Fossil fuels should be phased out by 2100 says IPCC

Post date: Nov 3, 2014 1:11:57 AM

2 November 2014 Last updated at 11:34 ET

The IPCC's Synthesis Report was published on Sunday (2 Nov 2014) in Copenhagen, Synthesis Report summarises three previous reports from the IPCC, which outlined the causes, the impacts and the potential solutions to climate change.

It re-states many familiar positions:

  • Warming is "unequivocal" and the human influence on climate is clear
  • The period from 1983 to 2012, it says, was likely the warmest 30 year period of the last 1,400 years
  • Warming impacts are already being seen around the globe, in the acidification of the oceans, the melting of arctic ice and poorer crop yields in many parts
  • Without concerted action on carbon, temperatures will increase over the coming decades and could be almost 5C above pre-industrial levels by the end of this century