Beaufort County Schools
March Board Meeting Highlights
Good News
Mr. Paul Huggins, Director of Digital Media and Innovative Technology, was recognized for being named 2022 Regional Technology Director of the Year for the Northeast Region.
Mrs. Andrea Lilley, Chief Academic Officer, was recognized for completing the aspiring Superintendent Leadership Program.
Dr. Matthew Cheeseman, Superintendent of Beaufort County Schools, was recognized for his recent completion of the doctoral program at East Carolina University.
Board of Education Pictures
The Board of Education had pictures taken this month. We are so excited to start showcasing these fantastic members that comprise the BCS Board!
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of March 1st, March 17th, and March 22nd minutes were approved as presented
New Business
Board approved the payment for materials purchased and received by the vendor on capital projects prior to completion of a project
Reports and Updates
The Soccer Project at Washington High was discussed again, no action was agreed upon.
Implementation of an outside substitute staffing and management for BCS was approved. This will begin in Fall of 2022.
Capital Outlay Projects that were approved:
Northeast Elementary bleacher repair- Custom Carpentry, LLC for $8,250 to complete
SW Snowden Elementary intercom system repair- NC Sound of Goldsboro for $6,424 to complete
Capital Outlay request was presented for review
School visit schedule set for March 21- 23
HVAC Upgrades for the district to be completed by Brady, Morrisville NC
BCS Outreach and Marketing Plan was presented. Communication in the county has increased with our use of 3 social outlets (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook), introduction of 2 new podcasts, newspaper & radio entires. In the coming months digital school site signs and billboards will also aide in communication.
Schools nutrition provided an update on changes being made coming out of the Covid pandemic & how it will affect the financial impact on student meals.
The boat building has started construction at Washington High School- pictures and updates provided.
Digital signage for Central Services and all school sites is still a work in progress. The PIO is working on getting quotes, artwork and phase proposal together for the next meeting.
Superintendent Report
Approved Field Trips:
Southside High- Cheer Competition in Myrtle Beach, SC March 18- 20
Southside High- FFA Mega Conference in Greensboro, NC March 18-20
Northside High- Senior Trip in Williamsburg, VA May 20-21
Bath Elementary- Science Olympiad in Raleigh, NC March 22-23
Northeast Elementary- Envirothon Competition in Burlington, NC March 29-30
Superintendent Dr. Matthew Cheeseman presented information to the Board concerning Senate Bill 654 requiring that each Board of Education vote monthly on mask mandates. By majority vote, the Board approved to continue making masks optional in the schools.
Cognia Accrediation information about their visit March 28- 30 was reviewed and schedule discussed
Capturing Kids Hearts Program was addressed and other comparables proposed. Will vote at a later date on the adoption of a program.