News ARCHIVE 2018-19 and Older Posts
Parent Questionnaire
Tell us what you think of your school...
Ahead of parents consultations next week-we would love to know what you think of us!
Please follow the link to complete our online questionnaire.…/1AliwPKWZmqprgqD1JkZ_NqUylB…/edit…
Many thanks everyone.
Need support submitting work on the Google Classroom?
Mr McCartney has created this great visual guide to submitting work! Thanks Mr Mc!
Online Support
One or two parents are having trouble accessing the Google Classrooms. In order to join them you must do the following
1.Go to the RM Unify platform via Google
2. Enter your child's username and password given to you from school. Please make sure you use this account and not another gmail account. I f you do the classroom will ask you for a code which some parents have experienced.
3. When you have accessed the classroom, you will find a joining email from the teachers. Click join to each email invite.
4. Your child will get email alerts each time a new activity has been put on by the teachers
5. When children submit an activity the teacher receives an email alert informing them. In the teacher area they can respond to the activities completed and again you will receive an email alert.
6. Children can upload saved work to the Google Classroom via images/docs from their devices.
7. Teachers are currently looking at the best tasks to upload in order for pupils to respond to them. Please bear with us because this is a learning curve for us too.
Another pack is going out this week either tomorrow or Wednesday for pupils who are really struggling to get online. Today we have also launched our YouTube channel, please subscribe for daily content, help, advice and resources.
We will also be launching a new webpage with resources and 1 to 1 help and support so that we can help you resolve any frustrating issues you may have.
An introduction to RM Unify is here:
An introduction to Google Classroom is here:
Our Your Tube channel is here:
How very strange it has been today without all our happy, smiling pupils. We hope their first day went ok and they were able to access online learning/paper based learning. More support is coming later this week.
We have released our first videos on our new YouTube channel. More will be added to this page so please subscribe to keep up to date.
Take care everyone. In these uncertain times we are certain that the education, safety and happiness of your children comes first!
****Update on Home Learners*****Friday 20th March
First of all- we will all miss you!
These are difficult times and we are determined to stay in touch and make sure you are safe, learning and happy. We are still your school and never forget this! We care about each and every one of you and we will make sure that you continue to make progress and shine as bright as you did when you were at school. We are all so very proud of each and everyone of you. You are all remarkable and we hope you enjoy the activities we will set you over the coming weeks.
We hope to see you back at school as soon as possible!
We have set up all the online classrooms for you and some of you are doing a great job responding to them! This will continue. It is important that you have you emails set up with the log in details we have given you to get started.This will be posted out next week if anyone missed them self isolating.
There will soon be a new page on our website which will give help, support and advice to support you with At Home Learning. This page will have a help icon for support with any aspects of email, Google Classrooms, uploading work etc.
We will also be launching our own YouTube page next week which will have video catch ups, assemblies, lessons and resources.
These are exciting ways of working but if you don't have internet access we are still providing pupils with packs, books and resources which will be available again on either Tuesday or Wednesday from school. We are hoping to loan equipment and provide internet to families that desperately need it in the case of a longer term closure, More details to follow.
Take care everyone-we will see you online!
Today the school has been busy drawing up lists of vulnerable pupils and key worker children. We are currently notifying parents to let them know either by phone or email. If you have been given a place in school, could you please fill in the following questionnaire so that we can make all the arrangements. Thanks.
We have drawn up timetables for these pupils and allocated staff. We are well prepared for them.
Please come through the main entrance of school.
School hours:
8:50-3:20 Mondays to Thursday
8:50-1pm Fridays
There is no requirement to wear uniform.
Please fill out our Free School Meals Questionnaire!
If you are currently eligible for free school meals, the school will be providing a packed lunch pick up service from the school dining hall between 12 and 12:30pm each day during closure for your pupils. Eligibility is below and we will be checking against school records. Could you please support us by filling in this short questionnaire for the week commencing 23rd March. Thank you
Eligibility List:
Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
Working Tax Credit 'run-on' - the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get) at the time of your application. Thresholds vary in Scotland and Northern Ireland, see below. If your income goes above the threshold in the future, but you remain on Universal Credit, your child will remain eligible. If you applied before 1 April 2018 there was no household income threshold for Universal Credit claimants.
Advice on Key Working-20th March
Advice on key working has been published. We will be following this advice now published and contacting parents today. If parents think they fall within the critical categories above they should confirm with their employer that, based on their business continuity arrangements, their specific role is necessary for the continuation of this essential public service. We will be asking for this when we contact you.
If parents fall within any of these categories please email TODAY so we can make arrangements on Monday. Thanks.
Guidance for schools, colleges and local authorities on maintaining educational provision
Published 19 March 2020
As a country, we all need to do what we can to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
That is why the government has given clear guidance on self-isolation, household isolation and social distancing.
And the most recent scientific advice on how to further limit the spread of COVID-19 is clear. If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading.
That is why the government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend.
It is important to underline that schools, colleges and other educational establishments remain safe places for children. But the fewer children making the journey to school, and the fewer children in educational settings, the lower the risk that the virus can spread and infect vulnerable individuals in wider society.
Schools are, therefore, being asked to continue to provide care for a limited number of children - children who are vulnerable and children whose parents are critical to the Covid-19 response and cannot be safely cared for at home.
Vulnerable children include children who are supported by social care, those with safeguarding and welfare needs, including child in need plans, on child protection plans, ‘looked after’ children, young carers, disabled children and those with education, health and care (EHC) plans.
We know that schools will also want to support other children facing social difficulties and we will support head teachers to do so.
Parents whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response include those who work in health and social care and in other key sectors outlined below. Many parents working in these sectors may be able to ensure their child is kept at home. And every child who can be safely cared for at home should be.
Please, therefore, follow these key principles:
If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.
If a child needs specialist support, is vulnerable or has a parent who is a critical worker, then educational provision will be available for them.
Parents should not rely for childcare upon those who are advised to be in the stringent social distancing category such as grandparents, friends, or family members with underlying conditions.
Parents should also do everything they can to ensure children are not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus. They should observe the same social distancing principles as adults.
Residential special schools, boarding schools and special settings continue to care for children wherever possible.
If your work is critical to the COVID-19 response, or you work in one of the critical sectors listed below, and you cannot keep your child safe at home then your children will be prioritised for education provision:
Health and social care
This includes but is not limited to doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers, care workers, and other frontline health and social care staff including volunteers; the support and specialist staff required to maintain the UK’s health and social care sector; those working as part of the health and social care supply chain, including producers and distributers of medicines and medical and personal protective equipment.
Education and childcare
This includes nursery and teaching staff, social workers and those specialist education professionals who must remain active during the COVID-19 response to deliver this approach.
Key public services
This includes those essential to the running of the justice system, religious staff, charities and workers delivering key frontline services, those responsible for the management of the deceased, and journalists and broadcasters who are providing public service broadcasting.
Local and national government
This only includes those administrative occupations essential to the effective delivery of the COVID-19 response or delivering essential public services such as the payment of benefits, including in government agencies and arms length bodies.
Food and other necessary goods
This includes those involved in food production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery as well as those essential to the provision of other key goods (for example hygienic and veterinary medicines).
Public safety and national security
This includes police and support staff, Ministry of Defence civilians, contractor and armed forces personnel (those critical to the delivery of key defence and national security outputs and essential to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic), fire and rescue service employees (including support staff), National Crime Agency staff, those maintaining border security, prison and probation staff and other national security roles, including those overseas.
This includes those who will keep the air, water, road and rail passenger and freight transport modes operating during the COVID-19 response, including those working on transport systems through which supply chains pass.
Utilities, communication and financial services
This includes staff needed for essential financial services provision (including but not limited to workers in banks, building societies and financial market infrastructure), the oil, gas, electricity and water sectors (including sewerage), information technology and data infrastructure sector and primary industry supplies to continue during the COVID-19 response, as well as key staff working in the civil nuclear, chemicals, telecommunications (including but not limited to network operations, field engineering, call centre staff, IT and data infrastructure, 999 and 111 critical services), postal services and delivery, payments providers and waste disposal sectors.
If workers think they fall within the critical categories above they should confirm with their employer that, based on their business continuity arrangements, their specific role is necessary for the continuation of this essential public service.
If your school is closed then please contact your local authority, who will seek to redirect you to a local school in your area that your child, or children, can attend.
We are grateful for the work of teachers and workers in educational settings for continuing to provide for the children of the other critical workers of our country. It is an essential part of our national effort to combat this disease.
Update: Key Workers (19.3.20)
Hello everyone. Just to let you know that the school is very busy preparing your pupils during this time of uncertainty. Our vulnerable pupils have been identified and we will be in touch with their parents tomorrow.
We were hoping for an updated definition on key workers in tonight's briefing but we are still waiting...
Thank you to all those parents that have emailed us to let us know even without the guidance. We will be in touch tomorrow following further clarification.
In the meantime, our trust AET has come up with a list whilst we wait:
Who are our key workers? AET definition
• NHS staff
• Teachers and support staff
• Police and community support officers
• Frontline civilian police staff
• Prison officers and staff
• Probation officers and trainee probation officers
• LA officers and LA/NHS social workers
• Uniformed staff in fire and rescue services
• Armed forces personnel and some civilian MOD personnel (i.e. clinical staff, MOD police, uniformed fire and defence) and some discharged personnel
• Highway agency traffic staff
• LA environmental health officers/ practitioners
• Care workers
• Food/ supermarket drivers and other workers
If you meet any of this criteria-please email by TOMORROW.
Thanks everyone.
Tonight's Announcement -Wednesday 18th March 2020
Here are excerpts from tonight's announcement along with a school response.
After schools shut their gates on Friday afternoon, they will remain closed until further notice except for children of key workers and vulnerable children, as part of the country’s ongoing response to coronavirus.
Examples of these workers include NHS staff, police and supermarket delivery drivers who need to be able to go to work to support the country’s fight to tackle coronavirus. Vulnerable children include those who have a social worker and those with Education, Health and Care Plans – a legal document that describes a child’s special educational needs and the support they require.
School Position: We will be identifying these pupils tomorrow following further clarification and will be opening the school for them. We are writing to you tomorrow and will get staff arranged.
Children who do not fall into these groups should remain at home with appropriate care.
School position: We have made provision for these pupils and have things in place ready to go and to keep going should we need to.
We will not go ahead with primary school assessments or secondary exams this summer, and we will not be publishing performance tables.
We will work with the sector and Ofqual to ensure children get the qualifications they need.
School Response: This is a great shame because our pupils show great promise in all areas. They will still do well and get an accurate and moderated teacher assessment for when they go to secondary school. This will actually take the pressure off pupils in Year 1 Phonics, Year 2, Year 4 Multiplication Tests and Year 6 SATs.
To support children eligible for free school meals, schools will be able to purchase meals or vouchers for supermarkets or local shops.
The government has also confirmed that the total value of vouchers offered to each eligible child per week will exceed the rate it pays to schools for free school meals, recognising that families will not be buying food in bulk and may therefore incur higher costs. The final amounts will be confirmed shortly.
Effective immediately, schools will be able to order vouchers directly from supermarkets or shops in their communities to be emailed or printed and posted to families, and they will have their costs covered by the Department for Education. Guidance for schools will be published shortly.
School Response; We will ensure that school gets this organised as soon as possible for you as we receive more details centrally. No-one eligible will miss out!
We hope this has cleared some things up for you during this uncertain time. Keep you eye on our Facebook Page. Thanks everyone.
Full article is here:
Statement from the Education Secretary
Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education, will be making a statement to the House of Commons at 5pm. Further updates will be circulated following this statement.
COVID-19 Emergency Bill
Information was released yesterday on the COVID-19 Emergency Bill, which is to be published later this week. The Bill will include:
- a power to remove or relax some requirements around education and childcare legislation in order to help these institutions run effectively in the event of an emergency
- a power to require schools, further education and childcare settings to stay open or re-open, operate in ways to support continued education and childcare such as enable pupils / students to attend different premises, to enhance resilience of childcare and education sector
- a power to close educational institutions or childcare providers. This will happen only where necessary and proportionate, to help minimise disruption to everyday life. The measures would only be put in place for the period of time required to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak
- powers to bring additional social workers onto the register of social workers held by the regulator, Social Work England
The measures in the Bill are temporary, proportionate to the risks, will only be used when strictly necessary and will be in place only for as long as required to respond to the situation.
This Bill will ensure the government has the powers it needs, when it needs them, to allow our vital public services to keep functioning and to save lives.
Further detail will be available when the Bill is published later this week.
Updated advice for non-essential travel worldwide
The Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) now advises British people against all non-essential travel worldwide. This advice takes effect immediately (from 17 March) and applies initially for a period of 30 days.
The latest travel guidance can be found here:
Funding for free childcare offers to continue in the event of coronavirus closures
Yesterday, the Chancellor has confirmed the Government will continue to pay for free early years entitlement places even if settings are closed on the advice of Public Health England or children are not able to attend due to coronavirus. We expect local authorities to follow the Department’s position, and to continue early entitlements funding for all childminders, schools and nurseries. We will not be asking for funding back from local authorities.
The Government’s advice remains that childcare settings should stay open unless advised otherwise by Public Health England, and yesterday’s announcement should help settings to continue to do so. This will minimise both longer-term disruption to parents and any income losses that providers may otherwise experience.
The full statement can be found here:
Handwashing advice
The most important thing individuals can do to protect themselves is to wash their hands more often, for at least 20 seconds, with soap and water. Public Health England recommends that in addition to handwashing before eating, and after coughing and sneezing, everyone should also wash hands after using toilets and travelling on public transport.
Watch this short NHS film for guidance:
Department for Education coronavirus helpline
The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday), 10am to 4pm (Saturday to Sunday)
Please note, we are currently experiencing high volumes of calls. We appreciate your patience at this time and apologise for any wait that you may experience. To ensure that we answer your calls as quickly as possible, we have now extended our opening hours to cover weekends and are increasing the number of call handlers available to answer your calls.
If you work in a school, please have your unique reference number (URN or UK PRN) available when calling the hotline.
Where to find the latest information
Updates on COVID-19:
Guidance for educational settings:
Guidance for social or community care and residential settings:
Travel advice for those travelling and living overseas:
Educational resources:
Latest Department for Education information:
New guidance for households with symptoms
Yesterday, the Government introduced new guidance on whole household isolation in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak:
if you live alone and you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, stay at home for 7 days from when your symptoms started
if you live with others and you or another member of the household have symptoms of coronavirus, then all household members must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill. It is likely that people living within a household will infect each other or be infected already. Staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community
for anyone in the household who starts displaying symptoms, they need to stay at home for 7 days from when the symptoms appeared, regardless of what day they are on in the original 14-day isolation period.
The symptoms are:
A high temperature (37.8 degrees and above)
A new, continuous cough
The full stay at home guidance for households with these symptoms can be found here:
The Prime Minister’s statement from Monday 16 March can be found here:
Coronavirus Update Tuesday 17th March 2020
School is open for business at the present time. The latest advice is the following:
-Stay at home for 14 days if you have a cough or high temperature or you are living with someone who does
-All non-essential contact with others and all non-essential travel to cease
The advice also relates to at risk groups and more guidance will be available shortly.
With the latest guidance in mind, we have made the decision to postpone some upcoming events this week. This includes the following:
-All parents consultations have been moved to after Easter. This includes any that were planned for TODAY (Tuesday)
-The Year 4 Trip to Hull Museums on Thursday-this will be re-arranged so the children don't miss out.
-Mother Days lunches WILL go ahead today but Year 4 (Wednesday) and Year 5 and 6 (Thursday)will be moved until after Easter
At the moment Robinwood is staying open in the same way schools are. As soon as we have any information, we will let parents know. At the moment it is still planned to go ahead unless schools close. If schools do close, we will be hopefully moving the booking so the children do not miss out in the Summer term.
The York Dungeon Trip (letter yesterday) is also still currently planned to take part unless we get advice that it is closed or schools close. Again this will be re-arranged so children don't miss out.
Thanks everyone. If you need any help and advice at all, please ring the school or email us. We are happy to support any of our families during this difficult time.
Coronavirus Update Monday 16th March 2020
AET Advice:
Further to my previous letter about coronavirus (COVID-19), I wanted to provide you with an update, as Government guidance changed slightly on 12th March. We understand that this situation is causing our students and their families concern and as I said in my last letter, please be assured we are doing everything we can to protect our school community and are following NHS and Government Guidelines for education settings, and reviewing the situation on a daily basis.
At the moment, schools are being advised to stay open and children should come to school as normal. The Department for Education (on 13th March) has advised the following exceptions, where your child should stay at home (self isolate) for 7 days:
· A child is returning from Italy after 9th March (regardless of whether they have any symptoms)
· A family member has been CONFIRMED with coronavirus; but your child is not showing symptoms
· A family member has more severe, or prolonged coronavirus symptoms and is waiting to be tested
· If your child has been in contact with anyone with CONFIRMED coronavirus for more than 15 minutes
If a family member has mild COVID-19 symptoms, and is self-isolating but NOT being tested, the DfE advised that it is fine for your child to come to school as normal.
Below I have listed the latest NHS/Government guidance on whether a child needs to stay at home, and what you should do, if they have coronavirus symptoms
· All children with coronavirus symptoms of a new, persistent cough or a high temperature (37.8 or above), should stay at home (self-isolate) for 7 days.
NHS advice for staying at home.
· You do not need to call NHS 111, unless:
o Their condition gets worse
o Their symptoms persist for more than 7 days
Parents/carers will be notified immediately should we have any confirmed cases of infection within the academy but until this point, we would encourage you to remain calm and continue to follow the Government's advice on prevention. Our contingency plans are in place, to ensure that we are prepared for all possible scenarios.
Should a decision be necessary regarding any future closure of the school, we are also working hard to ensure that children would be able to participate in learning through the Google Classrooms using their email addresses.
We encourage parents to keep reminding them about washing their hands with warm water and soap and we will be reminding children in assemblies and in class.
We understand that this virus is a popular topic of discussion but to prevent the spread of misinformation, which can cause upset and panic, please refer to information from trusted sources, such as:
For now we would ask that you do not contact the academy directly regarding Coronavirus (Covid 19) unless it is to inform us that your child needs to self-isolate based on the guidance above.
If you are still concerned, the Department of Education is operating a special hotline for parents/carers, staff and young people, to answer questions about Covid-19 that relate to education, which you can contact as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
If you have any questions about the school or would like to discuss any of the points raised in this letter, please contact the school reception or myself directly.
Good morning parents. It's business as usual today (Friday 13th March) following yesterday's announcement from the Prime Minister. We do however need to follow the advice which is:
-All people with coronavirus symptoms of a new, persistent cough, high temperature 37.8 or above) and trouble breathing, or with flu-like symptoms, should self-isolate for 7 days. If they have minor symptoms, they should not call 111. If symptoms get worse, they should then call.
-We also continue to advise staff and students to keep washing their hands frequently.
We spent the day yesterday getting ready for a school closure and this involved giving pupils there email addresses to join Google Classrooms for teachers to set work. Hopefully this won't be necessary but it is good to be prepared for every eventuality.We will make sure these emails are done for our newer pupils very soon and have kept a record of who they are,
Have a good day everyone.
How to wash your hands properly
Wash your hands more often for 20 seconds with soap and hot water.
Watch this short NHS film for guidance:
Teach young children how to wash their hands with the NHS handwashing song:
Public Health England recommends that in addition to handwashing before eating, and after coughing and sneezing, everyone should also wash hands after using toilets and travelling on public transport.
Year 4 Multiplication Check Guidance
Children in Year 4 will be undertaking the Year 4 Multiplication Check in June 2020. We have been busy preparing the children and appreciate your help getting them ready too by practising at home. We will be organising a parents meeting to introduce this test to parents and pupils in May. Thanks for your continued support.
Sport Relief 2020
A letter will soon be coming out to tell you about our arrangements for Sport Relief 2020.
On Tuesday 10th March at 8am we are holding a wake up shake up session in the hall for parents and pupils in the EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2. We will be repeating this on Thursday 12th March for parents and pupils in KS2. We hope you can join us!
On Friday 13th March the school will be taking part in a range of fun physical activities and it will be non-uniform day. Children can choose to wear sportswear on this day if they want and we will collect donations on the door in the morning.
We hope to raise as much as possible. Thanks
Congratulations to Kasey Copeman
Here is our official winner for AET's Remarkable Lives Competition. Kasey's remarkable person is her granddad. This entry has been sent to AETs headquarters and fingers crossed for the finals across all our academies.
Free School Meals
Are you eligible? Please make sure you apply-we are missing out on valuable funding!
Letter from Dame Diana Johnson DBE MP
We were thrilled to receive this letter today congratulating us on our 2019 results from Dame Diana Johnson MP DBE. A lovely surprise and great for the school. This year's Y6 are also well on track for 2020 and we should have another bumper year of results. Well done everyone.
AET Annual Review for 2018/19
Please find attached a summary of the AET Annual Review for 2018/19.
As an AET school, The Green Way is part of a family of schools where we help each other to make improvements for the good of all 33,000 children in our care. Thanks to the hard work of everyone within AET, we are seeing an overall improvement in educational outcomes and financial health across the Trust. You can see our collective progress in the Annual Review summary.
This is the first time we are sharing such a summary with you to be transparent; and so that you can see that we are part of a strong community, committed to making sure that all children can go on and lead remarkable lives. There is always more work to do, however, you will see from our summary that we are heading in a positive direction.
Kind regards
Simon Bush Headteacher
Julian Drinkall, CEO
Primary Futures-Inspiring our pupils to think about careers!
We had a wonderful time meeting our visitors today at our Primary Futures event. We met a firefighter, surgeon, plumber, structural engineer and an animal welfare manager from the RSPCA. They all commented how remarkable our pupils were. We look forward to inviting them back to meet the children in class in the Summer!
Officially Green again in 2020!
We are thrilled to let you know that the school has received the prestigious Green Flag Award from Eco-schools. We are thrilled to receive it for the 4th time and would like to thank our wonderful Eco-schools team and Mrs Rees for their hard work helping us achieve it. Remarkable and superb news!
365 Challenge Completed!
Our friends at Fitmums came to see us today to officially thank us for taking part in the 365 challenge! We are the first school to complete 1 hour of exercise every day for a year and we are very proud!
Chinese New Year 2020 Advance Notice!
Here is the menu for special Chinese New Year menu on Wednesday 29th January 2020
Chicken Balls with a Sweet and Sour sauce (served separately)
Special Fried Rice
Stir Fry Vegetables
Vegetable Pancakes
Chinese Chicken Curry
Tomato Pasta
Ice Cream and Fruit
Stephen Hughes Foundation
A big thank you to the Stephen Hughes Foundation for donating £500 to our school to purchase musical equipment. Remarkably kind and appreciated.
Parent Pay
A big thank you to all our parents who have signed up to Parent Pay. This should make paying for dinners a lot easier in future. Soon you will be able to pay for school trips too!
Are you entitled to Free school Meals? Even if your child is in FS, Y1 or Y2 where they are universally free, it is still worth claiming. The school receives extra Pupil Premium funding for every child who is entitled. This is £1320 per child!
You can check here to first check if your child qualifies for a free school lunch.
You will be asked to type in your postcode and will then be redirected to your local council's website.
To qualify you must fulfil one of the following criteria:
-be in receipt of income support/income based job seekers allowance or income related employment and support allowance
-be entitled to child tax credit but NOT receiving working tax credit and your annual income must be below the threshold set by the Government
-be receiving support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
-be in receipt of the guarantee credit element of pension credit
-be entitled to the 4 week run on of working tax credit due to employment ending
Real Schools Guide 2020
We are thrilled to announce the school has received a 5 star rating in the Real School Guide 2020. This is a remarakable achievement and we would like to thank you all for your support and your wonderful children that helped us achieve this. The full report is available here:
2020-21 Academic Calendar Now Available!
We have a Vacancy!
KS2 Teacher
February 2020 start
‘The school is a calm, orderly and happy place where everyone feels valued. Pupils grow and flourish here because they are shown high regard and respect’ Ofsted 2016
Are you committed to raising standards with a drive for outstanding pupil attainment and progress?
Are you creative, fun-loving and ready to inspire children across the entire curriculum?
If you have just thought ‘yes that’s me’, you could be the person we’re looking for to join our fabulous team! Whether you are an NQT starting on your career or an experienced teacher looking for a new challenge-we are the school for you. Subject leaders in RE, PSHE or Science would be even more beneficial but not compulsory.
We are a school of choice in the North Hull community and we are within commutable distance of Beverley, Selby, York and close to the M62 motorway. Ofsted in July 2016 judged us to be a ‘good’ school and praised the rapid improvement that has happened at our school since being placed in special measures in 2014.
We passionately believe that every child can discover their own remarkable life. It’s what motivates us around here. We know this vision requires something extra. Which is why at AET, you’ll find more. More opportunities, so you can forge your own path. More care and support, so you can prioritise what matters most. More purpose, for you and for the children we’re inspiring.
We offer:
● More training and development, so you can get better at what you do - Varied and stretching continuous professional development opportunities.
● More support for you and your loved ones - A health cash plan, employee loans and savings scheme, discounted gym membership and employee assistance programme.
● More technology so you can make more impact - G Suite for Education embedded throughout. Collaborative cloud technology gives you access to the latest tools, when and where it suits you. More tech enabled classrooms mean less time spent on admin.
● More reward - A generous and flexible Local Government Pension scheme for support staff.
● More possibilities - To inspire children to find their remarkable.
● A warm, supportive and friendly place to work where we all want the best for our pupils.
We actively encourage candidates to visit us, meet our children and staff and learn about our school vision of GREEN!
Please contact the school office on 01482 331378 or contact Stacey Parkman at
Closing date: Noon, Friday 31st January 2020. Interviews will take place Monday 10 February 2020.
We reserve the right to close this vacancy early should we receive an overwhelming response. All candidates are advised to refer to the job description and person specification before making an application.
In line with our safeguarding practices we are unable to accept CV’s. Come inspire their remarkable with us, apply today by clicking the apply now button.
We are committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. A Disclosure and Barring Service Certificate will be required for all posts. This post will be subject to enhanced checks as part of our Prevent Duty.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Further details can be found on our careers page.
Happy New Year 2020!
Wishing all our parents, pupils and friends a very happy new year! A new decade and plenty to look forward to when we return to school on Tuesday 7th January. Have a wonderful time and we look forward to seeing everyone back in the new decade!
Parent Survey October 2019
We are thrilled to share with you the results of our recent Parents Survey. We had 109 replies which is remarkable thank you.
Investing in Children Membership Award™
Congratulations on achieving the Investing in Children Membership Award™!
We are pleased to be able to provide you with the Investing in Children logo, which can be used by organisations with membership for press releases, letterheads, etc. Please contact to request it. We would also like to encourage you to contact the media to let them know your achievement and that you are now a member of Investing in Children.
Within your membership report will be a number of comments that you can quote, especially from children and young people who are at the heart of this award.
The following text about the Membership Award™ Scheme and Investing in Children may also be useful for a press release:
Investing in Children (IiC) is a UK initiative that promotes the human rights of children and young people. Over the last 21 years, IiC has developed a range of different ways in which children and young people are supported to say what they want to say, and help to improve services used by them, by discussing their ideas with the adults who run the services.
One of the ways we do this is through the IiC Membership Award™ Scheme.
The Investing in Children Membership Award™ Scheme recognises and celebrates examples of imaginative and inclusive practice with children and young people. Organisations applying for the award have to demonstrate dialogue with young people which leads to change. However, children and young people have to provide the evidence for the organisation and endorse the membership report because it is a children’s and young people’s award.
There are currently over 500 members across the UK and Ireland
Investing in Children was established in 1995 by senior managers from Durham County Council and the NHS. In May 2013 Investing in Children was spun out from Durham County Council to form a Community Interest Company - IiC CIC
For more information please log on to:
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter too
Investing in Children - Young People's Page / Investing in Children Membership Award (FB)
@ IiC_rights (Twitter
Investing in Children Membership Award™ is a registered Trademark™.
VIKING FM Announcement with an Exciting Download Featuring our very Choir!
Firstly, thank you again so much for getting your school involved in the ‘A Winter’s Dream’ project. With the track featuring over 1,000 local voices, we have called the band The Thousand Voices and the track is called ‘A Winter’s Dream’. The song has now been produced and a music video created, which is circulating on social media at the moment. The song is featuring heavily in the ad breaks on Viking FM from now until 12th December.
A Winter’s Dream will be officially released this Friday, 6th December, and we will have a week to try to get as many downloads as possible. We would love to get your school’s singers into the charts and help Cash for Kids Mission Christmas raise as much money as possible to support local children living in poverty this Christmas. The single download costs 99p and all of this money goes to Cash for Kids.
Here are the key timings:
The track will be officially released and available to download and stream across all major platforms. All downloads by midnight on Thurs 12th Dec will
The new Top 40 charts are revealed from 4pm on The Official Chart with Scott Mills on BBC Radio 1. Can we get our local talent on to the list? On average a song needs to achieve around 4,000 downloads to enter the Top 100 and 8,000 downloads to enter the Top 40!
Every Day Counts Campaign
Next week we will be sending in all pupils with 100% attendance for November to the local council. Fingers crossed that we get chosen!
Happy White Ribbon Day everyone!
We are proud to launch this initiative today at school and are welcoming the Mayor, Hull Emergency services and maybe even Look North to the launch today.
White Ribbon UK was founded in 2005, and is part of the global movement to end male violence against women*.
They work with men and boys to challenge those male cultures that lead to harassment, abuse and violence.
Their volunteer ambassadors act as role models, engaging with other men and boys to call out abusive and sexist behaviour among their peers and promote a culture of equality and respect. The White Ribbon Accreditation programme ensures organisations take a strategic approach to ending male violence against women by engaging with men and boys, changing cultures and raising awareness.
We whole-heartedly support this in school with a zero tolerance approach and education programme built on respect and being big hearted towards others.
You can still buy your white ribbons in school to show your support!
Anti-bullying Week 11th-15th November-Odd Socks Day
It's Anti-bullying Week this week! On Tuesday 12th we would love your child to wear odd socks for the day-the wackier the better! There is no donation (due to it being the same week as Children in Need) for this but we would like children to join in with others across the country.
Details can be found here:
Our Latest Newsletter!
We are currently working on the latest newsletter which we will be posting, sending home and emailing parents very soon. It is crammed full of news and celebrations from our remarkable school. We can't wait however to share with you some exciting events this term on the run up to Christmas.
Keep your eye out for our next issue-coming soon!
Important Dates for This Half Term
Anti-bullying Week -Wc Monday 11th November
School Council visit to Ada Holmes Monday 11th November
National Kindness Day-Wednesday 13th November
Road Safety Week-18th-22nd November
Year 4 Swimming Starts-Monday 2nd December
SEND Workshop-Tuesday 3rd December
Christmas Fair-Thursday 5th December pm
Christmas Panto at The Freedom Centre-9th Dec-KS2/10th Dec KS1/FS both at 1pm (Behaviour and Attendance Award)
School Christmas Dinner –Thursday 12th December-Festive wear!
FS Christmas Concert-Wednesday 11th December pm for parents
Phase 1 Production to Parents Monday 16th-Y1-9:30-10:30/Year 2-2-3pm
Phase 3 Concerts Tuesday 17th December
Phase 2 Concerts Wednesday 18th December
Orchestra and Choir Concert-Thursday 19th December 9am
Christmas Parties-Thursday 19th December pm-Party Wear!
Festive Friday-Friday 20th December
No Friday pm clubs in the afternoon on Friday 20th December
THANKS PARENTS! Here's to a great half term!
Its MC Grammar Day tomorrow (Wednesday 22nd October) and we can't wait. Foundation Stage to Year 4 will be learning grammar through rap!
Wear your favourite superstar/rapper clothing
GOLD is never old!
The brighter the better!
There will be a concert in the afternoon which will include a rap battle, dance crew and teacher freestyle!
Eco-Schools 2019
We are excited to share our Eco-Action Plan with you as we apply for our fourth Green flag accreditation.
Our Remarkable School Competition
Here are some of the winning entries of 'Our Remarkable School Competition'. Well done Kristian, Karolina, Kayrah, Ciam, Lisa, Jake and Hana! These are going to be proudly displayed around school. We were so very impressed with all entries! Well done everyone!
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are thrilled to inform you that we are continuing our Eco-schools journey and about to renew our Green Flag Award Eco-School Award for the third time. The programme is designed to raise environmental awareness amongst young people and in England it is run by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy. Internationally, the programme is the largest educational programme in the world present in nearly 70 countries with millions of children participating. Our school is now part of this global community working to create environmental change for the benefit of our children and future generations.
The Eco-Schools programme empowers pupils, raises environmental awareness, improves the school environment and can also lead to financial saving. Being an active member of the programme will be something your child will remember for the rest of their life.
The programme focuses on ten important environmental topics:
1. Biodiversity
2. Energy
3. Global Citizenship
4. Healthy Living
5. Litter
6. Marine
7. School Grounds
8. Transport
9. Waste
10. Water
Every school taking part in the Eco-Schools around the world programme follow the same simple Seven Step framework. This usually takes schools between one and two academic years to complete. After achieving our first Green Flag, our school can continue in the programme and achieve multiple Green Flags whilst continuing to work on and promote environmental issues. One of the most exciting things about the programme is that the process is designed to engage the whole school and its wider community.
If you would like to get involved in the Eco-School programme by sharing your time, ideas or skills please contact us directly. If you are struggling for spare time, don’t worry, we will keep you updated on our progress regularly and invite you to participate in Eco-Schools projects or events that the pupils organise.
We hope you are as excited about our eco-journey as we are,
Yours sincerely,
Tracey Rees
We now have The Music Mark!
Great News!
The school is now a member of The Music Mark in recognition for the work we do supporting pupils through music and the high value we place on it in the curriculum. Our thanks go to the Hull Music Service for recommending us and sponsoring our membership.
Our Candlelighters and McMillan fundraisers were a remarkable success! We have raised £750 for both charities through our bun sale and non-uniform days which is amazing. Thank you all so very much!
Harvest Collection
Thank you to all our parents who have donated packets, tins, tea bags, biscuits and coffee for our collections for Ada Holmes and the Foodbank. If you would like to donate, we have until Monday 14th to bring in donations.
Your kindness is very much appreciated.
Hull Fair Menu
Hull Fair Menu -Wednesday 9th October
Veggie Burgers
Veggie Hot Dogs
Peas and Beans
Ice Cream and Jellies
Calling all parents who have pupils learning to play an instrument!
Candlelighters Fundraiser
On Friday 27th September 2019 we are fundraising for Macmillan and Candlelighters. We would like cake, buns and biscuit donations so that they can be sold at playtime. Please send in the donations with your child up until Friday morning. It will also be non-uniform day with a 50p/£1 donation.
We will also be selling raffle tickets this week at 50p a strip. The prize will be a homemade cake by Emma Cakes Bateman – she will be making a cake as seen above.
The Reception Baseline Assessment
Has your child just started with us in Reception? If they have they have, our staff are currently carrying out Baseline Assessments on them to see how they compare nationally to children starting school. This video explains the Baseline assessment in more detail.
The Hull City Council Every Day Counts Attendance Campaign Launched!
Exciting news of a new city wide attendance campaign has been announced-Every Day Counts in conjunction with Viking FM! We will definitely be supporting this campaign and hope our pupils are chosen. Fingers crossed!
A campaign to encourage pupils to aim for 100 per cent school attendance has been launched in Hull.
Headteachers from the city’s primary and secondary schools have launched the Every Day Counts campaign alongside Hull City Council to raise awareness of the benefits of attending school every day.
Full-time primary and secondary school pupils who achieve 100 per cent attendance this academic year will be rewarded with an invitation to visit Hull Kingston Rovers or Hull FC rugby clubs for a morning of activities – and a chance to meet the players next summer.
In November, pupils who achieve 100 per cent attendance in this month will be entered into a prize draw, with Viking FM offering £250 plus 10 prizes of gift vouchers, concert tickets, cinema tickets and technology.
Back to School
We hope you have had a great holiday! We go back to school on Tuesday 3rd September.
The school office will be open from 9am until 2pm for uniform sales on Monday 2nd September.
We still have the uniform sale on for the next 2 weeks.. (Sweatshirts are £6 (3-13 years) or £8 (Adult sizes), Polos are £5 (3-13 years) or £7 (adult sizes), cardigans are £8 and jackets £10.
Thank you. We look forward to seeing you all back safe and well.
ParentPay - our new online payment service
We are pleased to announce that we will shortly be accepting payments online for items such as dinner money, school trips and uniforms. Using a secure website called ParentPay you will be able to pay online using your credit or debit card. ParentPay will be our preferred method of making payments to school.
What are the benefits to parents and pupils?
• ParentPay is easy-to-use and will offer you the freedom to make online payments whenever and wherever you like, 24/7
• The technology used is oBack to Schoolf the highest internet security available ensuring that your money will reach school safely – offering you peace of mind
• Payments can be made by credit/debit card or also through PayPoint
• Full payment histories and statements are available to you securely online at anytime
• Your children will not have to worry about losing money at school
• Parents can choose to be alerted when their balances are low via email and/or SMS text.
What are the benefits to our school?
• You can help us reduce workloads for all staff as no more counting cash, chasing debt and stop cash collection services.
• Creates more time to lend to educational support and the smooth running of the school.
• Help to reduce anti-social behaviour
• Using ParentPay also ensures that all financial transactions are safe and secure - helping us to remove costs associated with us having to manage cash securely on the school premises.
• The more parents that use ParentPay, the greater the benefit is to our school.
How to get started with ParentPay?
We will shortly be sending you your account activation details, once you receive these:
• Visit
• Enter your Activation username and password in the Account Login section of the homepage. NB. These are for one-time use only, please choose your own username and password for future access during the activation process
• Provide all the necessary information and choose your new username and password for your account - registering your email address will enable us to send you receipts and reminders
• Once activation is complete you can go to straight to Items for payment, select which item(s) you want to add to your basket and proceed to complete your paymen
For more information, visit
Highlights of 2018-19-In Pictures
Just some of the many highlights this year..
Reports and Next Year's Teachers
Your child's report will go out on Thursday 11th July this week. We can't wait to share them with you all. They have had a remarkable year! Inside there will also be exam results (Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6) and we will be revealing your new teacher!
Here is the breakdown of our teachers for next year:
Reception-Miss Hebden and Miss Dixon
Reception-Mrs Sears
Year 1-Miss Cater-Minns and Mrs Botham
Year 1-Miss Welby
Mornings in Y1-Mr Spink
Year 2-Mrs Wild (New to the school)
Year 2-Miss O'Neil (Moving from Year 1)
Year 3-Mrs Rees
Year 3-Mrs Southwick and Mrs Langdon (Until October when Mrs Fisher returns from maternity leave)
Year 4-Mrs Clarkson
Year 4-Mrs Pullen (Moving from Year 2)
Year 5-Mr McCartney
Year 5-Miss Merritt
Year 6-Mr Jones
Year 6-Mrs dean
Mornings in Year 5 and Year 6-Mr Gunn
Miss Watts and Miss Williams sadly leave us this year. Mrs Drury is retiring. We wish them all well for the future.
Another Diary Update
Another quick round up of events this week and next-
Talent Show to Parents-TODAY Wednesday 10th July at 1:30pm
Year 6 PROM-Thursday from 4:30pm
Choir and Orchestra Concert to parents Friday-9am
Foundation Stage Sports Day-Friday at 9:15pm
Year 6 Leavers Concert-Friday at 11am
Reports go out on Thursday
Meet your new teachers-Tuesday and Wednesday 16th and 17th July
New to Year 1 Parents meeting for Foundation Stage parents moving to 'big school'.-Tuesday at 2:45pm in the Hall
End of Year Class Parties-Thursday 18th-this will be a non-uniform day too!
End of Year Awards-Friday 19th at 9:00am for Years 3,4,5 and 6 and 12:15pm for Founation Stage Year 1 and Year 2. You will be contacted if your child is receiving an award so you can come and share with us!
Dates for you Diary
Here is an updated calendar for your information which details our exciting events coming up! We hope your child enjoys their last 2 weeks.
Year 5 and 6 Sports day today! From 9:15am.
Year 6 Exam results come out-Tuesday 9th July
Reports will go out on ether Wednesday or Thursday once results have been processed to be available in the reports. You will be notified who your child's teacher is next year inside the reports.
Behaviour Awards-To be confirmed.
Talent Show-Wednesday 10th July at 1:30pm
Y6 Prom-Thursday 11th July 2018 4:30-6pm
Year 6 Leavers and Concert Friday 12th July at 11am
New Uniform SALE starts 15th July and will run until the second week back in September
Meet Your New Teacher Days-Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th July
Foundation Stage-Friday 12th July 2019 at 9:15am/Years 1 and 2-Monday 8th July 2019 at 9:15am/Years 3 and 4-Tuesday 9th July 2019
End of Year Choir and Orchestra Friday 12th July at 9am
Stars of the Year Awards Friday 19th July Years 3-5 at 9am and FS, Y1 and Y2 at 12:15pm-5 Awards-Being Unusually Brave, Remarkable Kindness, Pushing the limits and Discovering What’s Possible. OVERALL REMARKABLE LEARNER FOR THE YEAR in each class. (Year 6 are the week before as they are on transition)
PLEASE REMEMBER –school finishes at 1pm on Friday 19th July 2019. There will not be any clubs on this day from 1-3pm.
Thanks everyone!
Worried about transition...?
These videos might help any pupils who are worried.
Parent Survey Published!
We were overwhelmed by the responses! Thanks everyone for completing. We have included a You said...We did...
Our Remarkable Lives Video is available Here!
For your information-a quick diary check for you.
Parent Coffee morning TODAY from 8:30am
Monkey Bizness for all our new parents THIS AFTERNOON 1-3pm
School Discos-Thursday 4th July
School Council go to Northampton to celebrate 10 remarkable years with AET!
Year 6 Exam results come out-Tuesday 9th July
Talent Show-Wednesday 10th July at 1:30pm
Y6 Prom-Thursday 11th July 2018 4:30-6pm
Year 6 Leavers and Concert Friday 12th July
New Uniform SALE starts 15th July and will run until the second week back in September
Meet Your New Teacher Days-Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th July
Foundation Stage-Friday 12th July 2019 at 9:15am/Years 1 and 2-Monday 8th July 2019 at 9:15am/Years 3 and 4-Tuesday 9th July 2019 at 9:15am/Years 5 and 6-Friday 5th July 9:15am
End of Year Choir and Orchestra Friday 12th July at 9am
Stars of the Year Awards Friday 19th July Years 3-5 at 9am and FS, Y1 and Y2 at 12:15pm-5 Awards-Being Unusually Brave, Remarkable Kindness, Pushing the limits and Discovering What’s Possible. OVERALL REMARKABLE LEARNER FOR THE YEAR in each class. (Year 6 are the week before as they are on transition)
PLEASE REMEMBER –school finishes at 1pm on Friday 19th July 2019
Thanks everyone!
Dates for Your Diaries This Half Term!
SPORTS DAYS (traditional track format by popular demand!!!!)
Foundation Stage-Friday 12th July 2019 at 9:15am
Phase 1-Monday 8th July 2019 at 9:15am
Phase 2-Tuesday 9th July 2019 at 9:15am
Phase 3-Friday 5th July 9:15am
Y1 NAPA Show at Hull City Hall-Tuesday 2nd July 2019
Y3 NAPA Show at Hull City Hall-Wednesday 3rd July 2019
10 Year Celebration in Northampton(School Council) -4th July
Reports to Parents-Wc 8th July
Talent Show-Wednesday 10th July at 1:30pm
Year 6 Leavers and Concert-Friday 12th July at 11am
Y6 Prom-Thursday 11th July after school
End of Year Choir and Orchestra- Friday 12th July at 9am
Meet Your New Teacher Days-Tuesday and Wednesday 16th and 17th July
Year 6 SATs Week
Have a great weekend Year 6 despite the exams coming up. Relax with your families and know that you are well prepared for the challenges next week. We are behind you every step of the way. You are all a credit to the school.
Here is a breakdown of exams on which day:
Monday13th May-Spelling Grammar and Punctuation
Tuesday 14th May-Reading
Wednesday 15th May-Maths Paper 1 and 2
Thursday 16th May -Maths Paper 3
We will be providing the children with a hot breakfast sandwich and croissants to start the day well.
Non Uniform Day-Friday 17th May
To celebrate the end of Year 6 exams next week and raise money for a special Hull charity, we will be having a non-uniform day on Friday 17th May. £1 voluntary donation would be appreciated on this day and the letter will be coming out very soon.
Downright Special is a charity supporting children with Down syndrome in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire. They assist families and professionals in all aspects of the care and education of children with the condition. This is a special charity for Mrs Nichol and she would like us to support the excellent work they do.
Parent Survey 2019
A big thank you to all parents for completing the parent survey this year. We were thrilled with the responses you gave and we are so pleased you are happy with the quality of education at the school. We received 120 in total which is more than last year! Please see attached a breakdown and some sound bites. We will soon be responding with a you said...we did... response to things that would work better. We will keep you posted.
Time Capsule Competition
CONGRATULATION to Oscar Wright for winning the AET Time Capsule Challenge as judged by the school council. Also to Maria Slezak for 2nd Place and Jayden Watkin for 3rd Place-remarkable! Presentations will be in assembly on Tuesday 7th May.
Exciting Announcement for Year 1 and Year 3 Parents!
We are excited to tell you that the Northern Academy of Performing Arts (NAPA) who do our excellent musical theatre and drama outreach are putting on a fantastic show at the Hull City Hull with all their schools-AND ALL OF OUR PUPILS IN THESE TWO YEAR GROUPS ARE GOING TO STAR IN IT!!!!!!!
The Year 1 show takes place on Tuesday 2nd July at 1:15pm and Year 3 takes place on Wednesday 3rd July at 1:15pm.
The children will travel down in the morning to rehearse, have lunch then tread the boards! Tickets will cost £5 and will be available very soon. We have 150 seats for our school each day so we would like as many of our parents and friends to go as possible.
This is going to be a remarkable experience for them!
More details will be coming soon via a letter. We just wanted to give you advance notice of this fantastic event.
We can't wait!
World Food Week-Monday 20th -24th May
We are excited to let you know that from Monday 20th May it will be World Food Week. There will be a different menu and this is below:
Great news!
We’ve registered with easyfundraising, it’s a great site where you can help The Green Way Academy raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping!
Over 3,600 big name retailers are included, such as Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, eBay, Boden and M&S.
Every time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you!’ It’s completely free and over £20M has been raised for causes just like us so far.
We want to raise as much as possible so please sign up and help us at
We have also attached a short video to help you get set up.…/recruit-supporters
Easter Project!
If your child gets bored over Easter, why not take part in our AET Time Capsule competition? Details below...
Our Remarkable Stars of the Term!
Here are our wonderful pupils who have been awarded certificates this term:
Pushed the limits this term!
Discovered what's possible
Been unusually brave
Being big hearted
Are you eligible for Free School Meals?
Did you know we get extra funding if you are eligible for free school meals? Did you know lot's of parents aren't sure if they are?
We are missing out on valuable funding but you can check online via the website link below:
Thank you!
Supporting Your Child During Exam Time (Young Minds)
As we start to move towards exam season, Young Minds have launched advice for parents about supporting their children. Tips include:
Encourage your child to take revision breaks and find a balance between studying and doing things they find enjoyable and relaxing....
Make sure they are eating and drinking at regular intervals.
Reassure them – reinforce that you are and will be proud of them no matter what happens.
Remain positive and hopeful!
Let them know their feelings are valid and normal, but also offer support and solutions where possible.
Anxiety is often worst at night and this means it is useful to encourage good bedtime routine
You can find out more here.
Easter Competition 2019
We loved all of our entries. Thank you so much parents for joining in with the spirit of this celebration. Remarkable!
Mother's Day Lunches
To all of our Mam's. Thanks for coming to have dinner with us-we loved seeing you. Here is a special poem dedicated to you all...
We Love Robinwood 2019!
The children had an absolute blast at Robinwood this year! Their behaviour and attiudes were remarkable and we were very proud of them.
Easter Events Coming Up!
It's officially Spring and before you know it we will be breaking up for Easter! Just a reminder that we have the following events taking place on the run up to the holidays...
Year 6 go to Robinwood on Monday 25th and return on the 27th-the weather looks promising!
Mother's day Lunches:
Monday 25th March-Foundation Stage
Tuesday 26th march-Year 1 and Year 2
Wednesday 27th March-Year 3 and Year 4
Thursday 28th March-Year 5 and Year 6
Bikeability is taking place in Year 5 next week.
Orchestra and Choir Easter Concert for Parents-Thursday 28th at 9am-we can't wait to see them perform!
Entries in our Easter Competition Bonnets and Dioramas-Being judged in school on Monday 1st April-we can't wait to see them!
SEND Easter Workshop-Tuesday 2nd April at 9am
Year 3 and 4 Rainforest parent showcase- 9am Wednesday 3rd April
Year 1 and 2 Easter WOW Event for Parents-Friday 5th April at 9am.
Year 5 and 6 Easter Parents Event-The Pyramid Challenge-11 until 12am
We will also be rewarding great behaviour and attendance with a special treat in the last week of term!
Phew! there is so much going on! We hope you enjoy all the events and we look forward to seeing you.
It's World Poetry Day!
In honour of this special event, here is a poem Mrs Fran wrote to celebrate poetry everywhere!
So today is World Poetry Day,
We’re celebrating it here at the Green Way,
We love all poetry with its rhythm and rhyme,
In fact we ‘do’ poetry all of the time,
However today we’re putting it on the top of our list,
As we think this is an opportunity too good to miss,
We are sharing poems about all kinds of things,
From dogs to rainforests; mummies to kings,
Some poems will be read alone, others in a crowd,
Some will make us think and some laugh out loud,
One thing that we are sure of, we do poetry well in Hull,
But that’s no surprise really because we’re truly remarkable!
British Science Week 2019
We had a super time during British Science Week! Our Foundation Stage studied floating and sinking and making potions and Year 1 and 2 made slime, fizzing colours and mini-beast hotels! Year 3 and 4 made shadow puppets, tested aeroplane flight and made working volcanoes. Finally Year 5 and 6 studied light and made aftershave and perfume to test on Mr Bush!
A Super World Book Day 2019!
Parent Lunches
Dear Parent/Carer.
Why not come and have dinner with your child and help us celebrate mothers and carers everywhere!
We would like to invite you to have lunch with your child in school on the following dates:
Monday 25th March-Foundation Stage at 11:45am (please arrive at 11:30am)
Tuesday 26th March-Year 1 and 2 at 11:45am (please arrive at 11:30am)
Wednesday 27th March-Year 3 and 4 at 12:30 (please arrive at 12:15pm)
Thursday 28th March-Year 5 and 6 (please arrive at 12:15pm)
The cost of the meal is only £2 which includes a hot meal, salad bar and pudding with a drink. Parents can also bring their own packed lunch if they wish.
If you would like to join us, please complete the form sent home with our pupils or write us a note confirming which day you would like and your child's name by Monday 11th March 2019. We would love to see you.
Decorated Egg/Bonnet Competition!
It’s that time of year again! We will be holding our annual competition at school on Monday 1st April for the best decorated egg or bonnet in each class for any children wanting to take part. There will be a first prize in each class and all children will receive a chocolate egg for taking part.
If you would like to enter, please bring your decorated eggs or bonnet in on the morning of Monday 1st April. The competition will be judged by our school council.
Can we also remind parents that we are again selling Easter raffle tickets for our Easter Egg raffle. The lucky winner could win our giant chocolate bunny! These can be bought in class-£1 a strip and 20p each. Good luck and thank you in advance for your support.
Breaking News in Year 1!
Something very mysterious has happened in Year 1. What could have caused all this damage and what is the mysterious object?
What is this??????
Here is a list of events and dates for your diary for the Spring Term
365 Challenge-Ongoing-1 hour of fitness/activity a day for all pupils
British Science Week 11.3.19
Easter Raffle-Wc 11th March 2019
Red Nose Day 15.3.19
Mothers Day Lunches-Monday FS/Tues Phase 1/Wed Phase 2/Thurs Phase 3-25th-29th March 2019
Robinwood Y6 -25.3.19 until 27.3.19
Easter Egg Competition-Entries in school by Monday 1st April
SEND Easter Workshop –Tuesday 2nd April at 9am
Easter Bonnet Parade-TBC
Easter Holidays-Break up Friday 5th April. Return Wednesday 24th April 2019
May Half Term Dates- Break up Friday 24th May. Return Monday 3rd June 2019
Parents Consultations are on the way!
March 11th-15th 2019
During this week the school will host parent consultations. Come and see the amazing work your pupils have been doing and talk through any concerns you may have. More details will be available shortly to let you know which days you will be able to attend.
We are also asking parents to give their feedback on their school via a questionnaire during this week. Your responses are important and appreciated. Only with your thoughts and suggestions can the school continue to improve!
What is it Like to be part of #oneAET? Check out our latest promotional video!
Looking Ahead...
Here a just a few of the highlights this term!
Number Day! Friday 1st February 2019
Safer Internet Day-Tuesday 5th February 2019
Year 3 Drama Showcase-Tuesday 5th February at 2:30pm
Year 1 Drama Showcase-Wednesday 13th February at 2:30pm
World Book Day 7th March 2019
Red Nose Day-Friday 15th March 2019
British Science week-8-17th March 2019
Mother Day lunches-Wc Commencing 25th March 2019
Robinwood-Year 6-Mon-Wed 25th-27th March 2019
365 Challenge is launched! Check out the video!
Wow what a great video to launch our 365 challenge in school! A big thank you to the children who got involved and to Fitmums for helping us be the first school to launch it.
Check Out of 4 Star Review!
Check out our school's 4 star review in the article below courtesy of the Hull Daily Mail! Although we are generally very pleased, we would like to point out that the 1 star for attendance is based on 2016-17. Our attendance in 2017-18 has dramatically improved and was in line with national levels. Currently our attendance is even better this year so the 1 star rating will not be for long!…/the-green-way-academy-105…
We are launching this in the new year!
The aim of the Fitmums & Friends 365 Challenge is to complete 365 miles or 365 hours of physical activity, or a combination of both, in 365 days. Any activity counts – running, walking, cycling or buggy pushing, gym/bootcamp classes, swimming, dancing, team sports, dog-walking, gardening, etc.
Children can take part too and are challenged to complete 365 hours of activity in a year; preferably sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. Again, any activity counts – walking, scooting or cycling to school, PE lessons, active break times, sports clubs, playing ball games with friends, dancing, swimming…
For each mile or hour of activity, challengers colour in a mosaic tile on a choice of activity charts (more about these below). For already active individuals, how many charts can you complete in 365 days?! You don’t have to start the challenge on January 1st – choose your own start date and aim to complete the challenge within 365 days.
School Meals-Proposed Increase
Dear Parents/Carers,
In the New Year the cost of school meals is to rise to £1 per meal for pupils aged 7-11 years. Although no-one wants to see price increases, the reason for this is simple.
Currently all pupils aged 4-5 years receive universal free school meals. When pupils reach Year 3 parents have to pay and Hull school meals are among the lowest priced in the country at 50p per meal for 7-11 year olds. This is considerably lower than our neighbours in the East Riding. Hull Primary schools are subsidising the cost of paid meals by, on average, 88p a day per meal. This may not seem much but this cost soon mounts up and could be anywhere between £18,000 and £90,000 a year. These huge sums of money are better spent in school providing your child with the very best learning opportunities and support.
As a result Hull Primary Schools have asked Hull City Council to allow us to raise the cost per meal to £1 and to help us to ensure as many pupils are registered to receive free school meals as are eligible to get them. Claiming free school meals means additional funding comes into your child’s school, which can be spent on education.
We appreciate this may affect those of you on low incomes and we impose it with the greatest reluctance, but assistance is available for families and, of course, this is handled discretely and confidentially.
If you are in receipt of one of the benefits below and have not already applied for free school meals for your child, you can save money and ensure your child’s school is able to maximise its funding, by applying today. Please check the list below to see if you may qualify.
Are you in receipt of:
• Income support?
• Income based jobseekers allowance?
• Income related employment and support allowance (ESA – IR)?
• Universal credit?
• Asylum seekers (receiving support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999)?
• The guaranteed element of state pension credit?
• Child tax credit (with an annual income of no more than £16,190 as assessed by the Inland Revenue)?
• Working tax credit run on - paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for working tax credit?
It is a straightforward process to apply and can be done on-line – using the following link…/…/free-school-meals
Alternatively it can be sorted out when your child is next in school. Even if your child is aged 4-7 years old or doesn’t take up the free meals provision, knowing about them generates much needed extra funding.
Have you been eligible for free school meals at any time since May 2012 even if you no longer claim for it? It is worth your while checking with the school to see if they are receiving the funding your child is entitled to.
Thank you for your support in this matter. Your school is there to support you during this and can help you fill in any paperwork to claim free school meals. They are also very happy to check on your entitlement to ensure your child isn’t missing any valuable funding
League Tables Published-Our Response
Some parents might have noticed that the league tables were published this week which compared us to other schools in the city. Overall we are very pleased with the results from our pupils last year and we are very proud of them! Our progress information from Year 2 to Year 6 is pleasing and we are proud to report that maths is above national progress levels and writing is well above average this year!
Looking at individual subjects, our Reading and Writing results were above national percentages and Maths was only 1% behind national. THIS IS AN AMAZING ACHIEVEMENT. Historically for too long the school was way behind national expectations and this demonstrates consistent results for the last 3 years. Our expectations remain high and this year we are expected to exceed national in all areas-it's what your pupil deserves!
The combined 63% in Reading, Writing and Maths was a little disappointing as 4 children missed the age related expectations by 1 mark! If they had achieved this, we would have been 72% combined. We are determined this doesn't happen this year and are planning to have a combined percentage of 78%.
Please see the link below to the article:
Good morning everyone. Here is a breakdown of this week's events on the run up to Christmas. Monday 17th-21st December.
Monday-Year 1 and 2 Concert -Year 1 Parents at 9:30am and Year 2 Parents 2-3pm
Monday-Year 5 and 6-Parents are invited in to class to create something Christmassy! Starts at 11:30am-see you there!
Tuesday-Year 5 and 6 Matilda Concert for parents at 11:30am.
Tuesday-Year 3 and 4 Concert at 2pm.
Wednesday-The Foundation Stage have breakfast with Father Christmas!
Thursday-PARTY DAY and Non-uniform !
Thursday-Orchestra and Choir Concert at 9:00am
Friday-Festive Friday-Christmas jumpers and non uniform.
Friday- BREAK UP at 1pm. Please note-there are no afternoon clubs on this day.
Thanks everyone. We hope the children enjoy the last week!
10 Remarkable Years!
It was AET's 10th Birthday on 1st September 2018 and we celebrating this milestone with some fun and thought-provoking activities throughout 2018/19.
Our first one was an Art competition.
Our aim was for every child and young person to have the chance to produce a piece of art or photograph that either imagines what our world might be like in 10 years time, celebrates artistic innovation or simply captures something remarkable through the medium of art or photography.
Look at our results!!!!!!!
We will announce the winners next week!
Christmas Countdown
Well the Christmas countdown has officially begun with lots to look forward to over the next 2 weeks.
Just to remind parents, this week we have the following Christmas events to look forward to:
On Tuesday 11th our choir are once again on tour singing to our friends at Ada Holmes. They will also be making crackers with the residents!
On Wednesday 12th our Foundation Stage will be performing their version of the nativity to pupils and parents. Doors open at 2pm. We can't wait!
On Thursday 13th its Christmas dinner day for all pupils. It's also Christmas Jumper Day/non-uniform for all pupils. If parents can spare a £1 donation for Save the Children, this would be marvellous.
We hope the children have a great time. We love Christmas at school and aim to make it as special as possible for all pupils.
Admission Consultation 20-21
New AET Vision, Mission and Values Launch!
Academies Enterprise Trust (AET)-NEW vision launch for all its schools! THIS WEEK!
Dear parents,
As a school we are proud to be part of AET, along with Hall Rd, Kingswood Academy and Newington Academy locally. We are therefore thrilled to share with you the new AET vision, mission and values statement. This is to be adopted by all AET schools from this term and we are very excitied about it! Even Frankie has had a makeover to reinforce our 4 values.
These will be presented to the children in assembly today along with all school staff. Please make the time to watch our video written by Matt Abbott which we think is inspirational! Our school version is also below.
Thanks everyone!
The White Ribbon Campaign Friday 23rd November 2018
The school were thrilled to be chosen as the school to launch The White Ribbon Campaign today! The children enjoyed meeting the emergency services and getting signatures for their pledge-These hands are not for hurting.
Road Safety Week 19th -23rd November 2018
A big thank you to all our parents who supported us by raising awareness of road safety during this week. Our school council really enjoyed giving out safety leaflets to our parents who walk or come in the car.
Anti-Bullying Week Monday 12th-16th November 2018
The school will spend the week looking and highlighting the issues around bullying and what to do if they feel they are being bullied. The theme this year is expect respect. We also have a visit from NSPCC in Yerars 5 and 6.
UK Kindness Day
To highlight the importance of being kind, the school will be giving pupils and staff random acts of kindness on Tuesday 13th November.
Children in Need 2018
To celebrate Children in Need on Friday 16th November we are organising a dress up ‘Do your thing’ event. Children can come in fancy dress, as Pudsey or Doctor Who! Children who don’t want to dress this way are allowed to wear non school uniform. All voluntary contributions of a £1 will go to Children in Need.
Thank you for your support. We hope your child enjoys the activities and we raise as much money as we can!
We Had a Spooky Halloween!
Check out our photos!
Harvest Collection 2018
An amazing 35 carrier bags collected for The Homeless and Rootless Project in Hull and our friends at Ada Holmes Residential Home. Well done everyone!
Back to the 1940s in Year 3 and 4 today. They all had a great time!
Look at our year 1 Area!
After the awful break in over Summer and the damage to the Year 1 outdoor equipment, its great to see how much the Year 1 team have improved the area for our pupils. We hope your child enjoys learning in this area!
National Poetry Day Was Fabulous!
We had a great time learning and reciting poems on Thursday 4th October for National Poetry Day. Here are a few photographs
National Poetry Day Was Fabulous!
We had a great time learning and reciting poems on Thursday 4th October for National Poetry Day. Here are a few photographs
Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 28th September
On Friday 28th September 2018 we are fundraising for Macmillan and our school. We would like cake, buns and biscuit donations so that they can be sold at playtime. Please send in the donations with your child up until Friday morning.
Due to the success of last year, we will also be holding a coffee morning in the hall from 9:00am – all parents/carers are invited to come and enjoy a tea/coffee and some cake. We hope to see as many people as possible there to join us.
We will also be selling raffle tickets this week at 50p a strip. The prize will be a homemade cake by Emma Cakes Bateman – she will be making a chocolate cake as seen below.
UPDATE! We raised £500-well done everyone and a big thank you to our parents who helped make it such a success!
Introducing our New School Councillors for 218-19
Y1-Teagan, Sophie and Elliott
Y2-JD and Skaiste
Y3-Oscar and JJ
Y4 -Lexi and Lily
Y5-Nikola and Katie
Y6-Bethany and Ruby
Important Message from Hull City Council
Hull City Council and Humberside Fire and Rescue Service are asking children in Hull to play safely over the long summer holiday and not be tempted by areas awaiting demolition and the many building sites which are at the forefront of the city’s regeneration.
Contractors take all reasonable steps to ensure that only authorised people are allowed onto a site when construction work is being carried out, and health and safety is embedded in the industry’s culture. Nevertheless every year in the UK children are injured, and even die, as a result of accidents on building sites. Thankfully there have been no casualties in Hull, and we want to keep it that way.
Cllr John Black, Portfolio Holder for Housing said, “Children tend to be drawn to building sites as exciting places to play and are unaware of the potentially life threatening dangers they pose, therefore we want to send a strong message out that “building sites bite” and are no go areas for children.
"Across the city, the council and our partners offer a wide range of play, sporting and other recreational activities for children during the school holidays, and these can be checked out on the Council’s website and via the Council’s area teams’ Facebook pages.”
Building sites are prevalent across Hull because the Council is half way through the city’s biggest housing regeneration programme for more than 50 years, which will offer people a wider choice of quality affordable homes to rent or buy.
"The increase in fires in such properties is also a concern for Humberside Fire and Rescue Service. Group Manager of Public Safety Matt Sutcliffe explained:
“Derelict buildings and those under construction are inherently dangerous places for those who may become trapped inside during a fire or collapse and even for firefighters in the event of a rescue. Fire damage and water damage from previous incidents may well have made floors, roofs and stairways structurally unsafe which makes these buildings nothing short of death traps.
“Sending engines to deliberate fires anywhere in Hull is ultimately taking resources away from where they may be needed elsewhere in the city. I would urge those responsible to stay out of these derelict buildings this summer for their own safety. It is only a matter of time before we are going to be faced with a serious injury or worse.”