Binghamton Research Days Student Presentations

Julia DeMartino - BinghamtonBetterPoster.pptx-2.pdf

Focus Groups with School Age Children for Development of a Pediatric Wellbeing Picture Scale

Julia DeMartino, Madison Kozlowski, Sara Bocian, Kathryn Jones, Kelly Hu, Julia Cavalieri


Mentor: Judith Quaranta


This poster addresses the use of focus groups with school age children for the development of a Pediatric Wellbeing Picture Scale. The purpose of this research was to develop a picture tool to screen for wellbeing in school-aged children. The research design utilized focus groups, however the design had to transition from face-to-face sessions to virtual. To maximize participation in the virtual environment, developmental stages of the children had to be considered. Children were asked to 1) review an existing tool and provide feedback on the images; and 2) validate the findings. Conducting focus groups with this population while using an online video platform posed many difficulties. Issues with recruitment, participation, obtaining parental consent via Qualtrics, and child assent via Zoom are discussed. Ways to assure fidelity of the project are reviewed. Practical lessons learned from performing research during a pandemic are presented.