PE and Sport


The Green Way Academy is proud to serve the community of North Hull and give our pupils the very best learning opportunities and experiences regardless  of their circumstances. We are committed to delivering an exciting, inspirational, and motivating curriculum which enables pupils to become independent learners preparing them for their next steps in life. Our mission is pure and simple: we want all of our pupils to experience success and have high aspirations so that they can go on to lead a remarkable life. This is the golden thread that binds us all together – the reason that despite our very different paths to The Green Way Academy, we are all part of one family.

Our 3 Key Curriculum Drivers:

1.    Remarkable Aspirations – we  provide exceptional experiences which show our pupils  the wide range of possibilities available for their future.

2.    Remarkable Environment – we provide a safe haven for all our pupils to flourish and lead a remarkable life

3.    Remarkable  Learners - we offer a wide range of experiences to allow our pupils  to become independent and resourceful learners and reach their full potential

 Aspirations, Environment and Learners!


The aims of P.E are:

· To enable children to develop and explore physical skills with increasing control and  co-ordination;

· To encourage children to work and play with others in a range of group situations;

· To develop the way children perform skills and apply rules and conventions for different   activities;

· To increase children’s ability to use what they have learnt to improve the quality and control of their performance;

· To teach children to recognise and describe how  their bodies feel during exercise;

· To develop the children’s enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination;

· To develop an understanding in children of how to succeed in a range of physical activities and how to evaluate their own success.

· To develop OSHL activities and provide competitive opportunities for all children.

The Structure of PE

PE teaching in the school is about excellence and enjoyment. A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. We endeavour to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

PE in the Early Years

Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are taught PE type skills through the Early Years Framework: Physical    Development. This involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination, control, and movement. Children must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity, and to make healthy choices in relation to food.

 PE in KS1

In KS1 children are expected to develop fundamental movement skills and master basic movement skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination. Children are then given the opportunity to apply these skills into a range of activities. Children also need to be able to participate in a number of team games and be able to perform dances with simple movement patterns. 

 PE in KS2

n KS2 children are expected to apply and develop a broader range of skills to progress from their learning in KS1. Children will be taught to:

-use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination

-play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football,      hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending

-develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics]

-perform dances using a range of movement patterns

-take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team

-compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best


Our Approach to PE

The essential elements describing how PE is taught in our school are described below: 

 -Teachers’ planning and resources are available through the school's Complete PE package-this includes planning, help videos and resources

-Teachers are supported  by a coach from the North Hull Sports Network using a coaching model to upskill staff.  This is provided by using the Sports Premium fund to ensure teachers are receiving good PE CPD. Teachers are expected to team teach with the coach and then apply the skills they have learnt into their lessons for the next term.

-We actively teach PE skills, and reinforce learning with demonstrations and modelling from both teachers and pupils

-Teachers use active warm ups at the beginnings of lessons, usually fun games, to engage the children

-Questioning techniques are used regularly to deep and extend PE knowledge

-PE assessments are completed each term against the key skills and conceots taught

-All lessons finish with a cool down ensuring the children are aware of how to take care of their bodies after exercise. 

The North Hull Sports Network (NHSN)

The North Hull Sports Network (NHSN) is an integral part of our PE and Sport delivery at The Green Way  Academy both in term time and during the holidays. They are a team of coaches coordinated my Craig McFadyen and provide the school with CPD for the teachers and excellent coaching for the children to teach and improve their skills. 

The North Hull Sports Network work collaboratively with the teachers at The Green Way to ensure that we are constantly improving and developing the PE teaching skills of all teaching staff across the school. CPD provision is rotated every term so that all teachers by the end of the year have received a full term of high quality PE CPD. Teachers are expected to work with coaches so that by the end of the term they have developed from observing the coach teach a high quality PE session to leading one on their own after planning, discussion and guidance from the coach. Having a full terms worth of CPD allows teaching staff to develop skills across two areas of PE, as we focus on an area each half term. 

The North Hull Sports Network also provide after school clubs for the children at the Green Way   Academy up to twice a week. These clubs are again rotated between year groups to ensure all children have had the opportunity to be involved in PE and Sport outside of their PE curriculum. The clubs are chosen  depending upon the interest of the children and the upcoming matches and tournaments we will be  involved in as a school. 

The North Hull Sports Network organise and provide matches and tournaments for the children to take part in across a wide variety of sports. These tournaments and matches take place across the year and provide opportunities for children from every year group (except EYFS) to take part and every ability need, this ensure inclusivity for every child in the school. 

Another major benefit of being involved is the access our children have to holiday clubs outside of term time. For a reasonable daily charge, our pupils have access to an enriched PE offer which remains extremely popular at our school.

Our PE Coordinator attends meetings every term with the North Hull Sports Network along with other PE    coordinators from the other schools within the network. This allows them to arrange and allocate fixtures and tournaments, share good practise across schools and discuss any issues or developments within PE in general. 


Complete PE

Complete P.E. is an interactive Physical Education resource designed to support the implementation of a High Quality Physical Education Curriculum. 

It has units of work, covering all areas of the Physical Education National Curriculum for EYFS, KS1 and KS2. 

The package aims to:

The unit library contains units of work for every context of learning. It's Primary units of work flow in a progressive and sequential order from EYFS to KS2, ensuring that we are always challenging learning.

The Complete PE package supports our school by:

More information is available here.


Our Long Term Plan for PE-2023-24

Equal opportunities in PE

PE is taught within the guidelines of the school’s equal-opportunities policy. We ensure that all our children have the opportunity to gain PE knowledge and understanding regardless of gender, race, class, physical or intellectual ability. Our expectations do not limit pupil achievement and assessment does not involve cultural, social, linguistic or gender bias. We aim to teach PE in a broad global and historical context, using the widest possible perspective and including the contributions of people of many different backgrounds. We draw examples from other cultures, in terms of different games we might play or dances we may learn.  We value PE as a vehicle for the development of language skills, and we encourage our children to communicate constructively with each other during the PE lesson and also afterwards to think about ways forward for next time and to ensure the progression of skills. We recognise that PE may strongly engage our gifted and talented children, and we aim to challenge and extend them and that the less able children may have a natural ability that shouldn’t be hindered by any other skills they may struggle with. We exploit PE’s special contribution to children’s developing creativity; we develop this by asking and encouraging challenging questions and encouraging original thinking.


Sports Premium Spending 2023-24

Can be found here.