Why choose AHS?

  1. Excellent examination results, eg in 2022:

        • Average 46.9 points per entry (equivalent to just under an A grade)

        • 61% of A Level grades were A or A*; 95.5% were A* - C

        • 83 students (42%) had AAA or better at A Level

        • 129 students (65%) had ABB or better at A Level

  2. Increased lesson time in Year 12 with most subjects having 5 hours per week

  3. High quality teaching and specialist teachers and challenging and enjoyable lessons

  4. Significant commitment to pastoral support to underpin learning and support all students

  5. Flexible study space options: Sixth Form Study Centre, Library and Dining Hall

  6. Commitment to helping students identify and achieve their 'next step' ambitions; dedicated and specialist support for Higher Education and careers guidance so that students make well-informed decisions

  7. Taking on real responsibility and a chance to develop leadership skills, including our Community Involvement programme in Y13

  8. Enhanced learning as a result of our BYOD policy

  9. Very high participation rates for D of E and other co-curricular opportunities

  10. Rated 'outstanding' by Ofsted

“Hearing about my friends’ [university] application process in different schools and other countries made me realise how lucky I was at AHS and how well prepared I was for university, compared to a lot of students.” (Student)