ALN - Additional Learning Needs 

At Abercanaid Community School we believe that children are 'all equal, all different and all shining'.  It is important to us that if a child is in need of any additional support, we are there to help and support families so that your child continues to thrive and be the best they can be. 

The SEN system is changing from January 2022 to a new 'Additional learning needs ' (ALN) system.

The Welsh Government is changing the way that children with special educational needs (SEN) will be supported. The new system defines SEN as Additional Learning Needs (ALN). The law is changing for several reasons : the main one is to make the process simpler and more transparent for all involved. 

From January 2022, for those pupils on the ALN register in N, Y1, Y3 and Y5, there will be a Person Centered review followed by an Individual Development plan (IDP)  being written in consultation with school staff, parents and the child. The other year groups will come on board the following academic year, until then their IEPS and review will remain as they were. For more information, see the links below or contact Miss Baker.

ALN Parent Guide 2020-ENG.pdf
ALN Parent Guide 2020-WELSH.pdf

            ALN - Information for Parents (English)         ALN - Information for Parents (Welsh) 

If you have any concerns or queries regarding your child and ALN the first step would be contacting your child's teacher and discussing your concerns with them. Hopefully they will be able to support you and put things in place to help your child in the classroom.

If there are further concerns then you can contact Miss Baker our ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Coordinator) -  or call the school directly on 01685 351820. 

What is an IDP.docx