8th Grade
Social Studies

United States History

Founding a Republic

Growth of the Early Republic

Age of Jackson

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of significant events and themes in United States history (HIST 8.1 )

  • Evaluate the impact of the United States Constitution on the lives of United States’ citizens (CIV 8.2)

  • Explain United States citizens’ rights and responsibilities under the Constitution (CIV 8.1)

  • Describe examples of conflicts that have been resolved through compromise (HIST 8.9)

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Access and gather information from a variety of primary and secondary sources including electronic media (INQ 6–8.6)

  • Evaluate the growth of the United States economically, geographically, and politically in the Federal Era (GEO 8.3)

  • Describe examples of United States influence on other cultures and world events (GEO 8.2)

  • Identify/analyze specific factors that promoted growth and economic expansion in the United States (agrarian vs. industrialization) (ECO 8.1)

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Interpret information from a variety of primary and secondary sources including electronic media (HIST 8.7)

  • Describe the influences that contributed to American social reform movements (HIST 8.9)

  • Evaluate the political changes of the Jacksonian Era (CIV 8.3)

  • Analyze the contributions and challenges of different groups in the United States over time (HIST 8.2)

Age of Expansion & Reform

Antebellum Conflict

Civil War and Reconstruction

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Orally present or debate information on social studies events or issues and support with primary and secondary source evidence (HIST 8.10)

  • Analyze maps and charts to support conclusions about historical events (e.g., Texas War of Independence, Mexican War, etc.) (GEO 8.2)

  • Evaluate the causes, goals, and outcomes of mid-19th century reform movements (CIV 8.3)

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Create various forms of written work to demonstrate an understanding of history and social studies issues (HIST 8.10)

  • Explain how specific individuals and their ideas and beliefs influenced American History (HIST 8.4)

  • Identify and analyze specific factors that led to sectional conflict between the North and South in the 1850s (HIST 8.2)

Skills and Student Outcomes

  • Analyze the factors that contributed to the Civil War and its outcome (HIST 8.1)

  • Analyze the role of Connecticut in the Civil War and the attitudes to the Civil War in the state (HIST 8.3)

  • Analyze reasons that the Reconstruction era could be seen as a success and reasons that it could be seen as a failure (HIST 8.3)

Core Texts and Resources

The American Journey: The Early Years (Glencoe)

Supplemental Texts:

  • Junior Scholastic: The Current Events Magazine (bi-monthly series)

  • Newsela Social Studies digital learning platform

  • We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution: Level 2 (Center for Civic Education, 2007)

  • Massachusetts Troublemakers: Rebels, Reformers and Radicals (Paul Delia Valle, 2009)

  • Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave—An Adapted Classic (excerpts), 1995

  • The American Journey: Early Years in Graphic Novels (2012 companion to textbook)

  • Undefeated: Jim Thorpe and the Carlisle Indian School Football Team (2017)