Design and Technology

Product Design (3-D Design)

A Level AQA 7552

Subject Presentation

DT A Level @AHS.mp4

Why study Design?

This creative and thought-provoking qualification gives students the practical skills, theoretical knowledge and confidence to succeed in a number of careers, especially those in the creative industries. Students will gain a real understanding of what it means to be a designer, alongside the knowledge and skills sought by higher education and employers.

Destinations for AHS students who studied this subject are on display outside the subject classrooms

AHS students can use Unifrog to explore how this subject might be used in life after A Levels

Entry Requirements

The course builds on the skills and knowledge learnt during a GCSE course. You need to have gained a grade 6 in Product Design or another Design and Technology subject at GCSE. It is well suited to students who have an interest in designing and the way that technology affects our lives. Students who have studied any GCSE D&T subject are encouraged to consider studying this at A Level.

Special features of the course

Product Design is a problem-solving course that will enable you to develop a sound understanding of technology and its effect on society. The A Level focus is on design and industrial manufacturing and production processes that are used commercially. As well as being a stimulating course, it allows you to use your initiative, practical knowledge and creative skills in an original manner.

You will produce coursework portfolios that reflect your interests using creativity, flair and innovation. This portfolio can greatly help with entry in Design and Technology based courses at university.

We endeavour to run this course, even when numbers are small, by combining our class with the class at AGS. In the current Y12 cohort, our students go to AGS for lessons.


Students will benefit from the purchase of the textbook that covers the theory knowledge required for the A Level courses and the design and make tasks. Some specialist drawing equipment may be required for some tasks - students may wish to purchase their own.

Where can I find out more?

Please talk to Mr Potkin or come and see some of the practical and design work completed by the students and view details of the course on the AQA website. Alternatively, email Mr Potkin on

Have a look at the Design, Technology and Engineering section of the school website for examples of work by current students.

How is the course organised?

A Level Design and Technology: Product Design requires students to engage in both practical and theoretical study.

  • Core technical principles

  • Core designing and making principles

  • Additional specialist knowledge.


Paper 1 Technical principles 2½ hours 30%

Paper 2 Designing and making principles 1½ hours 20%

In addition to written papers, there will be a substantial design and make project which equates to 50% of the qualification.