Report Cards

Grading System

Unweighted GPAs are calculated each marking period using the chart below to determine honor roll status and extracurricular eligibility. Each letter grade carries a point value. Each point value is multiplied by the credit equivalent of the course and the sum of these values is then divided by the total number of credits earned to arrive at a GPA.

For the purpose of averaging term trades, final exam mark, and final grades, the following numerical and letter grade scale is used:


97-100 = A+

93 - 95 = A

90 - 92 = A-

Very Good

87 - 89 = B+

83 - 86 = B

80 - 82 = B-


77 - 79 = C+

73 - 76 = C

70 - 72 = C-


67 - 69 = D+

63 - 66 = D

60 - 62 = D-


0 - 59 = F

The following letter grades may also appear on report cards:

  • I = Incomplete *

  • MN = Excused from PE for medical reasons

  • NC = No credit due to attendance

  • P = Pass

  • W = Withdrawn

*Students have 10 days to make-up work before a report card grade is calculated. All fourth quarter incomplete work must be made up by July 1 unless other arrangements are made with the teacher through the school counselor and approved by an administrator. For information regarding "Academic Probation," see the Athletic Academic Eligibility section of the Athletic Handbook.

Report Cards

Student grades are posted regularly by class in PowerSchool. Students and parents are encouraged to monitor academic progress throughout the school year. Official student progress will be reported to parents at the end of each quarter through report cards which are distributed electronically to parents via SchoolMessenger. (If needed, printed copies of report cards can be requested from the school’s main office.)

Parents who wish to have any additional information about their child’s progress or placement should contact the school counseling office.

Recognition of Academic Achievement/Academic Excellence

Every student is eligible for recognition at the end of each quarter based on the criteria below. Based on a 4.3 GPA scale, students who earn between a 4.0 and a 4.3 GPA will be awarded a certificate for Academic Excellence and their name will be published in the newspaper, and students who earn between a 3.5 and a 3.99 GPA will be awarded a certificate for Academic Achievement and their names will also be published in the newspaper. A blank grade or a pass (P) will not be counted. Any D, incomplete (I), or failing grade (F) will mean elimination from the recognition.