How to Apply for TTC6 Sixth Form 

Below you will find a series of Steps which aims to help guide you through the application process for TTC6 Sixth Form. 

Step 1

Download a copy of our Prospectus

A digital version of the Prospectus is available for immediate download below. 

Sixth Form Prospectus 2024 entry TOPRINT.pdf

Step 2

Open Evening 

This is an opportunity to visit the College, meet our staff and students, view our facilities, pick up a new prospectus and find out more about the courses that we offer. Please see our live feed and social media site for details as they emerge. 

You can follow us on Facebook via: Tendring Technology College 

Step 3 

Decide a Programme of Study 

The College offers five programmes of study:

A brief outline of our programmes of study and the criteria for each, can be found within our prospectus above. 

In addition to the above, the College also offers a range of Supporting Qualifications, and an Enrichment Programme. 


Complete On-line Application  

Applications are made via the College website at the bottom of this page.

Please do not rush, as it is important that you make the appropriate choice of programme and subjects. 

This works on an annual cycle: Applications open immediately after the October Open Evening and close at the end of December, for entry the following September.  Please ensure that your application is received no later than Friday 16 February 2024.

Carefully complete the various sections on the form, giving as much detail as you can. You should apply for just one of the programmes of Study. If you are unsure which to apply for, please do not be concerned, as if your choice later proves unsuitable, this can be changed as part of our interview process. 

When you have applied, if you realise that you have made a mistake, then please DO NOT submit a second application as this can cause confusion. You should email the Sixth Form Admissions Office and explain the changes that you wish to make. 

Step 5 

Keep in Touch

Please do keep in touch and let us know if there are any factors that could affect your application, such as a change of address or examination entries, or if there are significant health or other issues which affect your examination. Emails should be sent to  

Step 6 


The majority of interviews will take place face-to face between March and April. You will need to ensure that you include your personal statement within your application, as this will be referred to during your interview. 

The personal statement should outline your main achievements both in and out of school and also include your current career plans, including any University course ideas. 

You can find personal statement guidelines below and by clicking on the following link:  Personal Statement Guidelines 

Personal Statement Guidelines

Your Personal Statement gives us a guide to your level of literacy and communication skills. So you might want to check your spelling and think about your sentence construction.

As with our own students applying to university, we want to see if your personal statement supports your course choices and career ideas.

Organise your statement into a structure that will make it read well. You should include some of the following:

Step 7 

College Applicants

In Area Applications

In area applicants are students who already attend Tendring Technology College , TTC.  They are likely to be offered places following an interview, if we can offer an appropriate course for which the student expects to be qualified.

Out of Area Applications

If you do not currently attend Tendring Technology College any offer of a place will be posted to you by the end of March.

Step 8 


This will take place late August / early September

The dates of the enrollment days are provided to students in successful applicant’s offer letters.

We look forward to seeing you at the interviews.

 If you have any questions, please contact a member of our Sixth Form team who will be happy to help :
Phone: 01255 672 116  Email:

Internal On-line Applications - 


External On-line Applications -