Binghamton Research Days Student Presentations

Jack Reppen - BinghamtonBetterPoster.pdf

Jewish Emigration and Satire in the 1970’s Soviet Union

Jack Reppen

Source Project

Arts and Humanities

Mentor: Sidney Dement


This is a case study which explains how emigration policy influenced anti-semitic and anti-Israel sentiment in the 1970s. Disinformation, being a crucial aspect of how tropes and stereotypes are spread, is defined as the intentional spread of false information for ideological gain. This influence can be measured through the reactionary nature of a politically charged group of people coupled with humor and satire, creating a vital ecosystem where false or misleading information spreads easily. In order to demonstrate this thesis, I draw on critical disinformation theory, arguing how its definitions are crucial to an understanding of why inaccurate and racist publications are made. I incorporate recent work in the emerging field of Disinformation Studies to explore the shifting historical functions of satire as an informational rather than purely entertainment based category. Misappropriation of satire, especially when a humorous intent is not clear, allows incorrect information to spread liberally across the world. When taking the microcosm of the Russian people to a broader sense, human tendencies around satire are uncovered, leading to effective disinformation campaigns. One example I address is the caricature drawn for the satirical newspaper “Krokodil.” This plays a vital role in expressing how a commentary on a political event can turn into a far greater social issue that promotes scapegoatism surrounding Jews that plan to emigrate. Additionally, the inability to trade with Palestinian clients coupled with strong American support of Israel and alleged “parasitism” of Jews in the Soviet Union led to undeniably racist publications to be supported.