99 Percent Chance 2016 Will Be the Hottest Year on Record

Post date: May 24, 2016 11:42:36 AM

The streak of record warm months continues, thanks to El Niño and global warming

Odds are increasing that 2016 will be the hottest year on the books, as April continued a remarkable streak of record-warm months.

Last month was rated as the warmest April on record by both NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which released their data this week. In the temperature annals kept by NOAA, it marked the 12th record warmest month in a row.

Global temperatures have been hovering around 1.5°C (2.7°F) above pre-industrial averages—a threshold that’s being considered by international negotiators as a new goal for limiting warming.

While an exceptionally strong El Niño has provided a boost to temperatures in recent months, the primary driver has been the heat that has built up from decades of unabated greenhouse gas emissions.

WMO Calls for Climate Action After Another Heat Record "Smashed"


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The World Meteorological Organization has called for all states to ratify and implement the Paris climate accords as high temperatures continue to smash global records. Spokesperson Clare Nullis said urgent action is needed after April broke yet another record.

Clare Nullis: "Another month, another global temperature record has been set. So, surprise, surprise, April set new records for record high temperatures both on land and the ocean. This is the 12th straight month that we’ve seen temperatures records broken. What’s particularly concerning is the margin at which these records are being broken. They’re not being broken; they’re being smashed, and on a fairly consistent basis."