DIY Butterbeer

How to build your own butterbeer:

First fill up a glass with cream soda so its ¾ full. Next add 1 drop of butter and caramel extract. Then stir gently for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, take a sip if it taste sharp but a buttery ting you did it. For an extra special treat add one scoop of vanilla ice you have officially tasted a wizard drink  

Easy Meals

Easy Pizza!

Are you bored at home, not great with cooking but wanting a simple snack that tastes great. Snack on this while watching tv, hanging out, or studying? Well, I've got the solution!

All you need is: 

a starch, like a tortilla or slice of bread


Shredded cheese, mozzarella or other

For taste, some toppings or seasonings! (herbs, pieces of cooked meat like sausage or chicken, sauces, etc.)

Assemble by putting together. You can make this a variety of different ways. If you are able to/have the equipment, fry/bake the tortilla, slice it up into chips first, and get pizza chips! Otherwise just bake this until warm, and enjoy some pizza! By: Sophia Espiritu

Burger Cupcakes

I always like to cook and bake. I made a food that combines both cooking and baking. It  is a cupcake that looks a lot like a cheeseburger. So if you like to cook and bake this recipe is for you.

What you will need
