
A Level AQA 7132

Subject video

Business A level @AHS.mp4

Why study Business?

Are you amused and entertained by adverts, but wonder about their impact and target market? Do you want to learn about how your favourite products are made and sold? Or why brands like Apple, Tiffany’s or Ferrari can charge a premium price for their products? Maybe you enjoy watching Dragon’s Den and the Apprentice, or have your own ideas for a new product or service?

No matter what your vision, it’s all here in Business A Level, giving you an incredibly powerful start to launch your career with transferable skills and knowledge that will apply to and complement any subjects or career choice. Regardless of whether you’d like to become an entrepreneur or work for any organisation, the Business course will be relevant. You’ll learn about money and develop skills in budgeting and financial awareness. Studying people management helps you build leadership skills, while looking at recruitment allows you to develop an eye for what prospective employers are looking for.

Business A Level gives an overview to what the businesses all around us are doing, studying their management, finance, marketing and operations.

Destinations for AHS students who studied this subject are on display outside the subject classrooms

AHS students can use Unifrog to explore how this subject might be used in life after A Levels

Entry Requirements

You do not need to have studied Business before, but if you have studied it at GCSE, you need at least a grade 6.

You should have an interest in Business and be prepared to research and discuss business news and issues in class.

Special features of the course

The course starts with the practical issues of starting a business. You will often be put in the position of a manager and asked to use your knowledge and skills to suggest solutions to problems, or how best to take advantage of opportunities. There are lots of discussions in lessons and plenty of opportunities for working in small groups and presenting your ideas to the class.


All the following are optional:

Revision guides £10-£15

Business review magazine £15

Coca Cola factory visit £10

European city trip approx. £430

Where can I find out more?

Speak to Mr Morris (email

Subject Presentation

How is the course organised?

Year 1

1. What is business?

2. Manager, leadership and decision-making

3. Decision making to improve marketing performance

4. Decision making to improve operational performance

5. Decision making to improve financial performance

6. Decision making to improve human resource performance

Year 2

7. Analysing the strategic position of a business

8. Choosing strategic direction

9. Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies

10. Managing strategic change


Paper 1 written exam 2 hours 331/3%

Paper 2 written exam 2 hours 331/3%

Paper 3 written exam 2 hours 331/3%