How to Corner

How To Say Goodbye To The Panther Press

By Micah Handorff

The end of the year is coming up, and summer is just around the corner. The school year is coming to an end and I can't believe how far we have come. This year has been a good one, and everyone has learned a ton. The Panther Press has released news for Raleigh Hills for a good portion of the year, and has had contests and articles for the rest of the school to read and participate in. I asked Mar Ubiergo what her favorite part of the Panther Press was and she said, “I liked working with the paper team, as well as creating the newspaper and seeing the smiles on teachers faces as I handed the most recent article to them.” I then asked Tony what he will miss the most about the Panther Press, he said that “I am going to miss writing articles about things I love for RHK8.” The Panther Press has been an amazing experience and I can't wait for next year!

10 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Summer

By: Ellie Lowenberg

Summer is coming up next week, and I don't know about you, but once the next school year starts, I always feel like my summer went to waste. By that I mean that some days in the summer, we all end up watching tv on the couch, but here are 10 ways to guarantee you'll have the best summer ever.

1- Head up to Council Crest with your friends. Council Crest is a park in Portland that is a viewing point of downtown Portland, and even Mt. Hood when the skies are clear.

2- Walk anywhere you can. If your meeting up with a friend, or in walking distance of a restaurant, you can just walk there. It'll most likely be a sunny day and then you can get easy exercise.

3- Water activities. Water is the perfect way to cool down in the summer, and if the air is too hot, pick up some water balloons or just turn on a hose and spray your siblings.

4- Learn a new skill. Last year, the Panther Press' own, Mar, had to learn how to solve a rubix cube and now she'll always know how. If you have a long flight, car ride, or just time at home, try to learn something new. Check out Micah's how- to page for ideas.

5- Write. If you continue to write creatively over the summer, you will be further ahead of your class when school starts next fall.

6- Go to the dollar store to get some summer supplies. There's a ton of fun stuff at the dollar store. Pick up some water guns, chalk, bubbles, beach balls, and more. It's super cheap and it'll make for a fun day.

7- Try a weird new drink at Starbucks. You can google weird drinks or just have the clerk pick for you. Who knows, it might end up being your new favorite.

8- Play a new sport. Try a sport that you've always wanted to be good at, have a friend teach you and practice whenever you can. Volleyball is a great on because you can play on the beach.

9- Take great pictures. Like learning a new skill there are a ton of photography crafts, like making a black light with a flash camera. Or pouring water on the ground to reflect an image.

10- Make slushies. I love making slushies when summer is too hot. Simply blend water, ice and whatever powder drink mix you like. And there you have your perfect (not 7-11) slushie.

When you have extra time one day, you can try any one of these activities, it will certainly clear up any and all boredom.

How to Keep Up With Reading Over the Summer

by Hannah and Micah

Summer is coming up and that does not mean that you should stop reading. Reading is for any time of the year! You can always start by setting a goal for yourself. One example would be before summer. You could say that you are going to aim to read for 20 minutes nightly. Stick to your schedule as much as possible. If you have any siblings, you guys can make a goal together and that way you guys can help each other meet your goal. Scientific studies have shown that reading is educational and can help improve memory, vocabulary, and stress levels. If you read a lot over the summer, you will also be well on track for the new school year. Enjoy your summer and get reading!

Visit the book review pages to look for some good books to read!

How to be a Member of the Panther Press

by Micah Handorff

The Panther Press is a group of enrichment students that write and design a school newspaper. It is a very fun role and there and lots of different jobs that everyone has. It is a lot of work because you have to finish your job every week, but it is very exciting to collaborate with others to get articles and stories out. I asked Mar Ubiergo what she thought about being a part of the Panther Press and she said, ”I think it allows us to have freedom in a class where we can write about what you want, where in other classes you might be forced to write about a certain topic.” I asked Tony Ludwig how to be a good part of the panther press and he said, ”You have to get articles out and work hard to meet the deadline so you make a positive difference in the paper.¨ So when you are in 7th-8th grade and you are in Mr. Lee’s enrichment, make sure to make a positive difference in the Panther Press.

How to Avoid Avengers Endgame Spoilers

By: Micah Handorff

You have probably heard of the new Avengers movie that came out following Infinity War. Endgame is 3 hours 2 minutes not counting about a half hour of previews. I have already been close to hearing multiple spoilers about the ending of the movie. To avoid spoilers, NEVER look anything about or related to endgame up before you have seen it. Also, make sure you are aware of how many of your friends have seen it and tell them that you haven't seen it yet and you don't want any spoilers. If they are a good friend, they will be sure not to spoil anything, If they are not, don’t talk to them until after you’ve seen Endgame.

In addition, if you are talking to a group of people that start talking about it, change the topic, tell them you have not seen it, or walk away and talk to someone else. When you do end up seeing the movie, make sure to enjoy your new Avengers movie and don’t spoil it!

How to Reduce Plastic Waste

By: Micah Handorff and Ellie Lowenberg

You probably don't realize exactly how much plastic you use in your day to day life. The amount truly adds up. Not only do you put this plastic into the Earth or ocean after you are finished with it, it also is made with electricity which is created by burning coal and oil, polluting the air and that adds to global warming. And worst of all, every piece of plastic and every plastic bag will always stay on the Earth, and the more used, the more the Earth won't be liveable, sooner. When you are trying to reduce the amount of plastic you are using, you will want to start by watching the amount of plastic bags you use. There have been many instances where giant whales or other marine life are killed by thinking plastic bags are food or jellyfish. In addition, these bags never really decompose. All that happens to them is they slowly get smaller and break into tiny and tinier pieces, which can end up being even more of a problem when you have little bits of plastic roaming the ocean. Humans produce 300 millions tons of plastic waste each year. If we keep on doing this, humans won't exist much longer. To eliminate your use of plastic, when you go to the store, use a paper bag, or better, a reusable bag. And when you pack your lunches, use a reusable container. With more and more people doing this, the amount of decomposing plastic in the oceans will slowly decrease and get to where it needs to be. Remember to use metal or no straws, and to always reduce, re-use, recycle.

Image from Don't Waste

How to Play the Trumpet

by Micah Handorff

The trumpet is a very fun instrument to play. To play a note, pucker lips together and make a buzzing noise. The trumpet has three valves. These you press in different orders to create different notes.

Now if you are interested in learning how to play the trumpet, or you are going to play the trumpet in a band and you get a trumpet, the first note you will probably play is a low C or a G.

These are some of the easiest notes to play because you don't have to press any valves down. Now after you start getting the hang of notes and fingering, you should start to learn how to read sheet music. After you start getting good at reading sheet music, you are on the road to getting good at the trumpet! Enjoy, and have fun!

How to Write a Short Story

By: Micah Handorff and Ellie Lowenberg

When you are writing a short story, you will want to start by finding or remembering a topic or story that interests you and that you think will interest other people. Remember that it is a short story, so you won't want to go into too much detail, otherwise you will probably lose the readers focus. Try to keep it between to half a page or two pages, again, this will keep the reader interested. Include all the important parts of a normal story. A beginning, middle and end. As well as characters, a setting, a problem and a solution. These are all the things you need for a short story outline, from there, you can get creative with your characters, setting and so on. I hope you enjoy writing your short stories!

How to win an argument

By: Micah Handorff

I am sure you get into arguments all the time. Here is how you could make your opponent better rethink their position in the argument. You will want to start by stating all of the evidence you have, this means that you are stating real facts. Don’t say things like “Because I am right”, or “Because I said so”. This is not real evidence and will make little to no impact on your opponent.

Next you will want to counter argue one of the good points they might have. This means that you can take there evidence and reverse it, using it on them. For example if your sister won’t share her gummy bears with you and she says that, “You can not have any because they are not good for you and they have a lot of sugar,” you could say to her, “True, they have sugar, but it makes no more of a difference to my health than it does to yours.” Using evidence in this way properly should make them better understand your opinion. Now try these tactics when you get into a small argument with your siblings or friends.

Now remember, this article is not in any way trying to support you arguing with your parents and elders, you should always listen to them and respect what they say, but if you are arguing about something silly like who gets more gummy bears, remember to use these tactics to better introduce your opinion. Now you too can become a fellow argument winner whether it be in a mock debate, or against your annoying sibling!

How to braid a fishtail braid

By Micah Handorff and Ellie Lowenberg

1. Start by dividing a section of your hair in half to make two


2. Then you take a small piece from one half and cross it over to the other half.

3. Repeat on the other side.

4. Continue repeating these steps until you run out of hair.

5.Now you have a fishtail braid!

How to Behave During a Meal

By: Micah Handorff

When you are eating in the lunch room with other people, your manners can make a large impact on them. You want to respect them and listen if they tell you something like to, “Chew with your mouth closed.” You should listen. You should also keep in mind general manners that you might follow at home, for example…. Keep your elbows off the table, and if you spill or get something on yourself wipe it off. Following table manners is actually pretty easy just remember to listen to other people and respect others. Thank you and enjoy!

How to Make gimp

By Micah Handorff and Ellie Lowenberg

  1. Start with two pieces of different colored gimp about the same size.
  2. Form a cross with one piece vertical and the other piece horizontal.
  3. Then you take the top part of the vertical strain and you loop it around.
  4. Take the right side of the vertical string and move it next to the left.
  5. You take the left end of the horizontal string and loop it up.
  6. Loop the top part of the horizontal string through the vertical loop.
  7. Pull all the strings tight.
  8. Then you take the two pieces that are the same color and make loops over top of the gimp.
  9. The next step is to take the two remaining strings and put them under and over the loops.
  10. Pull it tight
  11. Repeat until string ends are smaller
  12. Do a final knot and don't pull it tight
  13. For each loop that's up, put the string of the same color through that loop and pull it tight
  14. Cut the ends off
  15. You're finished! You can now turn your gimp into a bracelet or a keychain.










How to Make Mr.Lee’s Smoothie


First Blend

1 Banana

½ Cup of Frozen Berries

½ Cup of Spinach

2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar

1 Cup of Almond Milk (or Regular Milk)

Second Blend

1 Teaspoon of Chia Seeds

1 Tablespoon of Flax Seeds (Ground)

2 Tablespoons of Crunchy Peanut Butter

½ Cup of Honey Yogurt


  1. Put the “First Blend” ingredients into a blender (Mr. Lee uses a Ninja 900 Watt Blender Bullet). Put them into the container as they are listed.
  2. Blend to the count of 15.
  3. Then add the “Second Blend” ingredients.
  4. Blend again to the count of 15.
  5. Pour into a glass and enjoy your new favorite breakfast!

How to Fill Out a Bracket for March Madness

By Micah Handorff

NCAA March Madness is coming up soon, and you should consider filling out a bracket. It is a fun way to compete with friends and see who is the closest to successfully predicting what happens in the men's basketball tournament. You don't have to be super familiar with the basketball teams or players. In fact, a bracket is more luck than skill because almost every year, an upset happens when a team predicted to do well in the tournament loses to a team that is not known to be very good.

Remember to fill out your brackets soon! March Madness starts Tuesday, March 19th! Remember that there is no wrong answer and any upset can happen. Have fun filling out your bracket!

How to Ride a Bike

By Micah Handorff

When you are trying to learn how to ride a bike, try to find a good smooth paved area with not very many cars to start practicing. Always wear a helmet and make sure that there is always an adult nearby. You should start by pushing off of the ground and trying to coast with your feet on the pedals. You may need a adult to give you a push so you gain momentum. As soon as you can push off and get started by yourself all you need to do is practice keeping the momentum by pedaling your feet. Remember, the more you practice the easier riding your bike will become. Have fun, and be safe!

How to make Guacamole

By Micah and Luka

First you want to get some firm avocados. You will then want to start by cutting each avocado in half and taking out the pit. (You may need adult help with this part.) The next step is to scoop the avocado out of its shell and put it into a bowl. After that, you will want to mash the avocado with potato masher or a fork. When it is mashed to a good amount, add garlic, salt, cilantro, lime, and jalapeno to taste. Finally you have a nice bowl of guacamole to put in a burrito, taco, or dip chips in. Enjoy!

How to Pick a Good Fit Book

By Micah Handorff

When you pick a book for yourself, there are multiple things that you should do. Start by reading the back cover and the first page or two. Try to use the five finger rule and hold up a finger for every word you don’t know. If you go past five fingers on one page, this book is too challenging for you.

Before you take a book off of the shelf, think of the genre that you are looking for. Then, think to yourself about what topics you are interested in, or what you might want to read.

Once you finish reading the back cover and the first page or two, think to yourself these questions:

    • “Is this a book that I could read aloud fluently?”
    • “Do I enjoy this topic?”
    • “Do I understand almost or all of the words on a page?”
    • “Could I finish this book in a reasonable amount of time (about a week)?”

If you think yes after going through all of these questions, dig in and enjoy!

How to make chocolate chip cookies

By Micah Handorff

Heat an oven to 375 Degrees Fahrenheit. You may want a parent’s help with this, make sure to talk to them before you use the oven.

In a bowl, mix together ¾ cup granulated sugar, ¾ cup brown sugar, one cup softened butter, one teaspoon vanilla, and one egg (mix until blended). Then stir in 2 ¼ cups all purpose flour, one teaspoon baking soda,and ½ teaspoon salt.

After you finish doing that, finally stir in 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips (the dough will be stiff at this point). Then drop rounded tablespoons of dough about two inches apart onto a ungreased cookie sheet.

Finally, cook for 8-10 minutes until lightly brown (center will be soft). Cool them for a few minutes on a cool wire rack and enjoy your cookies!!!

Special thanks to for the amazing recipe!