Rules and Keys to Success

Welcome, Scientists! 

Welcome to 7th Grade Science with Mr. McCarthy.  Although this year will be different in some ways, science will be exciting and fun.  First, let’s examine some very important classroom logistics including rules, consequences, and keys to success.

Classroom Learning Rules:

Consequences (for breaking the rules):

Keys to Success in Mr. McCarthy's Class:

1. Be Prepared for Class. 

Bring to EVERY class 

Good to have at home:

2. Complete every assignment and give 100% effort:

What does 100% effort look like?

Strategies when you don't know how to answer a question:

1. Put a star next to it to remind yourself to ask about the question during class or during your independent work time (W.I.N. Block).

2. Review all relevant notes, textbook passages, and/or the internet to look for information that might help you answer the question.  If you're still not sure....

3. Ask a friend, family member, or classmate. If you're still not sure.....

4. Restate the question and make an educated guess based on what you know.  It is better to try and make a mistake than to not try at all. Never leave a question blank unless you are not able to finish within 20-25 minutes.

3.  Study frequently throughout each unit.  

How you study matters.  There are two types of studying: passive studying and active studyingPassive studying is easier and doesn't require a great deal of deep thinking. Active studying is more difficult, but is also more effective because it forces you to actually think about and apply the concepts learned in class. Successful science students study both passively and actively. 

Examples of passive studying:

Examples of active studying:

*These are just a few ideas. Every time there is a test or quiz coming up, Mr. McCarthy will give you a study guide and give you a few suggestions for how you should actively study.

 4. Reach out for feedback and help. .

One of the biggest misunderstandings is that only students who are struggling seek extra help.  This just isn’t true.  In fact, students who are most successful in this class tend to seek extra help early on and often.  Good scientists know that we are not in this alone and that we can only be successful if we work together!

How Do I Know If I Need Extra Help?

When/How can I get extra help?

No matter what, Mr. McCarthy will be here for you.  Whether it’s a science related issue, general academic issue, or you just need someone to talk to, just reach out.  You will be glad you did!

Remember we are in this together.  Working together, we can make this a successful year and come out stronger together in the end.  

Yours in Science,

Mr. McCarthy