Drama & Theatre


Subject Video

Drama A Level @AHS.mp4

Why study Drama & Theatre?

To develop your appreciation of Drama & Theatre through practical and theoretical studies to the point where you can direct, perform, analyse and respond to theatre at an accomplished level.

Destinations for AHS students who studied this subject are on display outside the subject classrooms

AHS students can use Unifrog to explore how this subject might be used in life after A Levels

Entry Requirements

A grade 6 in Drama or in a related subject (eg English or Dance) if you have not taken it at GCSE. It is advised that students wishing to enrol without having taken GCSE Drama have significant experience in performance and speak to Mrs Hughes before selecting this option. A genuine interest in all forms of drama and theatre, plus the ability to work with others, be adaptable, and cope with performance to an audience and examiners.

Special features of the course

This course is concerned with close study of plays and being able to lift the words from the page to the stage. You will experience all the elements of the process and you’ll be expected to go to the theatre at least three times a year and take part in theatre workshops. Year 12 students organise and run a Year 7 Drama Club.

The last six years has seen the advent of combined lessons with Aylesbury Grammar School; this has been a very successful venture allowing for a greater variety of performance texts to be aired.


Scripts £5 - £10

Optional recommended theatre trips £15 - £30 depending on location

Where can I find out more?

See Mrs Hughes at the High School or Mr Warner at Aylesbury Grammar School and any of the Year 12 or Year 13 Drama and Theatre students. You can also email Mrs Hughes on rhughes@ahs.bucks.sch.uk.

Have a look at the A Level Drama section of the school website for examples of work by current students.

How is the course organised?

Students will develop their understanding of the main theatre practitioners through a series of practical workshops. This knowledge is applied to a practical performance where a text is ‘reinterpreted’.

In Year 13, students will devise a piece from a given stimulus as well as produce a piece from a recognised playwright, faithful to the original intentions.

You will study 2 set texts on the A Level course. You will also study an extract from ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time’.


Component 1

Theatre Workshop (20%) - Internally assessed, moderated

Component 2

Text in action (40%) - Visiting examiner

Component 3

Study of a second set text and ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time’ (40%) - Written exam