Our Music and The Arts Curriculum Offer


The Green Way Academy is proud to serve the community of North Hull and give our pupils the very best learning opportunities and experiences regardless  of their circumstances. We are committed to delivering an exciting, inspirational, and motivating curriculum which enables pupils to become independent learners preparing them for their next steps in life. Our mission is pure and simple: we want all of our pupils to experience success and have high aspirations so that they can go on to lead a remarkable life. This is the golden thread that binds us all together – the reason that despite our very different paths to The Green Way Academy, we are all part of one family.

Our 3 Key Curriculum Drivers:

1.    Remarkable Aspirations – we  provide exceptional experiences which show our pupils  the wide range of possibilities available for their future.

2.    Remarkable Environment – we provide a safe haven for all our pupils to flourish and lead a remarkable life

3.    Remarkable  Learners - we offer a wide range of experiences to allow our pupils  to become independent and resourceful learners and reach their full potential

 Aspirations, Environment and Learners!


Kapow Primary offers full coverage of the KS1 and KS2 Music curriculum, including EYFS for our pupils. The content of 0ur Music units have been categorised into four key strands: Performing; Listening; Composing; and The history of music, with one overarching strand: Inter-related dimensions of music.


Hull Music Service

The Green Way Academy and The Hull Music    Service -Proud partners working together to   foster talent, perform in front of others and create wider opportunities as a free offer.

Hull Music Service currently offers music support to all the primary, secondary and special schools in Hull and also the sixth form colleges. This is delivered in the form of instrumental tuition, curriculum support, live music concerts, workshops or specific projects.

At the Green Way Academy our  wider curriculum offer is one of the best in the city. Within this agreement we provide instrumental teaching through the peripatetic teachers. They come into school weekly and teach Woodwind, Brass, Strings and Steel Pans. We also deliver musical therapy to our most vulnerable pupils.

This is an invaluable resource for our children as it is completely free to them and provides them with an opportunity to learn an instrument that they might not have outside of school. This also leads to some of them going on and taking exams in the instrument they are learning. 


The Green Way and NAPA-Proud partners in fostering talent across school and given pupils an enriched, wider understanding of the arts.

The Northern Academy of Performing Arts (NAPA) is the biggest Hull based Performing Arts school in the region who provide outreach to schools in the city. We buy into this service as it provides our children a much needed opportunity to be creative and participate in parts of the curriculum that don’t focus on academia. It also provides an opportunity that most children will never be able to access outside of school. During the year we have a specialist musical theatre teacher who comes and teaches our Year 1 , Year 3  and Year 6 across the year.

Along with NAPA, the school tries to foster and harness talent at all times. Talented pupils can take up sponsored places to pursue acting, musical theatre and dance outside of school to develop talents even further. These sponsored places are provided at a reduced rate for our families and the difference in cost is paid for by the school.

We have a Choir Too!

Our choir not only perform in assembly each week  for our enjoyment, but also take part in local events and concerts. We have over 40 members of our choir who practice at lunchtime and are developing a superb reportoire of songs!

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