College Updates & Events

College Updates & Events

College Newsletter

Our College Newsletter showcases the great things that students at Tendring Technology College achieve each week.

Click here to read this week's College Newsletter.  

This Week's Updates from Tendring Technology College

The Week Ahead:

Year 11 Exam Timetable: here

Latest TTC Newsletter is available now Click Here!

KS4 Revision Sessions:

Key Reminders:

Term 02 | 2 December 2022 - 24th March 2023

The Week Ahead:

Key Dates:

Key Reminders:

Term 01 | 28 November 2022 - 2 December 2022

The Week Ahead:

Key Dates:

Key Reminders:

Term 01 | 17 November 2022 - 24 November 2022

The Week Ahead:

Key Dates:

Key Reminders:

Term 01 | 10 October 2022 - 14 November 2022

Key Dates:

Key Reminders:

Term 01 | 10 September 2022 - 7 October 2022

The week ahead:

Key Dates:

Key Reminders:

Term 01 | 03 September 2022

MHU - Weather Warning 

MHU - TTC Focus for the Week Ahead 

MHU - Celebrations

Chrome books 

End of Term

Term dates for 2022/2023 can be found here 2022/23 Dates

Autumn Term

Term 06 | 09 July 2022

MHU - TTC Focus for the Week Ahead 

MHU - End of Term

MHU - Retirement

Frinton Campus Rounders Day 

Year 09 Frinton Campus Experience 

Fun Day Thorpe Campus | 

Year 10 Work Experience 

Year 10 other dates for the diary

TTC Jack Petchey Awards Evening 

Term 06 | 02 July 2022

Events at Frinton Campus | The return of the Frinton Campus Rounders day is primed and ready for Friday 08 July.  The day will consist of  two separate competitions  Year 10  and Year 12.  Tutor groups will battle to see who will be crowned Rounders champions.  It will be a brilliant festival style day including music, food and no doubt ice cream.  Staff also take part in the rounders competition, which is a real highlight- putting aside the strains, pulled muscles, stiff backs etc. 

Year 09 Transition Events  | During Week commencing Monday 11 July, students in Year 9 will attend Frinton Campus and follow a bespoke timetable including core subjects,  PHSE, life skills and an activity day.

Year 06 Transition Events  | Week Commencing Monday 11th July will see our Year 6 into 7 transition week. Details as follows:

We very much look forward to welcoming our new students and parents/carers into the TTC family!

Fun Day at Thorpe Campus | Fun Day for year 7 and 8  at Thorpe Campus is scheduled for 14th July (Year 9 will have their day at Frinton Campus on Wednesday 13th July). This is an amazing opportunity for students to have fun with their friends and celebrate the end of the school year in style! There will be rides, inflatables, hot food van, ice cream van all provided by 2 Hearts Leisure and financed by AET. Final arrangements for the day will be shared a little nearer to the time.


Fun Day at Frinton Campus I  Fun Day  for years 9, 10 and 12 at Frinton is scheduled for Wednesday 13th July. It will be held on the sports field and more details to follow this coming week. Like our Thorpe Campus, all aspects of this day is kindly being funded by our Trust.

GCSE & A-Level Results Days | Arrangements for Results Days for Y11 & Y13 students can be found below.

A Level (Level 3) results - Thursday 18th August 2022

GCSE (Level 2) results -Thursday 25th August 2022

Jubilee Bank Holiday arrangements | A reminder that TTC will be closed on Wednesday 20th July in lieu of the additional Jubilee bank holiday in May half term and in line with Local Authority guidance.

MHU - TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

Term 06 | 25 June 2022

TTC Academy Council | It is great to see that we have received applications from parents to become part of our Academy Council. This is a great opportunity to be a part of TTC and support the college on its journey forward. We are now looking for staff members and members of the wider community/local businesses to join. Please email if you are interested in joining and would like more information.

Possible Transport Network Disruption on  Monday 4th July 2022 | As mentioned last week, we have received information about a rolling road block on the A12 in response to the rising fuel prices. We will continue to monitor this closely and keep you informed of any plans we may need to make if this does go ahead.

Year 09 Transition Events  | During week-commencing Monday 11 July, Year 9 students will attend Frinton Campus and follow a bespoke timetable including core subjects,  PHSE, life skills and an activity day.  We will be writing to Year 9 parents separately regarding specific arrangements for this week.

Year 06 Transition Events  | Week Commencing Monday 11th July will see our Year 6 into 7 transition week. Details as follows:

We very much look forward to welcoming our new students and parents/carers into the TTC family!

Summer Term Events at Thorpe Campus | Fun day for year 7 and 8  at Thorpe Campus is scheduled for week commencing 11th (Year 9 will have their day at Frinton Campus on Wednesday 13th July). This is an amazing opportunity for students to have fun with their friends and celebrate the end of the school year in style! There will be rides, inflatables, hot food van, ice cream van. Final arrangements for the day will be shared a little nearer to the time, but initial plans look really exciting.

GCSE & A-Level Results Days | Arrangements for Results Days for Y11 & Y13 students can be found below.

A Level (Level 3) results - Thursday 18th August 2022

GCSE (Level 2) results -Thursday 25th August 2022

Jubilee Bank Holiday arrangements | Please note that TTC will be closed on Wednesday 20th July in lieu of the additional Jubilee bank holiday in May half term and in line with Local Authority guidance.

TTC Team Update | Mrs Shiel will be retiring at the end of this term and I am sure you will join us in wishing her well. Please be assured that we are in the process of recruiting for this post and revised contact details for the role of Learning Support Lead  (Communication and Interaction) will be provided to our parents with SEND children in due course.

Mrs Everett and Mrs Camilleri will also be moving from our Autism Support Centre Hub at Thorpe Campus and they will be taking up posts as our Attendance and Family Liaison Officers at TTC from September 2022. We are in the middle of recruiting for these two LSA posts  and we are really pleased with the level of interest locally in these roles.

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

Term 06 | 18 June 2022

Year 09 Transition Events  | During week-commencing Monday 11 July, Year 9 students will attend Frinton Campus and follow a bespoke timetable including core subjects,  PHSE, life skills and an activity day.  We will be writing to Year 9 parents separately regarding specific arrangements for this week.

Year 06 Transition Events  | Week Commencing Monday 11th July will see our Year 6 into 7 transition week. Details as follows:

We very much look forward to welcoming our new students and parents/carers into the TTC family!

Summer Assessments Update for students in Y07, Y08 & Y09 | Students will complete all assessments in the main hall, in exam conditions to help prepare them for public exams. Assessments will take place again next week commencing Monday 20th June. Students in year 7 and 8 will complete assessments in Maths and English as will students in years 9 with the addition of Science. Parents/carers can find the schedule for KS3 Summer Assessments on this page of our website

Summer Assessments Update for students in Y10 & Y12 | Students in Y10 & Y12 will complete 'Stop the Clock' trial examinations in their subjects from Monday 20 June 2022.  The timetable of scheduled exams can be found on this page of our website.

Summer Term Events at Frinton Campus | The return of the Frinton Campus Rounders day is primed and ready for Friday 08 July.  The day will consist of  two separate competitions  Year 10  and Year 12.  Tutor groups will battle to see who will be crowned Rounders champions.  It will be a brilliant festival-style day including music, food and no doubt ice cream.  Staff also take part in the rounders competition, which is a real highlight- putting aside the strains, pulled muscles, stiff backs etc.   The following events are also planned this term:

Summer Term Events at Thorpe Campus | Fun day for year 7 and 8  at Thorpe Campus is scheduled for week commencing 11th (Year 9 will have their day at Frinton Campus on Wednesday 13th July). This is an amazing opportunity for students to have fun with their friends and celebrate the end of the school year in style! There will be rides, inflatables, hot food van, ice cream van. Final arrangements for the day will be shared a little nearer to the time, but initial plans look really exciting.

GCSE & A-Level Results Days | Arrangements for Results Days for Y11 & Y13 students can be found below.

A Level (Level 3) results - Thursday 18th August 2022

GCSE (Level 2) results -Thursday 25th August 2022

Jubilee Bank Holiday arrangements | Please note that TTC will be closed on Wednesday 20th July in lieu of the additional Jubilee bank holiday in May half term and in line with Local Authority guidance.

Possible Transport Network Disruption on  Monday 4th July 2022 | We have received information about a rolling road block on the A12 in response to the rising fuel prices. We will continue to monitor this closely and keep you informed of any plans we may need to make if this does go ahead.

Notice from Ms Hughes (Executive Principal) | I wanted to update you following the incident at the college on Friday 10th June 2022.  The teacher involved in the incident is not currently in school and will not be returning whilst the investigation is underway. The matter will be investigated thoroughly in line with AET’s policies and procedures and we are working closely with the Local Authority.

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

Term 06 | 11 June 2022

Student Forum at Thorpe Campus | Students were once again overwhelmingly positive about life at Thorpe Campus.  They are really excited about their new lockers and particularly like to know that when (like on Wednesday) the day starts out wet and ends up with blue skies and sunshine, they have somewhere safe and secure to store their coats! Students talked about a distinct difference in the speed of line-ups, which they feel is much better and they have enjoyed a more positive start to the day recognising birthdays and congratulating peers on their achievements. Students remain incredibly positive about the changes to lunch arrangements and year 9 students especially enjoy having their own separate servery in Landermere Hall. Finally Students talked about feeling happier that they can now refer any concerns directly to a member of the senior team through the Student Support Referral button on RM Unify. They like knowing that they get a response within 24 hours.

Student Forum at Frinton Campus | The main themes  discussed where: teaching and learning, the environment and exams.  Students once again commented on how they enjoy the lessons at Frinton as they are able  to explore and expand their knowledge in that particular subject.  We had a positive discussion regarding the environment, in particular what TTC could improve, students are keen to participate in recycling projects and an audit of services within Frinton Campus  and litter reduction in school and also within the local community.  We also discussed the current exam season - it was clear that students are still very much focused on revision and achieving the best possible grades, they did comment the the extended exam season was proving difficult as they still had two weeks to complete, however, morale was positive.

Arrangements for final Examinations at Frinton Campus | Students completing exams at our Frinton campus have already successfully navigated over 3 weeks of exams.  We now have less than two weeks remaining, we wanted to update you on a few important details in regard to their exams.

Summer Assessments for students in Y07, Y08 & Y09 | Parents/carers can find the schedule for KS3 Summer Assessments on this page of our website. Students will complete assessments in the main hall, as this helps students to experience what it is like to sit formal examinations. Assessments will take place over the two weeks commencing Monday 13th June and Monday 20th June. Students in year 7 and 8 will complete assessments in Maths and English as will students in Years 9, who will also sit assessments in Science.

Summer Assessments at Y10 & Y12 | Assessment timetable for Year 10 and 12 will take place during weeks commencing 20 and 27 June 2022.

TTC Community Meeting | On Wednesday of this week, parents/carers joined our meetings with members of the senior team at TTC, Claire Heald (AET National Director of Education) and Pete Bloomfield (AET Regional Director).  There we were also pleased to welcome our new Principal, Tom Burt, that joined us to meet with parents/carers.  The meetings provided a valuable opportunity for the team to hear views and feedback from the community. This meeting was the most recent in a series of opportunities to provide discussion around priorities as we move forward. As part of the the meeting, we shared our most recent update which is summarised in this document.

TTC Team Update | Teri-Leigh Jones (Head of School) will be leaving us at the end of the school year, having been appointed as headteacher in another school in Essex. Her final day in school was 31 May and she is very grateful for the opportunity to have worked this year with the Tendring Technology students, staff and wider community. She leaves sending her very best wishes for the future of the college under the new leadership. Michelle Hughes (Executive Principal) is now based full time at Tendring Technology College. We now have a fully staffed Senior Team and you will soon be able to put faces to names via our website.

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

Term 05 | 21 May 2022

Arrangements for the End of Term | Tendring Technology College will close at 3.10pm on Friday 27 May 2022 for the term-break.  Term 06 will commence for all students on Monday 06 June 2022.

Examinations at Frinton Campus | It has been an excellent start to the examination season at Frinton Campus, students have conducted themselves with maturity and focus, with staff  commenting how great students have been during the week.  Punctuality to morning exams has been extremely positive with students arriving at Frinton campus before 08:30 - this allows students time  to prepare themselves  and enter the exam venues calm and focused.  During the examination period students are expected to continue to attend their timetabled lessons until they have finished their final exam: 

Student Forum at Thorpe Campus | It was a pleasure and a privilege to meet with a group of Students on Thorpe Campus again this week. The feedback received was overwhelmingly positive and suggestions for how we can be even better were well thought out and even, in the case of rewards, researched and presented professionally! The main discussion points were:

Two of our year 7 boys presented some fantastic ideas about how reward points could mean more. They have now been invited to meet with Mr Taylor who has also been working on how we can make this better next school year! Line-ups at Thorpe Campus have already got much faster. Ms Waldron has challenged year teams to complete these in less than 60 seconds and has encouraged some healthy competition between year groups to see who can complete these the most efficiently and effectively. Ms Skinner (Head of Year 9) has set the bar high already this week!

Developments at Thorpe Campus | Our newly installed lockers are ready for their new owners! Parents can request a locker for their child, and will need to provide a padlock for students who wish to be able to ensure belongings are secure. A £5 deposit can be paid via ParentPay once confirmation has been received of the allocation. Lockers are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Parents are invited to request a locker for their children via this online form. Should you have any queries regarding the allocation of lockers at Thorpe Campus, please contact Mr Rodd, who will be more than happy to assist.

Student Forum at Frinton Campus | Another very insightful student meeting was held this week at Frinton Campus with students invited to share their thoughts, opinions and suggestions, student comments are below:

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

Term 05 | 14 May 2022

This Week’s College Newsletter | This week’s newsletter showcases the work that students at TTC have been completing this week, and some of the special events that have taken place at the college.  In this week’s issue, we read about the a new online library that is now available to all students; allowing access to some great resources and online books.  In other news, students in Year 8 have been cooking pancakes as part of the Forest School programme, whilst Year 9 and Year 10 students enjoyed success at the Coastal Athletics Competition.  We also read about many great things taking place across the clubs and enrichment activities at TTC.  

Arrangements for Examinations at Frinton Campus | This week, all Year 11 students have been briefed through our assemblies regarding the procedures for the forthcoming examinations.  All exam candidates are expected to be on site and ready to line-up for their exams 30 minutes before the official start time.   For morning examinations, this will mean that students need to be on site at the college no later than 8:30.  We have reminded students that they should have suitable equipment for their exams; pens, pencils , calculator ruler etc.  and that spare pens are essential! Importantly, students have been reminded that mobile phones and electronic devices (including smart watches) are not permitted in the examination room.

If your child is late for an examination due to unforeseen circumstances, we would please request that an urgent call is made to our Frinton Campus reception team on 01255 672116.  This will help the team ensure a smooth entrance to the examination venue with limited disruption.  All staff at TTC are here to support students through the examination season.

The Curriculum at TTC | We are delighted to be able to publish our new curriculum pages for our department areas at TTC. This week you will be able to read all about how our 5 Curriculum Capitals are represented in each area of the curriculum. For us, it’s important that we are able to share the principles which underpin what we are teaching and how each subject ‘lives out’ the capitals. This area of the website will continue to be developed over the coming weeks and months. Next week, we will begin publishing our week by week overviews so you can see, at a glance, what your child is learning about. You can look forward to further information about this project in the coming weeks, and we would welcome your feedback on what else you would like to see; we are already looking ahead to how we can showcase our students’ work in these areas so you can see examples of what our fantastic students have produced and learned.

Chromebooks at Thorpe Campus | We have been able to distribute the Chromebook devices to all students in Year 7-9.  This will be used daily as part of a reading programme as well as in classes and at home.  It is really important that students bring their Chromebook in every day to ensure they can access their learning.   Should any student have another Chromebook at home that was given to them by the school at an earlier date, we need these to be handed to the year team so we can have a bank available for students to loan when they are unable to use their own one for any reason. 

Student Forum at Thorpe Campus | On Tuesday this week, Ms Waldron met with a group of students at Thorpe Campus for tea, cake and feedback! Students had some great ideas about further improvements to our daily line-ups and lunch queues - which we have already been able to implement! Students spoke really highly of staff at TTC and were very complimentary about the teaching they receive. They were also very confident in knowing who they can talk to regarding any concerns and discussed feeling incredibly well supported by our Pastoral Teams. Ms Waldron is looking forward to this opportunity every week with our brilliant students.

Student Forum at Frinton Campus | This week, Mr Collins had the pleasure of meeting with a group of Year 10 and 11 students this week to discuss their thoughts and views about Frinton Campus.  This will be a weekly occurrence with different students being selected each week.  Points raised by the students were:

Student Referral System | This week has seen the arrival of a new way for students to seek support from the team at TTC. We have introduced a new tile through our electronic dashboard entitled 'Student Support Referral'. This can be accessed by our students anytime and provides an opportunity to request help from the team really simply. This will be launched with students in assembly over the coming week, but it is really pleasing to see that some students have already found and used this facility successfully. 

Developments at Thorpe Campus | We are thrilled to announce that the new lockers are now all in place at Thorpe Campus. We have been hard at work in the background organising the allocation of these and this will be finalised next week!

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

Term 05 | 07 May 2022

TTC Team Update | Earlier this week, we were delighted to announce our permanent new Executive Principal and Principal of Tendring Technology College. Ms Michelle Hughes has been appointed as Executive Principal, and has been working alongside Mr Napier since January when he was brought in on an interim basis as our Executive Principal.  She will be supported by Mr Tom Burt as our new Principal from the start of the new academic year in September.  This letter was shared with parents/carers earlier this week.  Additionally, we were delighted to make appointments to our recent Teacher of PE, and Head of Year vacancies. 

This Week’s TTC Newsletter | This week’s newsletter showcases the work that students at TTC have been completing this week, and some of the special events that have taken place at the college.  In this week’s issue, we read about year 8 student, Alex, who competed in the WKF Karate 1 youth league in Cyprus; this week’s assembly programme which focused on Teenage Self-Esteem Month, and some great tips for students as they prepare for exams later this term.   The newsletter also updates from the wide range of extra-curricular and sporting clubs and activities taking place across the college. 

The Curriculum at TTC | The team at TTC has been to further improve the key curriculum information with parents/carers, as you have told us you would like to be able to see what students are learning about in more detail. Next week, we will be publishing our updated and improved curriculum overviews on the website for this term and beyond. Each subject will have its own curriculum page where you can read all about what the vision is for each area, along with what is to be learned on a week by week basis. As each stage of this key part of the curriculum development progresses, we will keep you updated; we hope that you find this a helpful step in understanding more about what your child is learning as they progress through TTC.

Developments at Thorpe Campus | Across this week, the distribution of Chromebook devices to all remaining students in Year 07 has been completed. At Tendring Technology College, we are committed to ensure that every student has the best possible learning experience in every lesson, every day.  As part of this, the team has been working hard to make sure that our pupils are able to use technology to support their learning in the classroom, and at home. 

Could you be our new Parent Council Member? | Positive relationships with parents, staff and the broader community are the keys to an effective school and no school can truly be high performing without these relationships. The Academy Council will be at the heart of our school’s journey. It will serve as the single local body squarely focused on providing insight into the experiences of pupils, parents, staff and the wider community. Academy Council members will not be ‘governors’ in the traditional sense and while they will be informed of and consulted on matters of educational performance, policy and compliance, they will not be relied upon for scrutiny of those areas. Instead, they will have the freedom to focus on providing the local feedback, assurance and connection that cannot be obtained in any other way.  Read more about applying to join the Academy Council as a Parent Council Member in this leaflet.

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college will be focusing on:

Term 05 | 30 April 2022

TTC Erasmus+ Trip | A group of students from TTC have visited Poland as part of the Erasmus+ programme which provides opportunities to study and build links with educational institutions across the globe. Earlier this week, the group had a lovely day in Gdańsk on Sunday: 400 steps up to the bell tower where they were rewarded with beautiful views of the Baltic Sea. At the start of the week students visited the host school and had presentations and group games in their beautifully renovated hall. The school was built during German occupation, but like most of the cities damaged in the bombing by Allies, with EU money, buildings are being slowly restored to their glory. We will share more updates from this trip over the coming few weeks. 

TTC Team Update | This week, the recruitment processes for Principal, SENCO and Teacher of PE took place.  The process involved an opportunity for the candidates to meet with a selection of team-members from the college, as well as our students.  As part of the Principal selection process, we were grateful to parents and members of the community taking part in our community panel.  We look forward to sharing news about the appointments made over the week ahead.

Developments at TTC Thorpe Campus | Over the past week, we have received the final delivery of new lockers for students at our Thorpe campus, and the installation work is underway.  Students will have access to a locker to be able to store their belongings securely during the college day.  Across this week, the distribution of Chromebook devices to students in Year 07 has commenced, and remaining students will receive their device on Tuesday 03 May 2022.

Preparing for Y11 & Y13 Summer Examinations | As work continues to support students in Year 11 and Year 13 in preparing for important examinations which are now approaching, the team at TTC have been working hard to keep adapt their plans to ensure that everything we do is focused on supporting students in Y11 and Y13.  These live plans can be found in one, easy-to-find location:

The Interim School Board | This week, we were pleased to welcome members of the Interim School Board (ISB) to TTC to review the progress that the college has made over recent months.  The ISB is chaired by the Director of Standards & Quality and attendees include the Director of Education, Trust DSL, Regional Education Director, and a Local Authority representative.  During the visit, members of the ISB were able to meet with members of the team, and join students in their classes, at break time and lunchtime.

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

Term 05 | 23 April 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We were excited to welcome students back to the College on Tuesday 19 April 2022. Please find below weekly updates from the team for Term 05, Week 1.

Road Closure & Diversion | A reminder that there is a road closure and subsequent diversion for our Upper A Bus from 18th - 30th April.  Holland Road in Little Clacton will be closed during this time, so all pupils that board/alight Upper A at the stop on Holland Road will need to use Little Clacton Post Office/Blacksmiths Arms stop while the bus is diverting.

Preparing for Y11 & Y13 Summer Examinations | Ofqual (the body that regulates examinations in England) has provided additional help for students taking examinations this summer, which include:

The team at TTC have shared this key information with students, and have been working hard to develop their plans to ensure that everything we do is focused on supporting students in Y11 and Y13 during these next two terms. These plans can now be found in one, easy-to-find location:

TTC Team Update | Earlier this week, we were pleased to welcome the following colleagues who joined us at TTC, or have assumed new roles at the start of Term 05:

SEND Team at TTC | We have a very dedicated and talented SEND Team at TTC and we are taking steps to ensure that the work of the SEND team is visible, high quality and well understood by all key stakeholders.  As part of the developmental work with the SEND team, from Monday, there will be title changes to both the Curriculum Access Practitioners (CAPs) and Area of Need Leads (AONLs). Moving forward:

Learning Support Leads and LSAs will continue to support the same pupils.  The rooms on both Thorpe and Frinton where the majority of our SEND pupils go for support are currently known as Curriculum Access. From Monday - these spaces will be known as Learning Support Centres

In relation to communicating with the SEND team, please continue to liaise with the relevant Learning Support Lead  as you currently do (via email or telephone). If there is an issue that they are unable to resolve they will escalate to our interim SENCO (Mrs Clark) who will then work with you to resolve any concerns you may have. Equally you can use the email address  

Over the coming week we will be interviewing for the SENCO and an advert is going out shortly for an Assistant SENCO so that we have consistent coverage on both campuses. We look forward to sharing the outcomes of these with you in due course.

Behaviour at TTC | We know that good behaviour is crucial to ensure that every student has a great experience in school, every day.  The team at TTC promote positive behaviour to ensure that students are able to engage well in their learning without disruption, and are able to enjoy social time with friends.  Where there is behaviour that falls below the college expectations, or disrupts learning for other students, we adopt a consistent approach where students can expect the following approach in every classroom:

When a student arrives in our Reset room, there will be an opportunity to: reflect on what has occurred in the classroom; explore the behaviour that led to a reminder and warning being issued; and suggest ways in which behaviour can be improved in the future.  There will also be an opportunity for a student to consider the ways we can engage most effectively with learning, and plan to try again

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

TTC Community Meeting | On Wednesday 30 April, Rebecca Boomer-Clark visited TTC to meet with members of the parents/carers to discuss progress made since the Ofsted inspection and to hear directly from the community.  Following the meeting, the following were circulated to parents/carers:

Term 04, Term Break |  02 April 2022

End of Term Arrangements | We  will be closed for the Easter break on Friday 01 April 2022 at 3.10pm.  The College will reopen to students on Tuesday 19 April 2022. We will take a short break from our weekly updates, which will return at the start of term 5.

Year 09 Options Course Selection | This week sees the final stage of the Year 09 Options programme which has taken place across Term 04.  We have shared the final stage of the process with parents/carers, asking that the final selection of courses that their child wants to study from September 2022 is confirmed.  This includes the four main subject preferences and two reserve subjects.  Where there are no changes to the original course selection, there is no need for parents/carers to take any action.  Where there is a change, we would ask parents/carers to complete this short form.

Celebration Assemblies | To mark the end of Term 04, students have taken part in a series of celebration assemblies to recognise their achievements across the term.  Students received awards for their contribution to the life of college, subject awards for superb effort and progress, and Principal Awards were presented by Mrs Jones.  You can read more about the celebration assemblies in this week's Newsletter.  Congratulations to all students that received awards.

Supporting Students to Prepare for Y11 and Y13 Examinations |  The Easter break provides an important milestone for students in Year 11 and Year 13 as revision for their exams gets underway.  The information on our website provides summary calendars for each subject, showing the work students will be doing, suggestions as to revision topics and links to key support materials.  The links to the Countdown to Success pages can be found below:

AET Leadership Team Visit TTC | We welcomed Rebecca Boomer-Clark, and the AET Leadership Team last week as they joined us to meet with students, parents/carers and the team at TTC. Thank you to all parents/carers that were able to join us at our community meetings, and it was great to hear your feedback and suggestions. 

Road Closure & Diversion | The Local Authority has informed TTC that there will be a road closure and subsequent diversion for our Upper A bus from 18th - 30th April.  Holland Road in Little Clacton will be closed during this time, so all pupils that board/alight Upper A at the stop on Holland Road will need to use Little Clacton Post Office/Blacksmiths Arms stop while the bus is diverting.

TTC Team Updates | As Term 04 comes to a close, we have said farewell to a number of our team who will be leaving us to take up new posts at the start of next term.  

We are looking forward to welcoming new members of the team that will be joining us next term, or taking up new responsibilities:

Our recruitment work continues over the Easter Break, and we will be interviewing for various positions over the coming few weeks.  We will also be advertising to recruit a Principal at TTC for September 2022.

Preparations for the Term Ahead | There are some changes to our timetable from term 5 as a result of changes to the team.  We have focused on making sure that there is consistency in each subject so that students have the same teacher per subject for the rest of term wherever possible.  Where there are any changes to a timetable, we will share updated timetables with any student affected.

Term 04 | 26 March 2022

Year 09 Options Course Selection | This week, students in Year 09 have been able to take part in workshops with older students to find out more about the courses they are considering as they move into year 10.  It was great to see students involved in this event, and they described how helpful it had been to talk to students already studying the subject.  Students were able to find out about what it was like to study the subject, the kind of work they would do, and the topics that are covered on the course.

Over the coming week, we will ask parents/carers to confirm the final selection of courses that their child wants to study from September 2022.  This will include the four main subject preferences and two reserve subjects.  There will be a further opportunity for parents/carers to book an appointment with a member of the senior team to access support and guidance.

Supporting Students to Prepare for Y11 and Y13 Examinations | The team at Tendring Technology College have been supporting students in Year 11 and Year 13 as they prepare for examinations taking place in the summer term.  Over the past week, students in Year 11 have been able to take part in a programme of personalised tuition in key subjects to help target specific topics from their courses through additional learning and revision.  

We have been really impressed with the way in which students have taken a mature approach to this work, and have been pleased to hear how impactful this is already becoming.  In addition to this, the team has been finalising the revision programmes taking place over the Easter Break, and we have shared this information with parents/carers of those students involved.  

The team has created two new landing pages on our website, which summarise the work taking place across all subjects in Year 11 and Year 13 in preparation for examinations.  These pages include summary calendars for each subject, showing the work students will be doing, suggestions as to revision topics and links to key support materials.  The links to the Countdown to Success pages can be found below:

AET Leadership Team Visit TTC | We are looking forward to welcoming Rebecca Boomer-Clark, and the AET Leadership Team who will be visiting TTC this week.  There will be opportunities for students, parents/carers and the team at TTC to meet with colleagues from our Trust.  We will be hosting two parent meetings at the end of the school day on Wednesday 30 March 2022, at our Frinton Campus.  We shared an invitation to parents/carers earlier this week with a link to the booking form for this event.

Improvements to the College Day | Over the past few weeks, the team has been reviewing the organisation of the college day, to ensure that students have the best experience possible.  Currently we operate a structure which includes a split lunch for students in different year groups.  We have worked with members of the team, with students, and have received suggestions from parents/carers into ways in which we can improve the structure of our college day.  Following this review, from Term 05, the following structure will be introduced for students in all year groups:

The current split lunch arrangement was originally introduced as a COVID-secure operational measure, but this is no longer needed. The single lunch slot will mean that we can retain the same amount of lesson time for all students whilst also extending lunchtime so that students have more time to take part in lunchtime activities and to be with their friends. 

Homework at TTC | The team at the College have been working to design a programme of homework which ensures that all students receive high quality work to do at home every week to support their work they are doing in school.  Our approach is based on the following principles. Homework will: 

From Monday 25 April, homework will be scheduled to ‘go live’ at 08:40 every Monday and will be due at 21:00 the following Sunday. Students will have all week (7 days) to complete their homework.   Using high-quality resources,  students in KS3 and KS4 will be set approximately 20/30 minutes of homework, per subject , per week. At KS5 students will receive a minimum of 1 hour per subject, per week, in addition to directed study work. 

All homework will be scheduled using Google Classroom so that it is available in a single location - making it straightforward for students (and parents/carers) to track the assignments that need to be completed, and the deadlines.  We will talk to students about the homework programme and share guidance with parents/carers as to how students can access this work at the start of Term 05.

Arrangements for the End of Term | We  will be closed for the Easter break on Friday 01 April 2022 at 3.10pm.  The College will reopen to students on Tuesday 19 April 2022.

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

Term 04 | 19 March 2022

Dear all,

We’ve had a productive week at TTC, with a huge amount going on.  The Year 9 Option launch event and parental meetings have been really well attended, so thank you for taking the time to join us. Next week Year 9s will be taking part in a range of workshops with older students in Years 10 and 11 to get their perspective on different subjects and choices. These decisions are really important and there will be opportunities for parents and carers to book further sessions with members of the senior team to discuss any questions or concerns you might have.

This week we were also delighted to welcome Michelle Hughes to TTC. Michelle is an experienced Executive Principal from AET who specialises in SEND. She will be working closely with me and the team as we focus on accelerating improvements at the College. Michelle is really keen to hear from parents and carers, so please do get in touch with her directly if you would like to share any feedback or  have any questions. Please use the email address and include the subject line "SEND Feedback".

Looking ahead to next week, we’re going to be looking at some improvements to the structure of the day, based on feedback from students, parents and carers and members of the TTC team. A key part of this will be to look at potentially extending tutor time at the start of the day. We’re also looking at extending lunchtime for students and removing the current ‘split lunch’ arrangements so that students have more time to take part in lunchtime activities and to be with their friends.

I also wanted to highlight that we are accelerating recruitment at TTC, particularly with the Director of Science,  Curriculum Leader for Art & Photography, SEND Area of Need Lead, Various Classroom Teachers and Examination Invigilator roles with recruitment taking place over the coming fortnight.

Lastly, as you will know Rebecca Boomer-Clark visited TTC a few weeks ago and will be returning with a number of her team on the 28 March. We will be hosting two parent meeting sessions at the end of the school day and very much hope you will be able to attend. The first session will start at 5.15pm with a second session at 6.30pm.

As ever, we are keen to have your feedback and suggestions – please do get in touch via

Mr Napier
Executive Principal

Year 09 Options Initial Course Selection | It has been a pleasure for the team to meet with parents/carers of Year 09 students over the last week.  These meetings have provided the opportunity to provide advice and guidance as students select the courses they wish to follow in Year 10.  The feedback from parents/carers and students throughout the meetings has been hugely positive in terms of the events that have taken place so far, and we are looking forward to workshops across the coming week, where students will be able to talk to students from Year 10 and Year 12.  The workshops will take place at our Thorpe Campus on Friday 25 March 2022, where groups of Year 9 students will be able to work with students already following the course, to discuss their experiences.  Mr Collins, who is coordinating the event said:

“We are very much looking forward to introducing year 9 students to some of our year 10 and year 12 students who have first-hand experience of the courses at TTC.  We know that they will be able to provide advice and guidance to year 9 students, and be able to share their experiences of studying our GCSE courses.”

We want to offer thanks to all parents/carers for submitting the initial course selection for their children via our website.  As we move forward with the options process, we know that some students may wish to make some alterations to their initial selection, and we’ll be asking parents/carers to confirm the final selection of courses before the end of the term.  There will be a further opportunity for parents/carers to book an appointment with a member of the senior team to access support and guidance during week-commencing 28 March 2022.  Parents/carers can find all of the information about the Year 09 Options programme on our website.

Charity Support at TTC | Thank you to all students that took part in our fundraising event on Friday 18 March 2022, as part of Comic Relief Red Nose Day.  Students were able to wear non-uniform clothing for the day, and many marked the event by wearing a ‘splash of red’.  We are extremely grateful to parents/carers for supporting students in making donations on the day to raise money for the Red Nose Day Appeal and the DEC Ukraine Schools Appeal.

Promoting Positive Behaviour at TTC | We know that all teachers and students need and deserve a disruption free environment to enable them to engage well in teaching and learning.  Our team continues to promote positive behaviour around our college, and challenge behaviour that disrupts the learning of others.  We know that behaviour continues to improve across both campuses, but we know that there is more work to be done where the conduct of some individual students is not yet where it needs to be.  Where behaviour is unacceptable, it cannot be accepted by the college, and will continue to be challenged.

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

We always welcome feedback and suggestions from parents/carers of students at the college.  Should parents/carers have any feedback or suggestions on these focus areas, please use this short online form to share this with the team.

Term 04 | 12 March 2022

Year 09 Options Initial Course Selection | On Tuesday 08 March 2022, more than 200 parents/carers joined us for the launch event for the options process.  The feedback following this event has been hugely positive, and we are looking forward to working with parents/carers over the coming few weeks as students consider the courses they wish to select to study from Year 10. The team has provided short video overviews for each of the courses on offer at TTC which are available on the Year 09 Options 2022 page of our website.  These ‘shorts’ provide information about the type of course, the course content and the type of work that students will undertake.  The ‘shorts’ also help students to start thinking about how the courses can lead to further education, training and employment.  We have shared information with parents/carers (via) email as to how appointments can be booked with the team so that we can provide further information, support and guidance.  

We will be inviting parents/carers to share with us their initial course selection for child(ren) by Friday 18 March 2022.  This initial selection is intended to represent initial preferences around the courses that are being considered by students, and may be adjusted later as required.  These initial selections will enable us to be able to provide targeted support, and allow students to consider courses in more depth. You can make your initial course selection clicking on the button. 

Year 12 Parents’ Evening (Thursday 17 March 2022) | Our Year 12 Parents' Evening will take place this week, on Thursday 17 March 2022. This event will take place virtually and parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Information on booking appointments can be found in this guide. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis and parents/carers are encouraged to book an appointment with all subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress and attainment across this academic year. If you have any questions regarding our Year 12 Parents' Evening, please contact Mr Wicks, Assistant Principal.

Red Nose Day (Friday 18 March  2022) |  We can help people live free from poverty, violence and discrimination. This includes funding organisations that are supporting people right now in Ukraine, and those attempting to cross the border.  Students are invited to wear non-uniform for the day, making a donation if they can, to help raise money.  Thank you for your support with this.

Communication at TTC | We know that communication is important to everyone at TTC.   We hope that the improvements we have made in terms of the introduction of weekly updates from the College, the introduction of a central address where queries can be directed, and prompt responses are improving the experience for parents/carers.  Our team is also working to improve our telephone communications so that it is easier to get to the person you wish to speak with as quickly as possible.  Should parents/carers have any feedback or suggestions on other areas of our communications that we can improve, please use this short online form to let us know.

The TTC Diversity Forum |  The TTC Diversity Forum meeting will be meeting on Tuesday 15 March 2022.  The Diversity Forum, coordinated by Ms Waldron, is made up of parents/carers, students and staff from the college.  It is an opportunity to support the development of our Diversity Charter and to explore the ways in which we are able to ensure that our community remains and promotes inclusivity to all.  If you’d like to get involved, we’d love to hear from you! Please complete this short online form and a member of the team will be in touch.

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

TTC Academy Council | From September 2022, all AET schools will have an Academy Council. Academy Councils will be the way that we make sure the voice of parents, staff and community members is strongly represented at TTC and within AET.  The Council will provide support and challenge to the leaders at TTC.  If you would like to find out more about becoming a member of our Academy Council for TTC, please read this short note about the role.

Term 04 | 05 March 2022

Community Meeting at Tendring Technology College | On Tuesday of this week, parents/carers joined our meetings with Graeme Napier (Executive Principal), Becks Boomer-Clark (AET CEO) and Claire Heald (AET National Director of Education).  The meetings provided a valuable opportunity for the team to hear views and feedback from the community. This meeting will be the first of a series of opportunities to provide discussion around priorities as we move forward. We are listening to the feedback from the community and were able to discuss some immediate priorities. A key theme was the need for improved communication from the college which we are prioritising.  Becks Boomer-Clark shares this letter with parents/carers thanking those that were able to attend, and summarising the key discussion points.  Graeme Napier shares this letter with parents/carers summarising the next steps in relation to the priorities identified by parents/carers.

Effective communication is a key improvement focus as we move forward. To enable more straightforward communication with the team at the College, with a timely response, we have introduced a single mailbox where parents/carers are able to provide feedback and suggestions using the address

Embracing Technology to Support Learning | At Tendring Technology College, we are committed to ensure that every student has the best possible learning experience in every lesson, every day.  As part of this, the team has been working hard to make sure that our pupils are able to use technology to support their learning in the classroom, and at home. 

We know that great teaching is the key to great learning and technology will never replace teachers. But technology can add to the learning experience and  help teachers in many ways. We know that there were ways students benefited  from the use of technology to support their learning during virtual learning (as a result of school closures) over the last two years.  We have embraced the use of technology as we have returned to learning in classrooms, and  want to build positively on this.  This term, the team will be working to issue devices to students across the college. Students can keep the devices with them each day  and bring them to the college to support their learning.  We are  committed to ensuring  that every student has access to technology to enhance their learning experience, and accelerate the progress they are able to make.  

We know that some students have told us that they would prefer to be able to leave their chromebooks at the college each day, rather than needing to travel with them.  The team will provide charging banks in our library so that students can leave their device charging for the evening, and collect it (ready for classes) the following morning.  We know that students will take good care of their devices, but we wanted to confirm the accidental damage or loss will remain the responsibility of TTC.  There is no financial responsibility for the device placed on parents/carers of students at Tendring Technology College.

Year 09 Options Launch Event (Tuesday 08 March 2022) | On Tuesday 08 March 2022, Y09 parents/carers and students are invited to join us for our Y09 Options Launch Event, which will run online (via YouTube Live) from 6.00pm. During this event, parents/carers and students will be provided with an overview of the Y09 options process and have the opportunity to view short video clips providing an overview of the courses available to students. There will also be an opportunity to hear from some of our students and ask them about their experience at Tendring Technology College and the options they selected. To join the various workshops that will be taking place, parents/carers will be able to visit the Y09 Options Evening page on our website which will be launched next week, where they can access links to each of the short videos and links to more information. 

Year 09 Visit to the Tower of London (Friday 11 March 2022) | The team at TTC have made arrangements for a group of Year 09 students to visit the Tower of London on Friday 11 March 2022.  The group will enjoy a tour of the Tower, followed by lunch, then a short walking tour of central London, taking in Tower Bridge, City Hall, HMS Belfast, Hays Galleria and Monument. There are a limited number of places available on this trip which will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.  More information about this opportunity for Year 09 students is available in this letter from Ms Jones. Should parents have any questions about the trip, please do not hesitate to use this form to request a call from a member of the team.

The TTC Diversity Forum |  The TTC Diversity Forum meeting will take place on Tuesday 15 March 2022, coordinated my Ms Waldron.  The Diversity Forum is made up of parents/carers, students and staff from the college, and is an opportunity to support the development of our Diversity Charter and to explore the ways in which we are able to ensure that our community remains and promotes inclusivity to all.  We are dedicated to providing a fully inclusive school experience for everyone, regardless of age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.  If you’d like to get involved, we’d love to hear from you! Please complete this short online form and a member of the team will be in touch.

Your Feedback & Suggestions | We know that as a parent/carer of a student at Tendring Technology College, you want to receive regular communications from us with updates and information about key events.  Thanks to those parents/carers that have already contacted us to offer your feedback and suggestions.  This is always openly received, and hugely useful to help understand what is working well, and what we can be doing to support you better.  In terms of regular communications, we’ll share a weekly update highlighting key information and events coming up.  This will be in addition to our newsletter which will continue to showcase the great things that students are achieving.  If you have any feedback or suggestions that you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you.  Please use this short form to share your views with us.

Year 12 Parents’ Evening (Thursday 17 March 2022) | Our Year 12 Parents' Evening will take place on Thursday 17 March 2022. This event will take place virtually and parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Information on booking appointments can be found in this guide. Parents/carers are encouraged to book an appointment with all subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress and attainment across this academic year. If you have any questions regarding our Year 12 Parents' Evening, please contact Mr Wicks, Assistant Principal.

TTC Focus for the Week Ahead | Over the coming week, the team at Tendring Technology college, will be focusing on:

We always welcome feedback and suggestions from parents/carers of students at the college.  Should parents/carers have any feedback or suggestions on these focus areas, please use this short online form to share this with the team.

Coming Soon - TTC Academy Councils | From September 2022, all AET schools will have an Academy Council. Academy Councils will be the way that we make sure the voice of parents, staff and community members is strongly represented at TTC and within AET.  The Council will provide support and challenge to the leaders at TTC.  Whilst this is a change we are making across all of our schools, at TTC it will be a particularly important change as we look to re-set our relationship with you as parents and the wider community and improve the way we communicate with you.  Read more about the TTC Academy Council in this letter from Mr Napier.

Term 04 | 26 February 2022

Year 09 Options Evening (Tuesday 08 March 2022) | On Tuesday 08 March 2022, all Y09 parents/carers and students are invited to join us for our Y09 Options Event, which will take place online from 6.00 - 8.00pm. During this event, parents/carers and students will be provided with an overview of the Y09 options process and have the opportunity to attend four subject workshops to find out more about specific courses. There will also be an opportunity to hear from some of our students and ask students about their experience at Tendring Technology College.  We’ll be sharing further information (via email) with parents/carers of Y09 students.

Embracing Technology to Support Learning | At Tendring Technology College, we are committed to ensure that every student has the best possible learning experience in every lesson, every day.  As part of this, the team has been working hard to further develop how students are able to use technology to support their learning in the classroom, and at home.  We know that students benefited hugely from the use of technology to support their learning during virtual learning (as a result of school closures) over the last two years.  We have embraced the use of technology as we have returned to learning in classrooms, and we want to take this further.  This term, the team will be working to issue devices to students across the college.  A device that they will keep with them each day, and bring to the college each day to support their learning.  We remain committed to ensure that every student has access to technology to enhance their learning experience, and accelerate the progress they are able to make.

The TTC Diversity Forum |  Over the coming term, we’ll be launching our TTC Diversity Forum.  This will be an opportunity to support the development of our Diversity Charter and to explore the ways in which we are able to ensure that our community remains and promotes inclusivity to all.  We are dedicated to providing a fully inclusive school experience for everyone, regardless of age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.  The first Diversity Forum discussion will take place on Tuesday 1st March 2022 from 5.30pm - 6.00pm.  If you’d like to get involved, we’d love to hear from you!  Click here to register your interest

Your Feedback & Suggestions | We know that as a parent/carer of a student at Tendring Technology College, you want to receive regular communications from us with updates and information about key events.  Thanks to those parents/carers that have already contacted us to offer your feedback and suggestions.  This is always openly received, and hugely useful to help understand what is working well, and what we can be doing to support you better.  In terms of regular communications, we’ll share a weekly update highlighting key information and events coming up.  This will be in addition to our newsletter which will continue to showcase the great things that students are achieving.  If you have any feedback or suggestions that you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you.  Please click here to share your feedback or suggestions.

Year 12 Parents’ Evening (Thursday 17 March 2022) | Our Year 12 Parents' Evening will take place on Thursday 17 March 2022. This event will take place virtually and parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Information on booking appointments can be found in this guide. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis and parents/carers are encouraged to book an appointment with all subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress and attainment across this academic year. If you have any questions regarding our Year 12 Parents' Evening, please contact Mr Wicks, Assistant Principal.

COVID Update | Whilst we are now learning to live with COVID-19, it is important to remember that the global pandemic is not yet over. The Government have stated that vaccines have enabled the gradual and safe removal of restrictions on everyday life over the past year and will remain at the heart of their approach to living with the virus in the future. The Government has announced that it is in a position to lift this guidance for staff and students in most education and childcare settings, allowing pupils and students across the country to focus on their education. This guidance was lifted as of Tuesday 22 February 2022.

As of Thursday 24 February 2022, the Government has removed the legal requirement to self-isolate following a positive test.  Adults and children who test positive will continue to be advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for at least 5 full days and then continue to follow the guidance until they have received 2 negative test results on consecutive days or until the 10th day.    Fully vaccinated close contacts and those aged under 18 will no longer be required to test daily for 7 days, and the legal requirement for close contacts who are not fully vaccinated to self-isolate has been removed.  Routine contact tracing will end. Contacts will no longer be required to self-isolate or advised to take daily tests.

School attendance is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age, and it is a priority to ensure that as many children as possible regularly attend school. Therefore, your child should be attending school unless they are not well enough to attend or they test positive for Covid 19.

Term 04 | 19 February 2022

This Week’s Newsletter | Our weekly newsletter showcases the great things that students have been achieving at Tendring Technology College.  In this week’s newsletter we hear about Erasmus+ presentations, reflections from Ms Waldron and Mr Collins, updates from the Year Teams, news from the Academy clubs, and the TTC ‘Word of the Week’.

Start of Term Arrangements | We are looking forward to welcoming all students back to the college at the start of Term 04 on Monday 21 February 2022.

Year 09 Careers Fair (Thursday 24 February 2022) | This week, students in Year 09 will have the opportunity to take part in our Careers Fair, where we will be joined by employers and training providers from across the region.  We’ll be working with students across this week to prepare for the Careers Fair, which takes place on Thursday 24 February 2022.  On the day of the Fair, students will be able to spend time talking to providers and finding out more about careers across a range of sectors.  We will be joined by a wide range of providers, which include: Anglia Ruskin University, BT, British Army, Colchester Institute (Apprenticeships), Druid Gaming, Dura Composites, EASI Hair Academy, East of England Ambulance Service, Ellisons Solicitors, Essex Police, Essex Fire and Rescue, Essex Youthbuild, Go Construct, HM Coastguard, Innogy Renewables (Galloper Windfarm), McDonalds, Mercury Theatre, NHS, Royal Veterinary College, St Helena, Suffolk Rural, TTC6, University of Essex, Writtle College University.

Year 09 Options Evening (Tuesday 08 March 2022) | On Tuesday 08 March 2022, all Y09 parents/carers and students are invited to join us for our Y09 Options Event, which will take place online from 6.00 - 8.00pm. During this event, parents/carers and students will be provided with an overview of the Y09 options process and have the opportunity to attend four subject workshops to find out more about specific courses. There will also be an opportunity to hear from some of our students and ask students about their experience at Tendring Technology College.  We’ll be sharing a registration form (via email), where parents/carers will be able to book places at the various workshops taking place.

Year 11 ‘Stop the Clock’ Mock Examinations | Over the coming week, students will complete GCSE ‘Stop the Clock’ mock examinations in the remaining subjects.  This series of mock examinations commenced on Tuesday 07 February 2022, we have been very impressed by the way in which students have approached these with commitment and maturity.  The timetable for this series of mock examinations can be found on the Assessment & Exams page of our website.

Embracing Technology to Support Learning | At Tendring Technology College, we are committed to ensure that every student has the best possible learning experience in every lesson, every day.  As part of this, the team has been working hard to further develop how students are able to use technology to support their learning in the classroom, and at home.  We know that students benefited hugely from the use of technology to support their learning during virtual learning (as a result of school closures) over the last two years.  We have embraced the use of technology as we have returned to learning in classrooms, and we want to take this further.  This term, the team will be working to issue devices to students across the college.  A device that they will keep with them each day, and bring to the college each day to support their learning.  We remain committed to ensure that every student has access to technology to enhance their learning experience, and accelerate the progress they are able to make.

The TTC Diversity Forum |  Over the coming term, we’ll be launching our TTC Diversity Forum.  This will be an opportunity to support the development of our Diversity Charter and to explore the ways in which we are able to ensure that our community remains and promotes inclusivity to all.  We are dedicated to providing a fully inclusive school experience for everyone, regardless of age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.  The first Diversity Forum discussion will take place on Tuesday 1st March 2022 from 5.30pm - 6.00pm.  If you’d like to get involved, we’d love to hear from you!  Click here to register your interest

Your Feedback & Suggestions | We know that as a parent/carer of a student at Tendring Technology College, you want to receive regular communications from us with updates and information about key events.  Thanks to those parents/carers that have already contacted us to offer your feedback and suggestions.  This is always openly received, and hugely useful to help understand what is working well, and what we can be doing to support you better.  In terms of regular communications, we’ll share a weekly update highlighting key information and events coming up.  This will be in addition to our newsletter which will continue to showcase the great things that students are achieving.  If you have any feedback or suggestions that you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you.  Please click here to share your feedback or suggestions.

Year 12 Parents’ Evening (Thursday 17 March 2022) | Our Year 12 Parents' Evening will take place on Thursday 17 March 2022. This event will take place virtually and parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Information on booking appointments can be found in this guide. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis and parents/carers are encouraged to book an appointment with all subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress and attainment across this academic year. If you have any questions regarding our Year 12 Parents' Evening, please contact Mr Wicks, Assistant Principal.

TTC PE Colour Run 2021

On Tuesday 7 September 2021, student from Years 7, 8 and 9 took to the school field to run 6k and raise money for "North East Essex Mind" and "Lad need Dads".  The field was covered not just in colour but also huge smiles, laughter, clapping, excitement and energy. What a fantastic atmosphere and spectacular success for the start of our school year.


Here are a few quotes from staff, students, and parents describing the event:

“A vibrant Colour Run on our school field in the glorious sunshine - what a fantastic way to start the school year!” Staff

The atmosphere was fantastic. The weather was great. Over 900 runners took part, which was great to see.” - Student.

“ I was covered in paint from head to toe, I even got it on my hair. What I really liked is that I got to mix with  other students in other year groups which we haven't been able to do over the last 2 years. Hope we do this next year” Student.

“ The PE department always put on such great events, let's do it again in the summer” staff

“ TTC PE you smashed it. My son came home covered in paint and couldn't stop talking about how much fun he had” Parent

“ Thankyou TTC for putting on such a great event, very well organised and my daughter in year 7 said it was the best start to the year ever, She really enjoyed her first few days at TTC, Looking forward to the drone footage and photos” Parent

“  I had so much fun, was really anxious to begin with, and did not want to get paint over me. After about 2 mins, I saw everyone having fun, so I joined in. I'm so glad i did” Student

“ My daughter is buzzing! She had so much fun. What a start to the year. Thank you, after the year they have had!”

Tendring Technology College Celebrate GCSE Results

Students from Tendring Technology College are today celebrating their GCSE results, having faced months away from school as a result of national lockdowns and Covid restrictions. 

Given the circumstances, the Government decided that students’ results would be determined by teachers this year. Each school has considered carefully what a fair grade is for each student, based on what they have been able to learn and achieve during the last two years. These grades were submitted to the exam boards together with supporting evidence, and then quality assured by the exam boards.

This year the following students did particularly well and will go on to pursue a number of exciting post-16 paths: 

David Lees, Executive Head said:

“I am delighted for our Year 11 students – Students at Clacton Coastal Academy and Tendring Technology College have worked so hard, both this year and last year, despite all of the challenges and disruption that Covid brought. They deserve these grades and I am incredibly proud of what each and every one of them has achieved. Whether they are going onto study A Levels, vocational qualifications, or going into employment or training, they have a bright future ahead.”

David Hatchett, National Director of Secondary Schools at AET said:

“Today’s GCSE results are testament to the hard work of students over what has been a very disruptive two years. I congratulate each and every one of them, and pay tribute to our teachers who have made today’s results possible in these challenging circumstances.”

Tendring Technology College Celebrate Post-16 Results

Sixth formers from Tendring Technology College are today celebrating their Key Stage 5 results, having faced months away from school as a result of national lockdowns and Covid restrictions. 

Given the circumstances, the Government decided that students’ results would be determined by teachers. Each school has considered carefully what a fair grade is for each student, based on what they have been able to learn during the two years. These grades were submitted to the exam boards together with supporting evidence, and then quality assured by the exam boards.

TTC Students Alex Finger, Jan Quines, Daniella Calver and Fangping Liu achieved great success in their A levels. 

Alex achieved A* grades in all of his subjects: Maths, Further Maths, Biology and Physics. Alex’s teachers agree that he is a truly remarkable student who works at the highest standard, but with the greatest of humility. Alex will be attending University College London (UCL) to study Maths. 

Jan, a remarkably creative and talented student achieved A*A*A and will be attending University of East London to study Fashion Design. Jan was also the national winner of the prestigious Wool4School design award this year, fending off thousands of students to take the top prize. 

Daniella’s maturity, responsibility and resilience supported her in successfully achieving A*AA. She has a passion for learning and will be attending University of Essex to study Law. 

Fiercely intelligent and committed, Fangping has dedicated herself to success at A level, achieving A*A*A, and will be attending University College London to study Physics. 

Additionally, Erin Wood’s hard work and determination has seen her achieved triple Distinction* in BTEC Business, ICT and Media. Erin, who is an extremely creative and talented entrepreneur, is pursuing a career in Animal Management. In addition, Max Leonardi’s hard work and determination has seen him achieve the top grade of a Distinction* in BTEC Business, as well as achieving a Distinction in his Cambridge Technical. With the support of the TTC Careers Team and a thirst for success, Max has secured a place on a degree level apprenticeship programme, studying to become a Quantity Surveyor. 

In addition to this, the following students did remarkably well, securing excellent grades in their subjects:

Executive Head said:

“Congratulations to all of our students on their fantastic results. I am extremely proud of the excellent outcomes for the Sixth Form students from TTC, they should be rightly proud of these grades, which they have worked so very hard for. Our students have responded to the challenges of the past few months, with determination, compassion and patience. Whether they are going onto university, high-quality vocational courses, or employment, I am confident that they will continue to make us proud.”

David Hatchett, National Director of Secondary Schools at AET said:

“Today’s A level and vocational results are testament to the hard work and resilience of students over what has been a challenging and disruptive two years. I congratulate each and every one of them, and pay tribute to our teachers who have helped make this possible, and ensured that our young people can progress onto the next stage of their lives successfully.”