

Reading Buddies

By Sara and Catherine

This we interviewed Ms. Towell's class about their buddy class and we asked them what they’re reading to their little buddy and also asked what they like. We also asked "what has been your favorite book so far?" When we interviewed Lila, she said that her little buddy likes to read Mo Williams and then we asked Andrew and he said he likes to read a bunch of random books, but just the ones that he wants to read. Then we asked what do you like about it and Lila said that ̈you get to help them learn and see them progress,̈ and then Andrew said, "I like to talk and be friends with him and socialize." And then we asked what has been your favorite book so far that you have read to you little buddy and Lila said "Lily Purple Plastic Purse "and Andrew said "Ven and Now"

Lila and Andrew

What do kids do in Lunch Detention?

By: Catherine and Sara

This week we interviewed Mr. Koehler, a 7th and 8th grade science teacher. He is also in charge of the announcements that people see most Mondays and middle school lunch detention. So we interviewed him about Lunch Detentions. We also interviewed two anonymous students what they thought about it.

First, we asked Mr. Koehler “What is the point of lunch detention?” and he said

“It is a consequence to students that don't have their materials in class and it is also a consequence for people that are distracting and not paying attention.” Next, we asked what they do kids do in lunch detention, and he said that, “When I’m there, they eat their lunch and they eat silently and sometimes I give them a PRIDE reflection sheet.” Lastly, we asked, “What lesson do you think it teaches the kids in there?” And he responded saying, “That their actions have consequence and sometimes they are good and sometimes they are bad.”

This week we also interviewed two anonymous people about lunch detention and asked what is the point of lunch detention and they said, ¨To punish people that leave their stuff at home,¨ and then we asked what they do in lunch detention and they said they, ¨Eat lunch and eat silently,¨ and then asked does if it teaches you a lesson and they said that ¨Lunch detention doesn’t teach you a lesson because you’ll just forget your stuff again because you have a bad memory.”

Classroom Conversation

By Sara and Catherine

On Tuesday, May 14. Sixth grade had an artist come to their class and do some rock arts so we asked two students and the artist herself what their experience was like.

We asked Janet Collamer what kind of art they were doing and she said, “We’re doing rock art.” Then we asked her how long has she been doing this?” She said about 10 years. Lastly, we asked about her inspirations for her art. She said that her inspirations are, “Aboriginal, Native American and Mexican arts.”

We asked Ella what was her inspiration for this art project and she said it was a flower. Then we asked Ginger and she said dots. Next we asked what they learned about the artist and Ella said, ¨She gets her inspiration from other cultures.” Ginger said that, ¨She lived in Mexico for awhile.¨ Lastly we asked what they enjoyed about this activity, and Ella said ¨I enjoyed that we get to make a certain design.¨ Then Ginger said that they get to paint and take a break from math.

4th Grade Field Trip

By: Catherine and Sara

Recently, fourth graders went to the state capitol in Salem, so we went and asked two students from Ms. Lowenbergs class about what their experience was like.

First interviewed Hayden. We asked him “What did you like about it?” He said “I liked how the capitol was huge and interesting. It was huge and all the marbles.” Then, we asked him what he learned, and he said “We learned the state seal and we learned about symbols and the meanings of it.” Lastly, we asked him one fact about the state capitol, and he said that this is the 3rd state capitol and the other two were burned down.

I asked Gracie what she liked about the Salem state capitol and she said that “I got to meet the governor” then we asked her what she learned and she said: “That the capital was made in 1939 and almost made out of all marble and the gold man is 23 feet tall” last a asked her one fact about the state capital and she said “that the state seal is hand carved.”



Third Grade Field Trip

By: Catherine and Sara

Last week on Thursday 3rd graders went on a field trip in Portland at the Hoyt Arboretum Park. So we asked two students from Mr. Le´s class and we asked them what they liked about their field trip.

First we asked Claire where they went, and she said “we went on walks and they told us how the trees grow and the the water from the soil, told them about folktales about pinecone and a bunch of hike.” Next we asked her what her favorite part about it was and she said “I like that we we’re in nature, with no buildings. Some of the trees were squishy and there were a lot of wild animals like bunnies and squirrels.” Lastly, we asked her what she learned and she said that she learned “the bark is squishy so it soaks up the water so it doesn't flood.”

Then, we asked Tashawn from 3th grade where they went for their field trip. He said that they went to the Hoyt Arboretum park in Portland. Next, I asked what he liked about it and he said “seeing the nature and walking around the park.” Lastly, I asked what he learned about it and he said that “the trees were there before the park.”



Kelly Point Park Field Trip

By: Catherine and Sara

6th, 7th and 8th graders went on a field trip on Friday, April 12, 2019, at Kelly Point Park to help pick up trash and pull out blackberry bushes. We asked some middle schoolers who participated of what they liked about the field trip, and what did they get from it.

What was your favorite part about the field trip?

Elise’s favorite part about the field trip was, “Taking out the blackberry bushes.” Next we asked Emily and she said, “Pulling out the blackberries.” Then we asked Ryder and he said “Picking up all of the trash because we found a torch in the parking lot with a sock at the end.” Last we asked Kyle and he said, “Seeing all the nature and helping the nature.”

What did you learn?

Elise learned that, “There are a lot of blackberry bushes that kills a lot of plants,” and Emily learned that, “Blackberries were were non-native and the Oregon blackberries was being overturned.” Kyle said, “To never litter.” Last we asked Ryder, and he learned, “How to pick up trash.”

What does earth day mean to you?

Lastly, we asked Elise what Earth day meant to her and she said it's, ¨A day to honor the Earth and how great it is for us.¨ Next we asked Emily and she said, ¨Earth day is a way to appreciate the Earth because we haven't been appreciating the earth in a long time.¨ Then Kyle he said that it means, ¨To help out the environment.¨ Following is Ryder, and he said that he cares about the Earth but Earth Day doesn't really mean anything to him.





Ms. Towell Classroom Conversation

By: Catherine and Sara

We interviewed Ms. Towell’s 5th grade class and the questions that we asked was about their book that they read in class and asked about the explorers that they did a project on recently.

First we asked Sophia about the “I survived books.” She said, “We read it to our little buddies and that it was a good way to share what has happened throughout the year.” And her favorite part in the book was the group of friends. Last was her explorer, and it was William Barnes. What he did was the he was a Polish explorer and they named different foods after them.

Next, we interviewed Sawyer and he said, “We made ‘I survived books’ about fifth grade, it's like the one in class we read, but it’s about fifth grade.” He also read I survived books and his favorite ones were. ¨I liked the ‘Joplin Tornado’ and the ‘Mt. St. Helens’, because my mom was in that event.¨ His favorite part about the explorers was making the presentation about Ferdinand Magellan and his travels.

Sophia and Sawyer

Mr. Rosenquist Classroom Conversation

By: Catherine and Sara

We went to Mr. Rosenquist 5th grade classroom and interviewed two students which are Danica and Jack, about the water cycle and What their opinions are on chocolate milk.

First we asked ¨What's one thing you learned about the water cycle?¨ Jack said that he learned that evaporation does not only happen in the ocean but it can from plants too. Danica said, ¨We learned what condensation is. It’s when water turns into clouds.¨

Then, we asked ¨What is your opinion on Chocolate Milk in schools?¨ Danica said, ¨We should have chocolate milk because some kids don't get their daily dairy dose because some kids don't like unflavored milk, they only like flavored milk.¨

Jack said, ¨That we should have chocolate milk in schools because its good and sweet.¨

Danica and Jack

Class Interview

We went to Ms Muskat’s 2nd grade class and we interviewed one student about the Panther Press.

The student we interviewed was Creo.

We asked him if he has heard of the Panther Press. He said that he hasn’t heard of the Panther Press and when he reads about it he “wants to see how the school operates, like how the school works.” Then, we asked him if he would like to either have a paper version or an electronic version and he said, “I would like a paper version.”

We also asked Ms. Muskat about the newspaper, and she said that she has heard of the Panther Press and she’s aware of it. She would also like a paper version of the Panther Press for her class.

Ms. Shier’s Class

By Catherine and Sara

This week we interviewed Ms. Shier’s Media Lab, which is a mix of 7th and 8th graders. We interviewed Naya and Chloe. We asked them the following questions: “What are you currently doing in Media lab,” “Describe what your poem is about,” and, “What’s your most favorite thing to do in Media lab?”

Both Naya and Chloe says that they are making blackout poems. Blackout poetry is where you find a page in a book and you try to make poems with words that already on the page and you black out the other words that you don’t need.

Next we asked them what their poem is about and Naya says that her poem is about, “Two girls named Helga Fooled Otis and Sally.” Chloe says that her poem is about Making friends.

Lastly, we asked what they liked to do in Media lab and Naya says that her favorite thing is, “Making cool projects.” And Chloe says that she likes, “Doing all the cool videos and projects.” Thanks Media Lab!!