Model United Nations

Subject Presentation

Copy of MUN - What is it?

Why take Model UN?

There are few better ways of understanding the world of global politics and international affairs than putting yourself ‘in the shoes of world leaders’.

The Model United Nations is a chance to learn about other countries and about the role of the UN by participating in UN-style debates and conference competitions.

Entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements and you can be studying any combination of A Levels to take this course. What you do need to have is

  • a genuine interest in global politics and international affairs

  • a willingness to work independently and as part of a team

  • the determination to research a topic and understand unfamiliar perspectives

  • an enthusiastic approach to discussion and debate

Special features of the course

What is special about this Extension Course is the emphasis placed on

  • developing knowledge and understanding of a vital multi-national institution

  • promoting understanding of the specific problems facing different parts of the world, and how they might use the UN to advance their preferred solutions

  • enhancing and extending invaluable critical skills that will help you in the future

But it will also be a lot of fun, especially as competition and debate lies at the heart of the Model UN.


There might be some costs involved if you choose to go to a MUN Conference but otherwise this runs as a weekly course in lesson time with no costs.

Where can I find out more?

Ask Mrs Johnson or Mr Phillips or look here. Mrs Johnson can be emailed on

How is the course organised?

Over the course of the year we will develop the skills and understanding required for you to be an effective member of a Model United Nations Conference. That means over the three terms you will learn about

  • the role, structure and purpose of the United Nations

  • research skills and how to understand and represent the unique perspective of a specific country

  • global issues and the problems that the different UN committees have to resolve

  • how to effectively debate, analyse and argue, to ensure your country’s hopes and aspirations are understood and prevail

  • conferences formats, tactics and strategies

The skills that you learn will help you become an effective member of a Model United Nations Delegation of course, and may even allow you to shine in inter-school conferences, but they will also extend and enrich your skills in ways that will be invaluable in the months and years to come.


No formal assessment but awards are given for contributions by student delegates. You will make substantive and regular contribution to research and MUN debates.

Time commitment

1 taught hour per week.