Binghamton Research Days Student Presentations

Yangzhou (Yao) Bian - Yao Thesis (Poster Session) pink.pdf

Application of Production Process on Translation of Dramatic Literature

Yao Bian, Mary Chattin, Caleb Dransfield, Zachary Sirkin

Arts and Humanities

Mentor: Barbara Wolfe


Surpassing literary and non-literary delineation, theater and performance translation has long being holding a unique position amongst all the types of linguistic and cultural transmission. Being concurrently a legitimate working document and stylized literature set up challenges as well as enables creative approaches to balance the key criterion of equivalence, relative autonomy and functionality. The project uses The Stronger, a dramatic monologue authored by the Swedish playwright August Strindberg, as the sample text to generate of an actable Chinese translation. The translation has adopted the principle of domestication by relocating the action to 1930s Shanghai to enhance audience accessibility. The experimentation is conducted through five phases: drafting, critical revision, rehearsal revision, performance and collaborative revision, and filming and reflective revision to examine how production process, acting in particular may assist preparation, revision and refinement of play translation. After applying adjustment to the initial document based on faculty review, the translator is to impersonate the only speaking role and reassess the draft from an actress’s perspective to generate the second revision. Three functional moment are then selected and enacted before a group of English-Chinese bilingual students, with their critical comments specifying direction for a third round of revision. This revision along with modified acting choices are to be filmed for peer review that will lead to the finalized translation. The findings from the progress expounds the benefaction and limitation of participatory and collaborative contribution, pointing to the potential of specialist translators and translation training amongst theater practitioners.