Cultural Transition Resources

Intercultural Understanding and Adjustment

Studying away can bring significant adjustments as students respond and acclimate to new environments, cultures, people, and forms of communication in a country different than their own. Upon acceptance, APU Study Away participants are provided access to a Canvas site where preparation resources and forms for their program are available. Materials include but are not limited to: Study away academics (registration information), health and safety, forms and assignments, resources (safety, communication, participant expectations, wellness, passport/visa information processing, packing, flight itinerary, lodging reservations, cultural awareness and preparation, post-program resources, etc.). 

Continue to explore all online resources. 

We also recommend students to engage in the Global Scholars Program that has helpful online resources to understand cultural adjustment, intercultural communication, and other topics relevant to studying and living across cultures. 

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) -  

Cultural Transition Resources

Transitioning into another environment can be both exciting and stressful. Developing coping strategies in advance of this transition is an important way to manage the unknown situations you could encounter during your Study Away program. Read and reflect on the following resources. Share your conclusions with a family member, friend, or a representative from the Center for Career and Community Engaged Learning/Study Away Office. 

Reflection Activity

Excerpt from: Abarbanel, J. (2015) ‘For Study abroad Professionals, Supporting Resilience in Transition. A Guide for Conversations with Students about Emotional Health. Available online at: