Parts of a Game: Sound Design

The Sound design of a game is often under appreciated. A great sound design is one of the key parts of a Video Game, or any form of entertainment. It helps set the tone, whether it be happy, sad, angry, or wacky. You may not notice its presence while playing, but if a game had no sound then you would definitely sense that something was wrong. This is because developers do such a great job at making sure that the sounds within their game sound natural, and beautiful. There are two parts to a sound design; the first part of sound design is the sound track. Some games, like the DarkSouls and the Persona Franchises, have amazing soundtracks that are equally appreciated by the fanbase. However, games like Detroit become Human have such perfect soundtracks that are almost never spoken about. It is truly a shame the way soundtracks are neglected and rarely spoken about. The second part of sound design is the sound effects and voice overs. Developers will often do their very best to use the highest quality voice actors and sound effects in their game. It is very obvious in some games, like Call of Duty, that the sound design was carefully designed until it was perfect. The sound design of a game is a key figure in deciding whether a game is worth the play time, and I can say for sure most do not disappoint.

Parts of a Game: Visual Design

    The graphics of a game are seen as a key factor in deciding whether a game is good. The opinion on this is 50/50. If a game is not story-driven then it should at least be visually appealing to make up for the loss of an engaging narrative. However, if the game is story driven then good graphics should not play a major factor in enjoyment. Of course, no game should look completely ugly in its menu design or character models, but an astonishing visual design is not needed to make a great game. These days, game studios will often throw away a great story, or good characters and gameplay just for good graphics. The largest offenders of this are Electronic Arts and Activision. They will often cut down the game-play just so they can create a world that you can see from outside your window. It all comes down to preference though, if you don’t enjoy story drive games and prefer a more aesthetically pleasing environment, then go ahead, who am I to criticize you?

The World of Fandoms

    Fandoms are a natural part of most mainstream games. A fandom is basically all of the fans of a particular (in this case) game.If all fandoms were nice then I wouldn't be writing this, but unfortunately a lot of fandoms are extremely toxic and weird.  A good example would be the Undertale fandom. Undertale is an indie role-playing game developed by Toby Fox. It's an 8-bit game with a cute story so you'd assume it would have a nice healthy fandom, WRONG! Its actually known for being one of the most toxic and well... not appropriate fandoms out there. There is a person behind every screen, so remember what you're saying as well. This is a heads-ups, if you're thinking about interacting with a fandom, do a little research before you hop in.


Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play, open world adventure that can be accessed right from your phone! It does take up a ton of storage, but it doesn't matter because it will probably be the best way to use it. The game starts on a pathway through the heavens, you enter through a mysterious door and then suddenly... Your path is blocked! Faced with a dangerous opponent, you must pick one of two legendary twins to be your protagonist. The one you pick will stay with you for the rest of the game, and the one you don't pick will be the reason for the journey you're about to face. Combat in Genshin is pretty simple, click the buttons that correspond to the attack you wish to use against your enemies. Get different characters by summoning them from the heavens with a wish. Now the complicated part is the damage system. There are 9 elemental reactions featured in Genshin Impact. They became stronger based on your stats, the one you would need to worry about for elemental reactions is elemental mastery. First, there's vaporize, which increases damage against an opponent when you use a hydro or pyro attack against an opponent afflicted with pyro or hydro. Then there's melt, which is simple. Combine cryo and pyro attacks to cause it. There's crystalize which will summon a shield when you use an elemental attack on an enemy affected with geo. The shield will increase in strength as you gain more elemental mastery. There's a freeze which occurs when you combine hydro are cryo, but be careful as this one affects the player as well. The electro reactions are… well… useless. They are in dire need of a buff but it will probably never come. There’s also the burn reaction that occurs when you combine dendro and pyro, that's the only dendro reaction. Dendro will most likely become a more prominent element in the game with the release of the game's next region, Sumeru. Another factor to consider when playing is your artifact stats and weapons. Each weapon of 3* or higher will have a passive talent (like an ability) and a substat. The desired substats, weapons, and artifacts will vary per character. Substats can also be quite confusing and daunting, so I will explain them now. There are 5 different artifacts, each will have mainsats and at least 1 substat. Once you reach the highest rank in the game, you gain access to more challenging domains that grant more precious rewards. There’s the flower, which can only have an HP mainstay, the feather which can only have a flat attack substat, a sands which can have every substat except for crit rate, crit dmg, and elemental attack bonuses. There’s a goblet which can have every main stat except for crit rate and crit damage. Then finally there's a circlet which can have every substat available. There are no limits as to the available substats. 9/10 characters will need to have a focus on their crit rate, crit dmg, and attack stats. Depending on the character's ascension stat, you may want to alter your build. Obtaining useful artifacts will definitely seem grueling at times, but if you hit a high number you’ll be seen as a legend within the online community. Currently there are 3 of the 7 regions released. They are Mondstat, Liyue, and Inazuma. The currently unreleased ones are Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan, and Snheznaya. However, the released ones are more than enough to keep you entertained and exploring for days!


Terraria is a free-to-play, 2 bit game that you can launch right on your phone! It’s so simple yet so engaging. If you're unsure of how to start, then ask the guide who is there with you right from the start. However, you can always go off on your own since the game has no limits. There’s caves that extend deep into the underworld, and there’s islands floating in the heavens. However, you must work for it. You will spawn with weak, copper tools. They are slow and inefficient, but they will definitely get the job done. Knock down trees, kick the floor, and question the guide endlessly and you’ll find yourself thriving! Craft more powerful equipment and armor using anvils you can craft from lead, and one other enchanting substance. Of course you can’t just summon the needed equipment on the anvil you crafted, you need to work for it! As daunting as it sounds, it's really not that intense. Just fight a few flying demonic eyes and gigantic skeletons; then, collect their remains.  Of course some things cannot be found naturally, so you must purchase it from traveling merchants that will occasionally stop by your development. If you create a comfy, stylish space for them, they may decide to stay permanently. Heed this warning though, when you find yourself exploring the underworld, take mind that the wall of flesh will have your guide slain. You can invite another one to come back and live with you, but it will never be the same. Once your guide is slain, the world becomes much more intense. Monsters carry more hate and your tools from before carry less strength, so don’t allow your guide to be slain unless you're prepared to take on a harder world. If you think you’re ready, then launch the store on your phone and download it now!

Dark Souls 3

DarkSouls 3 is to this date one of the most difficult RPG’s ever released. It was released in 2016 by Firmware and sometimes, it really does want to make you pull out your hair. The game allows for you to choose a single class and a starting advantage to get you on your feet. There are 10 classes to choose from, each with varying stats and equipment. The stats you choose to upgrade determine how you will play the game. You upgrade your stats visiting the FireLink shrine. Everything comes at a cost though, so in order to upgrade your stats you must spend your souls. Despite the menacing name, Souls are simply just the currency of the game. You can obtain them by killing bosses and other common enemies you run into. Never get arrogant though as even common enemies can take you out with a single strike. If you kill certain enemies, they will drop their weapon or armor once they fall. You can pick up these weapons and wield them against other enemies and Bosses. If you want to upgrade or infuse your new weapons, you must visit Blacksmith Andre and provide him with certain materials depending on how you want the weapon to function. The items needed to upgrade weapons are moderately easy to obtain and function pretty simply, so don’t fret too much over this aspect; especially since you’ll just come by most of them naturally in the form of a white ball that drops on the death of any enemy. One thing to fret over, are the bosses. They are often well designed creatures with extremely hard gimmicks to master. Just when you think you’ve beat a boss, it might turn to its second phase and delete you with one strike. If you ever manage to finish DarkSouls, then sadly any other game you play will feel too easy. -this review was made with assistance from B.K.


While not has complex as most games, a lot of people to find it to be just as fun. Wordle is a word puzzle game that has a new "level" released everyday at midnight. You can access the game by entering, "Wordle" on a search engine and clicking on the New York Time's link. The objective is simple, you have six guesses to figure out a five letter word using clues give to you from your previous guesses. If you guess a word and the letters are yellow, then that means you should guess again with those yellow letters in different places than before. If the letters are green than when you guess again keep the letters in the same position. If you try and enter a word that doesn't exist, the game will not let you. You only have 6 tries though, so think carefully before you enter a guess. If you run out of guesses, you will fail the word for that day. Wait for midnight to retry with a different word.

Octopath Traveler

Octopath traveler, your classic JRPG… except it’s kind of not… Octopath Traveler is a brand new take on the JRPG series as you get to experience not just one, but eight character stories. Each character has a job, each job determines what weapon and skills the character can use. There are also shrines hidden across the map that allow you to unlock secondary jobs. Secondary jobs are basically primary jobs that can be assigned to a character not native to it. As I said before, there are eight characters, Therion, a thief, Olberic, a powerful warrior, Tressa, a merchant, Cyrus, a scholar, Alfyn, a neighborhood doctor, Ophilia, a priestess, Primrose, a dancer, and H’annit, a hunter. I also mentioned each character has a separate story, this is true, you start the game by choosing one character to follow the story of, but once you finish their story you can explore the world freely and recruit new characters. Even though each character has a separate story, the only ones worth paying attention to are Therions, H’annits, Olberics, and Cyrus’s. The visuals of this game are stunning for an 8-bit JRPG, the lighting is extremely pretty, and the blur in the background fits very nicely. The sound design is also a defining point of this game, after one battle I was hooked on the theme of it. The voice acting is available in 2 languages, English and Japanese. Personally, I think both of the available voice acting languages are very well acted, so it all comes down to the preference of the player. Travel in this game is not restrictive at all, there is a gigantic map and you must fill it all in by exploring every city, town, and mountain there is to explore. Even better is that this game is available on the Nintendo Switch, a huge shocker considering the type of company Nintendo is. One downside though is that the game is a bit pricey, coming in as $60.00. Fortunately, if you do buy it you’ll be extremely satisfied with your purchase, so go on, buy it!



Online Gaming Subscriptions

    Online gaming subscriptions are a very accepted thing in gaming nowadays. It's basically a subscription that you pay for that lets you play online games with your friends. 

For Xbox it's titled, "Xbox Gold,' and for PlayStation its titled, "PlayStation+." Either way though, its a cash grab. Nintendo has recently joined in on the trend of online gaming subscriptions, but they're too new at it for anybody to take it seriously. My opinion on it is that Nintendo's subscription is a complete joke so I will avoid discussing it. Xbox Gold and PS+ both start at $10.00 a month, and their long-term plans are both the same exact price so it may be a bit tricky to pick out one to subscribe to. Xbox Gold does grant more features, but they are feature that should not cost money, instead they should come with the console. For example, almoist every single online multiplayer game is locked by that one subscription. PS+ is also needed to play some online games, but most online games use a loophole which makes them playable without PS+. While this may make PS+ automatically unworthy it to you, PS+ grants you free games every month, and these games cost much more then $10.00 usually. In October 2021, they made Mortal Combat X available for free with your subscription, Mortal Combat X is an awesome game so I'd defiantly recommend getting a subscription just for that game. Even though both are defiantly a cash a grab, PS+ contains more feature that should be paid for, while Xbox Gold contains too many features that should be free.

Among Us

Among Us is a mostly free-to-play game that has had a recent spike in popularity since its launch in 2017. This game is a classic, “whodunnit,” that you and your friends can all enjoy simultaneously. Now let’s get into the gameplay, it’s pretty simple, one person is an imposter and the rest of the players are assigned the crew mate role. The imposter wins by killing each of the crew mates until there’s one person left other than them. If a body is discovered all players will be sent to a,”trial,” where you will vote out a player you think is the imposter. The imposter can be determined by deciding who is the most sus. You can also activate the trial by hitting a button in the middle of the spawn area known as the Emergency Meeting button. You can play with more than one imposter but I’d personally recommend only one. The crew mates job is to finish all of their tasks, which you are randomly assigned at the beginning of the game. The imposter also are assigned fake tasks. These tasks are unable to actually be completed, but, they are marked on your map, it is up to you to take them. Visual tasks are tasks you do not want to fake because then you look like an idiot when you stand on the Medbay scan with no visuals. The crew mates win by finishing all of their tasks, if you die you can finish your tasks or just leave the game. There are currently three maps that are available to play on, they all of unique features that none of the other maps have. Describing them would take forever so why don’t you lol at them when you check out the game. The game is currently available for free on your Phone and Tablet, $5 on a computer, and $5 on the Nintendo Switch. Now that I’ve gone over all of the basics for the game feel free to have fun and troll your friends as the imposter(s)! 

Sims 4

The Sims 4, a game developed by Electronic Arts lets you live out your greatest fantasies! How do you play? Well first you must buy the extremely boring base game for $40.00. Then what? Well after that the game shoves advertisements of their overpriced DLC in your face until you purchase it! Each major DLC is about $20.00. There are also a bunch of minor DLC’s that are cheaper, but not worth buying. This isn't EA’s first time being a money hungry company though, so let's see if it's really as bad as I say. The game gives you the freedom to make your own Sim. This includes their body type, skin color, gender, and voice. In the base game, the hair styles are awful, so don’t bother with those. You can also choose your own clothing, which would be fun if the options weren’t so ugly. After you make your Sim, you're thrown into the world with almost no money, so you have no other choice but to hit Ctrl, Shift, and C at the same time on your keyboard in order to bring up the cheats bar. Type in, ‘Motherlode.” a few times until you're loaded with cash and start creating your house. In the base game, the furniture that you can use to make your house with is very underwhelming. You have your basic dressers and drawers, but if you search for something major and find it's missing, it's because it costs more money.  After finishing your house, you have to make your sim fulfill their basic needs in it. They’re needs consist of their hunger, their bladder, their entertainment, their hygiene, and their energy. That’s literally it. Things like pets and closets are all locked behind DLC, even though they should be included in the base game. If you end up losing hold and buying some of that DLC, you’ll quickly find that it is also extremely underwhelming. Usually, the DLC includes one big thing, some furniture, and hair. If you were to buy all of the DLC, your total would extend to well over $500.00. That is over 10x the cost of the base game.

Danganronpa Trilogy

Danganronpa is a murder-mystery visual novel series that currently has three entries. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, and Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. The first game, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, received an anime adaptation, but the game is almost 30 hours long so squeezing that into a 12 episode adaptation didn’t go very well. the There is one bonus game that is a first-person shooter called Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls. Ultra Despair Girls is not necessary to play but I highly recommend you do so. Anyways back on track, The main three Danganronpa games feature 16 students, 1 bear, a great soundtrack, amazing art, shocking plot-twists, and gameplay. In the three main games 16 students wake up in a mysterious location with no recollection of how they got there. It’s quite a shock to all of them when they cannot leave the place because there’s no exit. That’s when a black and white bear announces that they must get away with a crime to escape the place, the only problem is getting the culprit wrong means that everybody except the culprit gets to leave. The soundtrack for all of the games in the series are phenomenal, each track is very unique and makes the game so much better! The art of also very great for for the first 2 games and a majority of the third game, there’s some wacky spots in the drawings here and there but it’s never really noticeable except for once. The plot is definitely one to remember, each game had its own plot-twists that blew my mind when I first played the game, the first games plot-twists are especially amazing. Finally the gameplay, there’s not much I can really say here. If you enjoy reading and clicking then you’ll defiantly love this game. This game is rated MA because it features mature themes within its characters and scenes. These games are all available on PS4, Steam, and the first two can be played right from your phone! The fandom for this game is... pretty terrible please stay away from them. Anyways, that’s all I have to say, please enjoy!


 Minecraft is a sandbox video game released for the computer in 2011. Later it would be released for mobile devices, Xbox, and PS4. In this game you are spawned into an incredibly detailed, but random world. In this game you have the freedom of doing whatever you please. However there are some catches, if you jump off a cliff or any sort of high up area, you will take fall damage and possibly die. Unless you're playing on a difficulty known as hard-core, you can respawn, but all the items you worked so hard for will disappear. There are certain cheats you may enable but most players think that they don’t give the real experience one might one to feel while playing this game. Damage can also be taken from enemies that will spawn at night, so make sure to go to sleep by making a bed. Making a bed is pretty simple, you get three pieces of wool by killing sheep, and 3 pieces of wood from chopping down a tree. After this you may want to make a house, or go mining in a cave, but the choice is yours. There are endless possibilities in Minecraft, and if you haven’t tried it out yet I highly recommend you do

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is an RPG released by Nintendo in 2017. It is solely responsible for reviving its franchise which was at risk of being canceled after releasing many unsuccessful games in a row. It starts off with our main character, which you may choose the gender and name of, talking to a spirit. You don’t have much time to think, as after a few lines of dialogue you're thrown into the tutorial. The tutorial lets you use the 3 main units to see which one you like best, since in the end you only get to choose one. Apparently the main character is pretty talented, so they're selected to be a professor at a monastery for training soldiers. For the first time ever in a fire emblem game, you can freely walk around while not in combat. This opens up so many wonderful opportunities that the developers seized perfectly, more on that later though. 

There are three classes that you can meet the students and leaders of. Claude and his classmates run the Golden Deer house. Dimitri and his classmates run the Blue Lions house. And lastly, Edelgard and her classmates run the Black Eagles house. Even though it's a hard choice to make, your co-workers allow you to choose the house you will be instructing for the year first, this is where the game branches. The house you choose will determine the storyline, levels, relationships, and items you can experience and obtain. On each level, you command your units on a turn-to-turn combat system. First it’s your turn. You are allowed to move your units 4-5 squares each on a gridded map. Your unit can find their place in many different classes. Classes like the assassin are speedy and deal great damage, but they can only be unlocked by obtaining a certain item from story progression. Basic classes like the swordsman are unlocked right from the beginning. If you don’t like the class of a certain unit, then the game gives you the full freedom to change their class. However, when you change the class of a unit, you must be sure to have a weapon that corresponds to it as well. Knowing which weapons go to which are basically common sense, so don’t fret that part too much. The final important aspect of the game is choosing your difficulty setting. If you want a grueling, time-consuming experience then go with the classic mode. If you’re just looking for a joyful, simple experience then choose the casual game-mode. Choosing one or the other doesn’t necessarily make you a worse player, so do whatever you’d like!

Zelda: Breath of the Wild

 Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an award winning open world game developed by Nintendo and released in 2017. While past Zelda games featured a few dungeons in a limited world, this game takes those mechanics and upgrades them into something much more entertaining, an open world adventure! Now, I should explain what I mean when I say open world. An open world video game is a video game that features a life-sized world that you are free to explore at any given time. If this didn’t already sell you on the game then how

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was released for the GameCube in 2002. It gave us Toon Link, a new vibrant, bubbly style, and a whole new adventure! However, don't let the cute art-style fool, this game is serious. It opens with Link, celebrating his birthday. However, his sister is suddenly taken away by a strange creature. Soon after, your grandmother presents you with the chosen one tunic and suddenly it becomes your responsibility to travel beyond your homeland; to the sea, to save her. In the game, you control an enchanted little sail boat with a dragon head on its top. When you need to travel from island to island, you have to take this boat and manually sail across the seas. It may sound petty and boring, but the sheer amount of detail put into it makes it hard to stop exploring once you've started. Each island you travel to features a little town or a dungeon. Dungeons will often present you with a new item that compliments its gimmick. This item has uses everywhere though, so be on the look out for places to use it. Rupees are also a big thing in this game. They are the currency that you have to use to buy about everything that is being sold. They can be found by breaking innocent individuals pots or by opening chests. The game is currently available on the GameCube and the Wii U. However, be on the look out for future ports!

Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

 Super Smash Brothers Ultimate is an action-packed fighting game that was released in Winter of 2017 only for the Nintendo Switch. It is the fifth entry in its series, although this doesn't really matter. This game features the return of all 80 fighters from the previous games, not to mention all the DLC characters that will be released. This game uses characters from previous Nintendo games, this means that this game is kind of like a huge crossover event! Each character has their own unique 3D model and voice lines, some are echo fighters though, meaning they copy another character's move set but they are playable as a separate character. Daisy, from the Mario series, is an echo fighter of Peach, another character from the Mario series. Since there are 80 characters, it will be hard to choose just one to mainly play as, even some of the most famous players had a hard time choosing their mains, but don't let that discourage you because there's definitely at least one character you'll be good at. There are also many different stages to choose from, the stage does impact gameplay as some have their own quirks that make the battle more entertaining. As I have said previously, there are also a few DLC characters, one of them is Joker from Persona 5. A DLC pack usually comes with a few songs, a character, and a stage and prices at around $5-10. There are also many minigames to choose from such as World of Light, Classic Mode, Crazy Mode, and Home-Run. World of Light is a brand new mini game exclusive to Smash Ultimate, and it's pretty awesome too! You have to start out as the small monster Kirby after all the other characters were knocked out by an unknown force, from there you explore the world and save your lost fighters from light and darkness. With the content included in the base purchase, I think the price of $60 is fair, especially for games these days.

Call of Duty: Warzone

Call of Duty Warzone is a Battle Royle free-to-play game by Activision. It is quite popular in the first person shooter for its competitive way of playing and it’s First-Person shooter mechanics. A huge problem with critics is how toxic it’s community is, they have no cool, and seeing how the game is entirely multiplier makes it hard to enjoy the game sometimes. But if you figure out how to separate the community from the games it’s actually pretty fun! Just like other Battle Royale games, you jump out of a vehicle in the sky and then you land down into a certain place, that’s if you don’t get shot down mid-air. Once down you must look for guns or shields. Once you equip yourself with loot and you're ready to battle, you can face off against other players, or just grab a car and drive. Drive where you might ask, we’ll there’s always a circle on the map that you must travel to, if you are outside the circle after the storm has caught up, then you will take damage until you are dead.  I’ll only mention this once, but shields are basically just an extension of your HP. Guns are… the main part of the game because without one, you have very little to no chance of winning, unless you're a camper with Kali Sticks. Now if you're lucky, you might get a load out drop, a load out drop let’s players access the custom load out of equipment that they made in the lobby. If they are not a high enough level to make a custom load out, then they can choose from the default load outs instead. If for some reason, you die to another player, then you will respawn in the Gulag, where you can fight other fallen players for a chance to respawn into the game. There’s only one winner in the Gulag, so if you lose in the Gulac then you must go back to the lobby and try to win in another game. One feature that definitely affects how many people can play the game is the amount of storage it takes just to install it. On Pc it takes up around 197GB in total, which is an egregious amount considering this is just for just one game. That amount will definitely end up increasing as time goes on. Warzone is not perfect, just like anything else, but if you put all of its flaws aside then you can definitely enjoy the game.


Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were remakes of the original Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire.  There were actually three ohe two original games were released and are only legally playable on the Nintendo DS. They follow the original games almost identically. You move to a new town, save the professeur, then he gifts you a starter Pokémon asriginal games but because Nintendo became so obsessed with releasing games in pairs of two, that game did not receive a remake. T

 a gift. The three starters are Treeko, (the grass type) Mudkip, (The Water Type) and Torchic. (the fire type) Each starter has their own weaknesses and strengths against the gym leaders, but, if you were looking for the most advantageous one, then it would have to be Treeko. In terms of difficulty, this game is decently hard. The gym leaders you can fly past, but the Elite Four definitely packs a punch! In case you're unfamiliar with the game play, you, a 10-year old, have to fight kids and adults with your Pokemon and give them money if you lose. The battle operates in a turn based system. You go, and then they go. In order to defeat them, you have to deal damage with the moves your Pokemon learn when they level up. Your Pokemon level up after they gain enough experience from a battle. At a certain level, they will evolve, but there are so many pokemon so it would take all day to list each pokemons checkpoint. Speaking of Pokemon, this game introduced 9 new Pokemon to the original Hoenn dex. Some of them were even given mega evolution. What is mega evolution? Mega Evolution is basically a temporary evolution that certain Pokemon can perform. You can use it one of your pokemon per battle, and if they fall and are revived they will not revive with the mega evolution. There is also a currency in this game, because you know... money. You earn money by winning battles, selling items you find, and sometimes there's just some in a random poke ball. There are many ways to play the game. You can raise the Pokemon to be the strongest it can be, you can catch as many as possible, or you can just run around and explore!


Batman, a name everybody knows, but would not expect to hear in the title of a video game, especially one by telltale. But with that said, I wonder how a Batman game where you get to make all of the choices would be. Well then let’s thank Telltale for bringing that idea to life in the Batman Telltale series. Even though Telltale filed for bankruptcy and closed a few years ago, this game and one other still remains up to purchase on Steam for $15.00 per season. This game in particular is a fan favorite and beloved by many people such as myself. You play as Bruce Wayne/Batman as you stop corruption and crime in Gotham while maintaining your relationships and public image. In season 1, some fan favorite characters such as Cat Women, Gordon, Two-Face, and Alfred make appearances in this game. Some choices may affect their relationship with you, or even their well-being. The plot of this game is pretty good. There are a total of 5 episodes which you must play in order. The 1st one is extremely slow but it sets the overall tone of the story, the 2nd one is fine it’s enjoyable but slow at times. The 3rd one is amazing and action packed all-throughout. The 4th one is action-packed, but not as great as episode 3. And finally the 5th episode is the best as it’s action-packed, filled with twists, and has one choice that will affect the well-being of someone you care for. The soundtrack in the game is fine it’s nothing memorable but it’s defiantly helps set the tone for certain scenes. And the choices you make all count so don’t ever be to hasty to choose someone over someone else, because it may affect their well-being or relationship with you. The second season of this duology isn’t much superior to the first season in every way. The plot, the characters, the music, and the graphics. In the second season you meet Amanda Waller, that one girl nobody liked from Suicide Squad, and she forces you to infiltrate a gang as a mole and well…. it gets better from then on. The 1st episode is slow as always, and the rest are each better then each other, all with their own twists, action-packed scenes, choices, and characters. One addition to the second season is a more in-depth way of maintaining a relationship with a character. In the first season you could either romance a certain character or not, now in the second season you can make enemies of a character, make friends with a character, and you can see the % of players who did the same as you, even then, don’t ever doubt the choices you make.