Binghamton Research Days Student Presentations

Liminality and Information Under Semiotic Capitalism

Kate Marin, Sam Meyer

Summer Scholars and Artists Program

Social Science

Mentor: Joseph Leeson-Schatz


Our project assesses liminality and information under semiotic capitalism, and how it implicates modern resistance to its totalizing power. The poster will be separated into 3 parts: the first details a linguistic analysis of a variety of memos and transcripts from the time of the Capitol riot in January. We argue these events are representative of a certain political subject indicative of and necessitated by the modern sign economy. The second constitutes the process by which we developed a theoretical framework predicated on absence which we used to analyze this subject– hence the absence frame. The final part involves our discussion on how to resist an oppressive structure of information that obfuscates actionable strategies and movement-building tactics.