Young Enterprise

Subject Video (from Young Enterprise)

Why study Young Enterprise?

Today, young people need to be more adaptable than ever before, prepared to change career direction in response to opportunity and to learn new skills throughout their working lives. In other words, they need to be enterprising.

Young Enterprise’s Company Programme gives thousands of students each year the opportunity to prepare for this working life through the experience of running their own company, supported by volunteer advisers from business.

Students aged 17 to 19 set up and run their company over the course of one academic year. They elect a board of directors from amongst their peers, raise share capital, and market and finance a product or service of their own choice. At the end of the year they present a report and accounts to their shareholders. Students gain experience of the real world, taking responsibility and being accountable to their shareholders for the running of the business. They attend Trade Fairs at which they sell their product or service. An annual competition identifies the top companies in the UK and Europe.

Entry requirements

The course builds on the skills and knowledge of each individual. You need to be able to attend weekend trade shows (3 a year) and evening training events (around 4 a year). The company will start in September and run for 8 months, to cease trading at Easter.

Special features of the course

As a result of running a Young Enterprise company, achievers gain:

  • an understanding of how a business works and how wealth and employment are created

  • the ability to work in a team

  • improved communication skills

  • more enthusiasm and self-confidence

  • a willingness to take responsibility and initiative

  • time management skills

  • experience of key business functions such as marketing, financial management, sales, customer care and personnel management


Students may purchase and own up to £20 in shares (optional)

Where can I find out more?

See Mr Morris (Subject Team Leader of Business/Economics -

Young Enterprise Brochure

How is the course organised?

The company meets at least once a week and has a professional business advisor on hand to help to run a successful company. There are regular events held in the Aylesbury Vale area where you can trade goods and get business training.

The company appoints different roles dependant on the skills of the members including Sales, Operations and Promotion.

You will sell shares in your company, maintain business records and open a business account at HSBC Bank.

A successful business idea could potentially make a profit for the company and its shareholders at the end.


Final presentation of all companies happens after Easter. Thereafter the company can continue trading if they wish or dissolve and share dividends to their shareholders.

Time commitment

1 taught hour per week in addition to attendance at Trade Fairs and evening training events.