Discover your remarkable at Tendring Technology College

Welcome to Tendring Technology College and thank you for taking the time to consider TTC for the next step in your child's education. 

Our passion is to provide our young people with the depth of knowledge, a richness of experience and the strength of character to live a remarkable life.

Our offer to you and your child is inclusive and wide-ranging, consisting of a broad and balanced curriculum, high-quality teaching, an extensive extra-curricular offer, sporting success at national and international level and SEND and well-being support of the highest quality.

Tendring Technology College has a proven record of success.  We are popular and oversubscribed and I recommend that if you wish for your child to attend TTC you place us as your first choice of secondary school.  

Our Remarkable Curriculum

 At Tendring Technology College we aim to ensure that every child develops the skills, knowledge and character to live a remarkable life. To that end we ensure that our curriculum creates opportunities for students to become independent and self-motivated with the ability to be responsible, determined and aspirational. All students are individuals who develop in different ways and at different rates and the curriculum is designed to meet those individual’s needs and provide appropriate technology, qualifications and experiences to support students into their chosen career pathways.

There are opportunities on the curriculum to accelerate (fast-track) or receive ‘booster’ or support lessons as appropriate. Students are set in most subjects as they progress through the academy but flexibility is built into the curriculum to allow movement between sets as the need arises.

Additionally, there are a variety of enrichment activities to enhance our curriculum. There are also various clubs (including in sports and artistic subjects) and there are Personal Development Days and Data Conferences in which lessons are collapsed to allow students to experience a deep learning experience that is challenging, inspiring and opens their minds to new experiences.

Our curriculum at KS3 is centred on the important core curriculum areas of English, Mathematics and Science. Students will also study a variety of Arts, Technology, Humanities & Languages subjects alongside the core curriculum. We have always operated a three year key stage 3.  In year 10 students begin their Pathway choices for GCSE and in year 12 for A level study. It is our belief that this broad offer of subjects helps our students to receive a strong traditional academic or vocational education, while also having time to find expression in the creative subject areas.

Curriculum Details by Subject

Enrichment and Trips

Whilst we are all having to operate differently at this time, Tendring Technology College excels in its range and quality of enrichment, after College and lunch activities, as well as many different sports fixtures.

Over the course of a normal academic year, students are also offered over 200 trips/events. These range from visiting the battlefields of the First World War where students get to pay their respects to those who fought and died for their country (annually, student lay a wreath at Thiepval Memorial in the Somme and at the Menin Gate in Ypres) to skiing in Canada, to studying geomorphology  in Iceland and Hawaii, to our legendary 'Kip on a ship' weekend.

We are very proud of our global links through the Erasmus + programme, and the local community work that our young people participate in.  To appreciate the many and varied opportunities that we offer, and to view our students remarkable achievements  please browse through copies of our College newsletters.