
A Level AQA 7692

Subject Video

Spanish video.mp4

Topic 1

Aspects of Hispanic-speaking society

  • Modern and traditional values

  • Cyberspace

  • Equal rights

Topic 2

Artistic culture in the Hispanic-speaking world

  • Modern day idols

  • Spanish regional identity

  • Cultural heritage

Topic 3

Multiculturalism in Hispanic-speaking society

  • Immigration

  • Integration

  • Racism

Topic 4

Aspects of political life in the Hispanic-speaking world

  • Today’s youth, tomorrow’s citizens

  • Monarchies, republics and dictatorships

  • Popular movements

Film and book

“El laberinto del fauno” (Guillermo del Toro, 2006)

“La casa de Bernarda Alba” (Federico García Lorca)


Year 12 exchange trip to Murcia (optional) approx. £590

Year 13 cultural trip to Madrid (optional) approx. £530

Set text £10

Film (DVD or Netflix) £3-£5


Paper 1

  • Listening and Reading on the 4 topic areas, translation into English and Spanish.

  • 2½ hours

  • 40%

Paper 2

  • 2 essays: one on book, one on film.

  • 2 hours

  • 30%

Paper 3

  • Discussion of a sub-topic from one of the 4 areas followed by a 2 minute presentation and an 8-10 minute discussion of a topic of your own choice

  • 21-23 minutes

  • 30%

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