8th Grade
Health Education

Healthy Heart Living

Violence Prevention

Growth and Development

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Recognizing a life threatening emergency

  • Stroke: recognizing, causes, treatment

  • Safety as it relates to a life threatening emergency

  • Choking: recognizing, causes, treatment

  • How to perform CPR/Heimlich technique

  • Healthy heart living (e.g., risk factors, exercise, and nutrition)

  • Risk factors for heart disease, stroke, choking

  • Learn the correct use of an AED

  • Heart attack symptoms/treatment

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Vocabulary and terms relating to violence and communication

  • Recognize the cycle, effects and types of violence (e.g., domestic, dating/acquaintance, harassment, hate crimes)

  • Understand the elements of a healthy relationship

  • Resources for help

  • Active/passive listening

  • Refusal skills

  • Recognize assertive, aggressive, passive behaviors

  • Factors that influence communication (prejudice, perception, values)

  • Conflict resolution

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Vocabulary relating to Growth and Development – STI / STD

  • Coping with the results of sexual behaviors

  • Male and female reproductive anatomy

  • STI/STD prevention, transmission, symptoms and short/long-term effects on the body

  • Pregnancy and birth

  • Physical, emotion, social, financial effects of sexual activity

  • Types of contraception (e.g., abstinence, pill, etc.)

  • HEAP—Interpersonal Communication

  • Recognizing and reacting to internal / external influences on sexual behaviors

  • Risk factors relating to sexual activity

Consumer Health

Substance Abuse

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Vocabulary and terms relating to consumer health

  • Effects of pesticides, bacterium, chemicals on the body

  • Analyze product safety

  • Factors that influence product choice

  • Analyze food safety

  • Use vetted websites to research and analyze products

  • Resources for help

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Vocabulary and terms relating to ATOD use, misuse and abuse

  • The effects of drugs on the brain

  • Recognize / resisting peer pressure (refusal skills)

  • Long/short-term effects of ATOD use on self and others

  • Effects of ATOD use, misuse and abuse on the body

  • Recognize protective and risk factors that influence use and non-use

  • Recognize the addictive process

  • Decision making process