Exam Results & Inspection

Ofsted monitoring visit Tendring Technology College 

Outcome of Ofsted’s inspection visit of Tendring Technology College (TTC) in May 2024

We are very pleased to share the news that having visited Tendring Technology College in May, Ofsted have judged the school to be Good in all categories. In particular, we were pleased to see the report recognise the “dramatic improvements” which have taken place here. The full report can be found here.

This is wonderful news and is testament to the hard work of Mr Burt, Ms Hughes, and their whole team. TTC has come such a long way since the previous inspection in 2021, which found the school to be “inadequate”, and it is particularly welcome that the inspection team recognise that students “enjoy attending Tendring”. I know how important this is to the whole TTC team, as it will be to you, our families.

I hope you have the opportunity to read the report in full, but I include a summary of the key:

Highlights below:

● The school is ambitious with its teaching so students do well in almost every subject. School leaders have worked hard to transform the community into one where students are happy to work hard and enjoy coming to school.

● Staff feel they have been well supported during this process of improvement and recognise how the school has changed to offer students a much better education.

● Staff have high expectations of their students who work hard to meet these. They know their subjects well so they can ensure their lessons are as productive as possible for all students. They regularly check whether their students understand what they are learning so that they are never left behind.

● Behaviour is good and students are kind to each other. They understand what to do if there is any disruptive behaviour and have faith this will be tackled by the school. They are respectful to their teachers, work hard in lessons, and are keen to participate in school life. Bullying is rare, and students speak positively about the atmosphere and work ethic at the school.

● The school has invested a significant amount of time helping students who struggle with reading, ensuring they are regularly assessed and given additional help when needed. As a result, students are confident readers and enjoy reading.

● Sixth-form students speak highly of the school and how they are helped to achieve well. They also spoke of the range of opportunities available at the school and the support they receive from all staff.

● Students enjoy the wide range of opportunities available, such as sporting clubs, trips to watch the British Chamber Orchestra, and extra-curricular activities including the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. They also have opportunities to visit other countries to expand their understanding of different cultures.

● The careers programme is a real highlight. Students understand what their options are after school, whether that’s employment, further education, or an apprenticeship. Sixth-form students hold high aspirations for their future and are looking at medicine and biomedical science options. The school is increasingly providing work experience options for Year 10 and 12 students.

● Students with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported in lessons, with teaching adapted to meet their needs. These students receive bespoke support to learn effectively in the classroom, while the school offers high quality support for students with autistic spectrum condition so these students achieve well in an environment which is custom designed to encourage them.

Examination Results & Student Outcomes

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Student Outcomes at Key Stage 4

56% of students at Tendring Technology college achieved Grade 4+ in both GCSE English and GCSE Mathematics.

36% of students at Tendring Technology College achieved Grade 5+ in both GCSE English and GCSE Mathematics

Destinations at Key Stage 4

92% of students at Tendring Technology College remained in Education, Employment or Training two terms after completing Key Stage 4.

Student Outcomes at Key Stage 5

In Academic Qualifications:

In Vocational & Technical Qualifications:

Please click here to view performance tables on the Department for Education website.

Inspection Reports

Inspection of Tendring Technology College (26–27 Nov 2019)
Principal Mr M Muldoon
Inspection Report

Inspection of Tendring Technology College (2–3 Mar 2016)
Executive Principal Ms C Haynes
Inspection Report

Inspection of Tendring Technology College (26–27 Sep 2013)
Principal Ms C Haynes
Inspection Report