun time playing outside


Science & Engineering

Solids and Liquids

Watch these two Video for directions and inspiration

1.Watch the video for directions

2. Find solids and liquids in your home.

3. Get two containers and fill one with solids you find and the other with liquids you find. If an object is too big to fit, you can draw a picture of it and put the picture in the container.

4. Put a photo on SeeSaw of your work!


Where's 1


Look at the slides above to count

OR Listen to the READ AlOUD

Ask a family member to read the slide with you OR listen to Ms Deborah read the story in the READ ALOUDS at the top. OR look at the slides yourself to count them.

After the story - count around your house!



Texture Rubbing

Texture Rubbing

Video directions coming soon

In Matthew and Tilly, Matthew broke Tilly’s crayon by accident Today in the Art Center, you can experiment with crayons using a technique called texture rubbing. Lay a piece of paper over a material. Make sure the paper is secure--doesn’t move around. Then, rub a crayon on the paper. {demonstrate with a coin or other semi-flat object}. What do you notice? When I use the flat side of the crayon instead of the pointed side, we can see the texture of the object

Outside Time

Play Outside!

Supplemental Activities

Construction Site Field Trip!

Grocery Story Field Trip!

Street Markets Around World

Language & Literacy

5 Juicy Apples

5 Juicy Apples Poem

Ten Little Rabbits

Fry Bread

The Thankful Book

Kunu's Basket