Binghamton Research Days Student Presentations

Catherine Ievolella - Chan, Ievolella, Rasco.pdf

Investingating the Link Between Adderall Abuse, Mood, and Diet in College Students

Catherine Ievolella, Evan Rasco, Danielle Chan

Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

Mentor: Lina Begdache


Unprescribed Adderall use on college campuses as a means of increasing cognitive ability has become an increasingly prevalent problem today. This research explores the question of how Adderall abuse may be influenced by a poor diet or mood. An anonymous online survey was administered through word of mouth and social media platforms, such as GroupMe. The survey included basic demographic questions such as age and gender, as well as questions on dietary patterns, lifestyle choices, mood, frequency of ADHD medication use, and symptoms experienced. The data was analyzed using Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, SPSS Version 25.0. In terms of diet, it was found that those who have taken Adderall were significantly more likely to have consumed frozen meals throughout the week, an indication of a low-quality diet. It was also found that those who reported being restless and fidgety during the past month were significantly more likely to have taken Adderall (p<.05). Those who reported being restless and fidgety were also significantly more likely to have consumed components of the Western diet, such as fast foods, pre-made foods, and sweets (p<.01) during the past week. Adderall abuse across college communities has been an increasing problem that has not been thoroughly acknowledged, so these results shed some light on the topic. Educating people about how their lifestyles may play a role in Adderall abuse is a step in the right direction to combat this problem.