Year 13 | Countdown to Success

Countdown to Success | Year 13 Subject Plans

Our Countdown to Success Subject Plans have been designed to help students as they prepare for their examinations this summer. These plans outline the following:

  • Lesson Focus: the content that students will study every lesson, between now and their examinations this summer

  • Revision Focus & Resources: This section provides a summery of the requirements for revision and a list of useful and relevant revision resources for each topic.

  • Count down to Exam: For each subject, the subject plan with show each exam element and the number of days/ weeks remaining until these take place.

Please note that these plans will be updated regularly to ensure that the information is up-to-date and provide a breakdown of the work required in each subject area to complete the course successfully. If you have any questions regarding the Countdown to Success Subject Plans for Y13, please contact your teacher or Mr Collins (Head of Campus).

Advanced Information

Last year, the Department for Education confirmed that GCSE, AS Level and A-Level pupils will be offered help with their exams, in recognition of the disruption they have faced during the coronavirus pandemic, which led to school closures, home learning, and isolation absences. As well as making the grade boundaries more generous, pupils studying most subjects will be issued with "advanced information" about the topics their exam covers.

In a letter to teachers, the DfE said in December: "To make exams in 2022 less daunting, students will be told in advance some of the topic areas that will be included on the exam papers, helping them to manage their exam preparation. This information will be issued in the spring term to help students to focus their revision time."

It adds: "As you are aware, the first ever publication of advance information in general qualifications is a key adaptation to examinations, aiming to support students and teachers in focusing revision for exams. It is intended to make sure that we are being as fair as possible to students given the disruption they have experienced, and many continue to face, due to the coronavirus pandemic."