December 7 - December 11


December 7 - December 11 K1 Mozart Schedule

Center Time Activities for this week!

Follow daily guide below or choose two activities each day.

K1 Mozart Dec 7 - Dec 11 Center Menu

Read Alouds


Matthew and Tilly

Hooray a Pinata

Golden Bear

I Love My Hair

Don't Touch My Hair

Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza

Where's 1


Drama & Storytelling

pretend money images

Grocery Store with Pretend Money

Like last week, you can create a grocery store using empty boxes, containers, and bags. You can use paper to make pretend money like this [ examples] and more signs. Remember, you can shop as a customer, or you can work at the grocery store. Click here for a reminder of the people who work at a grocery store [images ]


Movement: Lion pose or Giraffe pose

Try doing Lion pose or Giraffe pose.

Do you think Dandelion felt like roaring sometimes, like you do in Lion pose? Why or why not?

How does it feel to have a long neck like Jennifer Giraffe?




Last week you built neighborhoods like the ones we saw in The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza and Matthew and Tilly. Many neighborhoods have playgrounds. Playgrounds are a great place for friends to gather and play. Here are images of playgrounds. What do you notice? You can use Beautiful Stuff to construct a playground. See what kind of structures you can create for climbing, swinging, and sliding.

  1. Look at all of the playground photos!

  2. Build your playground!

  3. Go to SeeSaw and take a photo of your work (not a video)

Outside Time


When you are playing outside look to see if you notice any playgrounds or other things in your neighborhood that you could build!


Writing & Drawing

Making a Shopping List

In The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza, the hen made a list of things she needed to buy at the store. This week, you can make a list of items you might need from the store. You can draw pictures or write words to make your list.

  1. Watch the video for directions and inspiration

  2. Write your shopping List

  3. Go to SeeSaw and take a photo of your work

Look at the pictures here too without the directions


Elephant Breath

Elephant Breath

Practice Elephant Breath. Be sure to take a big breath in before you fold with your trunk and exhale.

Things to think about and talk to your family about:

How does it feel when you move your trunk up and down while inhaling and exhaling?

What did you shower yourself with?


Science and Engineering

Mixing Solids and Liquids

This week we will be learning about mixing solids and liquids. You will experiment with mixing different solids and liquids together and trying to take them apart. There are some suggested mixtures you can make, or you can come up with your own ideas.

Take a photo of one or more of your mixtures and put it on SeeSaw (not a video)


Get Just Enough!

This Game is on SeeSaw



Collaborative Art

Matthew and Tilly were friends. They collaborated, or worked and played together. Collaborate with someone at home to make a drawing. You can draw at the same time, or you can take turns drawing on the same paper.

Listen and watch the directions in the video above

Outside Time


When you are playing outside look to see if you notice any playgrounds or other things in your neighborhood that you could build!

Learning Apps

Work 10 minutes a day (50 minutes per week) on LexiaCore5

Work 10 minutes a day (50 minutes per week) on LexiaCore5

ABC Mouse

BC Mouse is optional

Supplemental Activities


Which Solids Dissolve


Mixtures & Solutions

Ten Little Rabbits

Street Markets Around World

Language & Literacy

5 Juicy Apples

5 Juicy Apples Poem

Road Builders

With Music and Sound Effects!

Construction Site Field Trip!