
A Level OCR A H432

Subject Video

Chemistry A Level @AHS.mp4

Why study Chemistry?

Chemistry is the science that sits firmly at the cross-roads where the purity and rigour of the scientific method meet creativity and imagination and it therefore has its own demands and rewards. Chemistry gives you an extremely flexible set of skills that are highly valued in the academic world and which are essential for the ever-changing demands of the modern workplace.

A Level Chemistry is a valued qualification and many scientific, clinical and commercial courses either specifically require or prefer their candidates to have gained a post-16 qualification in Chemistry. You might even want to study Chemistry just for the pure enjoyment that such a fusion of creativity and pure science can bring.

Through studying A Level Chemistry you develop an understanding of how the very fabric of the Universe is 'bolted together', whilst at the same time gaining perhaps the most highly-valued grounding in creative thinking available at this level. Perhaps the question should be: can you afford not to study Chemistry?

Destinations for AHS students who studied this subject are on display outside the subject classrooms

AHS students can use Unifrog to explore how this subject might be used in life after A Levels

Entry Requirements

  • You need a minimum of grade 7 in GCSE Chemistry or achieved the equivalent of at least two Grade 7s in the Chemistry components of the qualification if you have taken a double science qualification.

  • If you have a grade 7 or lower in GCSE Mathematics, you are also required to take either AS Mathematics or the Maths for Chemistry course as your Extension Study, if you are not taking A Level Mathematics.

To succeed in Chemistry you need to think logically, be analytical and have a creative streak. We have found that tenacity, mathematical ability and a real desire to push their understanding further have been the common qualities woven into the most successful Chemistry students.

Special features of the course

The emphasis is on the understanding of patterns and ideas and developing skills that allow you to effectively apply this understanding to creative problem-solving exercises. You will also have to learn quite a lot of facts to act as a basis upon which to construct your understanding of this subject. Sound mathematical skills are also needed to access the higher grades, hence the need for a grade 8 or 9 in GCSE Mathematics or to study AS Mathematics, alongside Chemistry.


There are no expected costs

Where can I find out more?

Talk to any of the Chemistry staff: Mrs Nicholls, Dr Weaving, Mrs Jeffreys or Dr White. You can also email Mrs Nicholls on

Subject Presentation

How is the course organised?

There are 6 modules:

Module 1 Development of practical skills in Chemistry

Module 2 Foundations in Chemistry

Module 3 Periodic table and energy

Module 4 Core Organic Chemistry

Module 5 Physical Chemistry and transition elements

Module 6 Organic Chemistry and analysis


Paper 1 Modules 1, 2, 3 & 5 2 ¼ hours 37 %

Paper 2 Modules 1, 2, 4 & 6 2 ¼ hours 37%

Paper 3 Modules 1 - 6 1 ½ hours 26%

In addition to written papers there will be at least 12 practicals over two years with a pass/fail mark assessed by the centre. Maths and experimental skills are tested in each paper.