Nurture Schools

In Abercanaid Community School we have implemented the Nurturing Schools programme. This programme highlights the importance of nurturing all children within the school focusing on the importance of social environments and its relation to social emotional skills, wellbeing, and behaviour. The nurturing approach helps children form positive relationships, build resilience and improve their social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing. When used in school, nurture improves attendance, behaviour, and attainment, and ensures every child is able to learn.

There are Six Principles of Nurture which are being imbedded across the school. These include:


1. Children’s learning is understood developmentally.

2. The classroom offers a safe base.

3. The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing.

4. Language is a vital means of communication.

5. All behaviour is communication.

6. The importance of transitions in children’s lives.


Please watch this amazing video created by our head boy, head girl, deputy head girl and deputy head boy. They have explained the six principles in a child friendly way.