Maths and Further Maths

A Level Edexcel 9MA0, 9FM0

Subject Video

Maths A Level and FM A Level Video.mp4
Maths Ambassador Video.mp4

Why study Maths or Further Maths?

Mathematics is a very satisfying subject, challenging and enjoyable for its own sake. An understanding of Mathematics is at the heart of every modern industry and science. Mathematical competence is an essential component in physical sciences, technology, business and Medicine. In today’s world, Mathematics has an important role in providing the key skills needed in many different careers. It provides a logical approach and intellectual rigour that contribute to an ability to solve a wide variety of problems.

For able students who have an enthusiasm for Mathematics and enjoy its challenge, there is the opportunity to study for another A Level in Further Mathematics. This involves studying a further 4 modules and statistics show that doing Further Mathematics boosts your A Level Mathematics grade.

Destinations for AHS students who studied this subject are on display outside the subject classrooms

AHS students can use Unifrog to explore how this subject might be used in life after A Levels

Entry Requirements

Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics.

Grade 8 in GCSE to study Further Mathematics.

Special features of the course

All students are given the chance to participate in the Senior Maths Challenge and the Senior Team Maths Challenge.


A Casio CG50 Graphical calculator is needed for the course. There will be an opportunity in July and August to purchase one of these through the school at a discounted rate (about £85)

Where can I find out more?

See your Mathematics teacher or Dr Maher (Head of Mathematics). You may also like to speak to our Subject Ambassadors to get a student’s perspective. Alternatively, email Dr Maher on

A Level Maths Presentation

A Level Maths Specification

A Level Further Maths Specification

Have a look at this website for further information about the benefits of studying Maths and at this website for some taster lessons.

How is the course organised?


In Year 12, students will study elements of three key areas of Mathematics: Pure Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, and Mechanics.

In Year 13, students will develop a broader and deeper appreciation of the three key areas of Mathematics studied in Year 12.

Further Mathematics

In Year 12, we will develop students’ understanding of Pure Mathematics and delve further into Discrete, Statistics and/or Mechanics to complement and enhance the understanding gained from the Mathematics.

In Year 13, the topics from Year 12 will be explored in greater depth and new concepts introduced as well as the possibility of delving even deeper in the mysterious world of advanced pure mathematics.


Mathematics A Level: 3 x 2 hour papers

Further Mathematics A Level: 4 x 1½ hour papers