Video Production Project

The purpose of the Video Production Project is to experience how outlining and planning are important for producing high-quality results.

Entry 1

We practiced typing in the correct script format to prepare to make our own, by watching a short film that someone else had made, picking a scene, and making a script for that scene.

ART script

Entry 2

We created a script for our mini-movie, which will be about a friend who accidentally ruins a piece of art. Here's the link to look at it:

Entry 3

Then we storyboarded the script, with super-simple panels showing what happens in each shot.

Entry 4

We then shot all the scenes, (With a LOT of struggle) finally getting a decent film and blooper reel.

Entry 5

We never actually had the chance to edit the film ourselves, but we put together all the shots so that Richard could edit for us. The film wasn't as good as I expected, and REALLY cringe, but for a first time, I think we did okay. 

Here's our Movie!

Describe the final results:

What do you know now that you didn't know when you started this project? Film making is a LOT harder than it looks, and very stressful. especially if your team always goofs off while you're trying to work.

What advice would you give to future students about this project? Use every moment wisely, and don't underestimate how fast time to film goes by.

What else would you like to try that you didn't have time for? Adding a blooper reel, and music for the film.

What proof do you have that shows you learned the project’s purpose? Our storyboard. planning out all of our shots and drawing how we wanted them to look really helped, and made us ever so slightly more organized.