6th Grade
Physical Education

Team Sports
Basketball, Team Handball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Speedball, Volleyball, Softball

Racquet Sports
Tennis, Badminton, Pickleball

Individual Activities
Golf, Bowling, Track & Field,
Tumbling, Outdoor Recreation

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Establish rules for unit; exhibit fair and safe playing procedures

  • Develop and perform skills and concepts of each sport

  • Select appropriate instruction level for improvement

  • Identify and perform sport specific concepts during game play

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Establish rules, guidelines, and etiquette for sport

  • Identify and demonstrate the different strokes

  • Identify parts of the racquet and other equipment used

  • Appropriately demonstrate the serve and game shots

  • Demonstrate proper grip

  • Apply knowledge and skills in game-like situations

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Establish rules, guidelines, and etiquette for sport

  • Benefits of exercise

  • Identify skill techniques and correct use of implements

  • Apply knowledge and skills in game-like situations

  • Cooperation and teamwork

  • End of unit routine, competition or contest

  • Balance and coordination

  • Modify game to increase fitness level

  • Relate activity to being physically fit

Fitness and Dance
CT Fitness Testing, Personal Fitness, Dance, Weight Room, Aerobics, Yoga, Pilates

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Use of pedometers

  • Balance and coordination

  • Levels of fitness

  • Relate activity to being physically fit

  • Heart Rate (resting, target)

  • Benefits of exercise

  • Cooperation and teamwork

  • Components of physical fitness

  • Maintain rhythm

  • Apply technology to track and enhance fitness