Binghamton Research Days Student Presentations

Matt Zuckerman - FINAL Research Poster_ ZUCKERMAN.pdf

Trump and the Coronavirus: Examining the Past to Improve the Future

Matt Zuckerman

Source Project, Scholars Program

Social Science

Mentor: Sonja Kim


There is no question that individuals across the globe have had to suffer and contend with the reality of the coronavirus pandemic; many lost family and friends, and felt as if their livelihoods were ripped apart as they had to suffer the shockwaves of unprecedented shutdowns and quarantine. Many within the United States must also grapple with the unanswered questions surrounding the pandemic, specifically at the national governmental level. A common sentiment is that former President Trump handled the pandemic poorly. This research argues that the former president contributed to a delayed and unsatisfactory response through decisions he made in rhetoric and policy. I assess decisions he made in handling the crisis through an examination of a variety of sources, including his own Twitter account and the responses of his White House Response Coordinators, most notably Dr. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx. Other sources include opinions from medical experts, CDC guidelines, as well as accounts from reputable journalists across political networks. My analysis of this collective information will provide insight into how pandemic responses should be reformed in the future in order to meet national and global public health demands. This will help to not only clarify and uncover pieces of the past for Americans, but also serve as a benchmark for future success in healthcare outcomes as it pertains to pandemics. It is only through an analysis of past-pandemic catastrophe that we may have any chance of improving in the future.