Special Educational Needs (SEND)

SEND Local Arrangements (1)
SEND Information Report (1)
Accessibility Plan (1)

 All children are entitled to quality first teaching but, for some children, there will be times when additional support will be necessary in order to meet their challenging targets. Some children will be identified as having special educational needs or disabilities (SEND), and others may need a short-term catch-up programme. We take a graduated approach to SEND, so if a child is making inadequate progress, they will be offered extra help (intervention).  If the progress continues to be inadequate, they may be identified as having SEND and the level of support will increase or vary. All children with SEND will have some provision that is additional to or different from other children.

We have included links below to give you more information which is in line with new legislation which came into force in September 2014.

If you think your child may have SEND, please contact the SENCO Mrs Birch on 331378. 

At The Green Way Academy, we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school and strive to ensure that all children achieve the very best they can.  In order to do this, many steps are taken to help them on their learning journey.You know your child best and may feel that your child will benefit from some extra support in school. 

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Local Arrangements (1)

Hull's Local Offer

In Hull there is a lot of support available to children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs, and their families. You will find information about that Local Offer via their website link below. Whether it relates to education, health, social care or parental support, and regardless of who's providing it, Hull's local offer will aim to point you in the right direction.
