March 29 - April 1

Letter Work This Week (O and P) click corners to enlarge

Letter O Video

Click to enlarge

Letter O Games

Letter O

Interactive Slide

Letter P Video

Click to enlarge

Letter P Games

Letter P

Interactive Slide

Letters O and P.pdf

OP Writing Pages

Take a photo of finished pages and post to SeeSaw

O and P Activities.pdf

OP Activities

Take a photo of finished work and post to SeeSaw

Read Alouds

The Lion and the Little Red Bird

Dog's Colorful Day

Nana in the City

The World of Color

Color Books

choose one!

This week

Drama & Storytelling

Lion's Cave

In The Lion and the Little Red Bird, the lion lived in a cave. You can listen the story again and look at the pictures above. Think about what you notice about the exterior-the outside-of the cave? Think about what you notice about the interior-the inside-of the cave? This week in Drama and Storytelling, you can use Beautiful Stuff or objects from around your home, like pillows and blankets, to make a lion’s cave and then pretend to be a lion like the one in the story.

1. Watch the video to see how I made a lion's cave at my house and look at these slides for more ideas

2. Build and play in your cave!

2. Go to SeeSaw and and post a photo of yourself in your cave


Mural Images

Mural Making

In The Lion and the Little Red Bird, the lion created a mural-a painting-on the wall of his cave. What do you notice? Click on the Lion's Mural to see Mural's by other artists. How are they similar/different from the lion’s mural? This week in Art, you can create a mural using paper bags, markers, and other materials. Click through the slides below to see directions for "how to make a mini-mural"

  1. Look at the murals

  2. Look at the directions

  3. Make your mural

  4. Post a photo on SeeSaw!

Howto create a “mini mural”

Drawing & Writing

Dog's Colorful Day Images

My Colorful Day Book

In Dog’s Colorful Day, most of Dog’s spots were created from the different colors of things he came across during his day What do you notice? This week, you can make a My Colorful Day book. On each page of your book, draw a picture of colorful things that you notice in and around your home or school. You can use these color word cards to help you write the names of the colors below your pictures.

Hybrid Families: We will do this "in-person" in school.

Remote Families: We will do this on Wednesday

Color Words


Makayla's Magnificent Machine

Makayla's Magnificent Machine

Ask someone in your family to read this book with you and talk about numbers


Animal Colors & Patterns

Watch and listen to this this story about Animal Camouflage.

Families: Use these slides for an optional Science Activity this week

K1 Unit 4 Week 3 Science


Lion Pose

For Families: Schedules for this week

Cohort A

Cohort A Schedule Mozart K1 3.15-3.19

Cohort A schedule for "in building" group

Cohort B

Cohort B Schedule Mozart K1 3.15-3.19

Cohort B schedule for "in building" group

All Remote Schedule

All REMOTE Cohort Schedule Mozart K1 3.15-3.19

Remote & anyone who is remote "for now"

Learning Apps

Work 10 minutes a day (50 minutes per week) on LexiaCore5

Work 10 minutes a day (50 minutes per week) on LexiaCore5

ABC Mouse

ABC Mouse is optional