Be Active

Physical Activity Sessions

Subject Presentation

Copy of Girls Active Information Evening

Why participate?

Apart from being a great way for new students to integrate into the Sixth Form, regular physical activity has many benefits:

  • It helps build and maintain healthy bones and muscles

  • It helps reduce the risk of developing obesity and chronic diseases

  • It reduces feelings of depression and anxiety and promotes psychological wellbeing

  • It may help improve students’ academic performance, including:

    • Academic achievement and grades

    • Academic behaviour, such as time on task

    • Factors that influence academic achievement, such as concentration and attentiveness in the classroom.

  • There is a positive correlation between academic attainment and physical activity levels of students.

Entry requirements

You need enthusiasm and an interest in being physically active

Special features of the course

This is an area that AHS feels passionate about, as we prepare you for a healthy active lifestyle beyond school. Your participation in physical activity is part of our long-standing goal to get students more active, more often. We want to ensure that all students are encouraged to be active enough to be healthy and happy.

The main aim is to get students active in a fun way and provide an opportunity for students to improve their teamwork and communication skills, and also simply allow people to get to know one another, particularly new students.

Some students are unable to do sports outside of school for various reasons, this weekly slot provides a regular opportunity for many; particularly for those less confident in sports, or even those who lack confidence to join an outside activity.


You will need your own kit and trainers

Where can I find out more?

See any member of staff in the PE Department or email Mrs Arber on

How is the course organised?

It is a fun and practical session, a break from the world of academia. Sessions will cover a wide variety of activities. The final activities will be based on students’ requests, numbers, facilities, teaching and coaches’ availability. Activities could include:

  • Indoor alternative activities (corner ball, benchball, tunnel ball)

  • Outdoor games (Pop Lacrosse, netball, tag rugby, rounders, softball, tennis)

  • Health & Fitness (pilates, yoga, circuits, aerobics, self-defence, Bootcamp)

  • Individual activities (fencing, squash, trampolining)

  • Dance

  • Indoor traditional games (badminton, volleyball, basketball, korfball, handball, football, hockey)

The intention is that we will be able to offer a number of activities each half term/term, which best suit your preferences.


There is no formal assessment for this course

Time Commitment

1 hour per week.