7th Grade
Visual Arts




Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Compositional awareness

  • Contour drawing

  • Creating illusion of space

  • Editing/ revising

  • Grid measuring strategy

  • Observational drawing

  • Surface quality awareness/texture

  • Shading techniques-achieving value

  • Thumbnail sketches

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Additive and subtractive processes

  • Hand building techniques

  • Planning sketches

  • Scoring and slipping

  • Use of clay tools

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Apply art vocabulary in expressing thoughts/opinions

  • Considering the thoughts/ideas of others

  • Critical thinking

  • Developing, expressing and defending your opinion

  • Interpreting the meaning in artwork

  • Putting one’s ideas into words

  • Self-assessment of one’s own work

  • The ability to make historical/cultural connections

Color Theory Painting

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Applying color schemes

  • Blending colors

  • Brush care

  • Choosing color schemes

  • Recognizing color schemes

  • Shading