Sixth Form Pastoral Team

Head of Sixth Form – Mr Ochiltree

Mr Ochiltree takes overall responsibility for coordinating the work of the Sixth Form team. As well as the usual Head of Year responsibilities, he works closely with Mrs Sutton to ensure that students get the best advice and preparation for their post-AHS futures, whether that be through the UCAS process or the other post-18 options that are becoming increasingly attractive. He works with students to coordinate the Current Issues programme that seeks to extend student awareness beyond the strictly academic boundaries of their different subjects. As Head of Sixth Form, he works closely with the School Leadership Team.

Deputy Head of Sixth Form – Mrs Sutton

Mrs Sutton takes responsibility for the transitions that shape Sixth Form life. She helps manage the applications from new students to join AHS, guides the new Sixth Form through their first weeks at AHS, and then supports our older students as they prepare to leave for higher education and work on Results Days. She is Head of Year for one of the Sixth Form year groups, so currently leads Year 13. Our Year 13 students work with Mrs Sutton as they research their post-AHS futures, prepare UCAS, job and training applications and she helps prepare them for interviews, admissions tests and getting ready for the world of higher education and employment.

Head of YearDr Falls

Dr. Falls is currently Head of Year 12, which means he is a fierce advocate for - and critical friend of - the students in his year group, supporting them when necessary, challenging them when he needs to and holding them to high standards all the time. Sixth Form Heads of Year stay with their year group through Year 12 and Year 13, and Dr Falls takes responsiblity for the academic and pastoral support for all students in his year group. To do that, he's ably supported by a fantastic team of form tutors, the Sixth Form team as well as the Wellbeing and SEND teams too. And somehow he manages to be integral to the English Department and the EPQ as well

Pastoral Support Assistant – Mrs Dalby

The PSA has responsibility for the essential day-to-day work behind the scenes that keeps the Sixth Form running smoothly, so Mrs Dalby is pretty indispensible. The PSA is the first point of contact for parents, and supports Form Tutors with a variety of tasks that underpin their pastoral role with students. She is the first point of contact for student enquiries about life in the Sixth Form and also coordinates the Community Involvement programme for Year 13s.

Mrs Westcott

Other Key People

Mrs Westcott supports our Year 12 and Year 13s through her work as Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead.

Mrs Nix keeps them healthy and strong in her role as Matron.

We are also lucky to have the additional expertise offered by Penny Chidgey who offers careers support and advice through her role as our Advia careers advisor.

Mrs Nix

“The Sixth Form is unique in comparison to other schools due to the immense support given to students from an academic perspective (presented through the numerous clinics) to the physical and mental well being validated and advocated in school. Furthermore, having started Sixth Form a month ago, the new girls from all walks of life have become like family in such a short space of time and have integrated into AHS seamlessly, showing how inclusive and diverse the Sixth Form at AHS truly is. Finally, during the past month, AHS has allowed me to grow both academically and as a person growing into a mature and articulate individual. I am thankful to AHS and the staff that have supported me thus far, especially during the start of Sixth Form.” (New Student)