
The children take pride in wearing their uniform at all times!

All school uniform is now available to purchase from Steady School Wear and Becks Outfitters. Steady School Wear is here.  The link to Becks is here. Delivery to school is completely free during term time from Steady School Wear and Becks have a local shop on Endike Lane.

Our Uniform 2023-24

Our P.E. kit is a white T-shirt, black shorts and sandshoes. We provide white T-shirts and black shorts for all pupils to ensure they are ready for lessons. Earrings are to be removed for P.E. unless ears have recently been pierced, then tape should be provided to cover them.

Please ensure all clothing is labelled

Labels may be purchased through the school office. A uniform order form is available below.

Uniform, Jewellery & Mobile Phone Policy

We actively recycle uniform for the benefit of our parents. If you would like to donate old uniform, please contact the school office.

Our Uniform, Jewellery and Mobile Phone Policy is available here.