Binghamton Research Days Student Presentations

Exploring the Relationship Between Binge Drinking and Diet

Kyla Mintz, Jamie Berger, Isabel Goncalves, Michael Mitchell, Kelvin Xu


Mentor: Lina Begdache


This study assesses the relationship between binge drinking and consumption of a Western style diet. This study investigates whether an increase in alcohol consumption is correlated with eating habits that align with the Western diet. An anonymous online survey was administered through Google Forms, distributed via social media and word of mouth. The survey collected information regarding demographics and dietary, alcohol consumption, and exercise patterns. Our data was analyzed using SPSS version 25.0. The study results showed a significant positive correlation between memory loss from drinking and fast food and packaged food (r=.207, p=.05). The results also showed a significant positive correlation between alcohol consumption and weekly coffee and caffeine consumption (r=.161, p=.05). Further, there is a significant negative correlation between binge drinking and weekly fruit consumption (r=-.163, p=.05). In conclusion, results are trending toward a relationship between drinking and food choices that resemble the Western diet. More research is needed with a larger sample size.