Binghamton Research Days Student Presentations

Molly Kildow - Molly_Binghamton Research Days_Thematic Analysis.pdf.pdf

Using Thematic Analysis in Focus Groups with Children

Molly Kildow, Judith Quaranta

Social Science

Mentor: Judith Quaranta


Focus groups with school age children were conducted for the development of a Pediatric Wellbeing Scale. Qualitative research methods, such as focus groups, are useful when conducting research with young children. Focus groups allow for research subjects to share personal information based on their own life experiences and this elicits data that may have been more limited using quantitative research methods. Focus groups emphasize real experiences that can provide a rich data source to understand the child’s perspective. Developmental stages, age, education level, and life experiences must be taken into consideration when using children in research. Children's personal experiences are essential when conducting pediatric research to ensure that the findings are accurate and applicable to children. Using thematic analysis is an effective approach when working with focus groups data. Thematic analysis provides background on what process the researchers went through to understand the data and obtain results. This poster discusses the use of thematic analysis on data from children focus groups that were conducted over a series of sessions to create the Pediatric Wellbeing Picture Scale.